🌹 Rose Giving A Smudged Pink Rose

Aurora Archer

strong-hearted | audacious | dependable | beater
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Knotted 18" Unyielding Willow Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
12/2043 (17)
After the first successful delivery, Aurora had taken a look at the name on the list and suggested the quidditch pitch, but had been quickly overruled and found herself in the wild patch. It wasn't a place Aurora had come but she knew immediately why Rosie loved it, the lush and rich garden before it and the lush and rich garden within. "Are you sure he'd be here?" she whispered to her sister, not quite spotting anyone in the gardens.

Pink rose for Lysander
Rosie had known the name on the list, he was the leader of the wild patch - amongst other things - and this would the place that such a person would be when an event about flowers was going on, so she'd overruled Aurora firmly and dragged them to the wild patch. "He leads the club," Rosie told her sister at the question. "Lysander! Are you here?!" she called out, she couldn't quite spot him, but given the time of year the wild patch was a little more over crowded.
The Wild Patch had been busy, particularly with the growing of roses for Valentines. It was sad to see them go after all the hard work put into raising them, but he felt a sense of accomplishment in seeing everyone running around with their own roses to deliver or simply show off. He'd already received a few of his own, which he'd left in some water while he worked in the patch's greenhouse. He'd been compacting dirt in a flower pot when he heard someone call his name, and stepped out of the greenhouse to see who it was. "Hello?" He asked, peering around the people in the garden until he spotted who the voice had come from. "Hey, Rosie! What's up?" He asked, offering the other girl with her a smile in greeting as he stepped out and closed the door behind him.​
Aurora glanced at the boy who appeared, he was a seventh year, she knew this, on the quidditch team, quite accomplished by all accounts. She thought it was nice that he knew Rosie's name though likely he really didn't have to. "We've got a rose for you," Aurora said, picking out the pink rose and frowning a little. "It appears to be a little smudged of paint on the petals," Aurora wasn't sure how but it was.
Rosie gave Lysander a warm smile and waved in greeting, "Hi Lysander!" she let her sister take out the rose and explain why they were there, and Rosie looked for the note. "There's no note," Rosie frowned slightly and looked back at Lysander, hoping that this wasn't too disappointing for him. At least even with the smudge of paint the rose was pretty.

((no note but there's a paint smudge on the petals))
Lysander supposed he should have known this would be a delivery, but he'd never had two people deliver to him before. Why hadn't he thought to do it with anyone else? It would have made running around trying to find people a lot more exciting with someone to talk to. "Huh..." He said thoughtfully as he took the rose. He spun it between his fingers. "Did you guys stop at the arts club on the way?" He asked. It would have made sense, and it was better than the alternative reason it was there. "Kinda gives it a bit of personality. Thanks for the rose anyway you guys." He grinned. The paint was probably just a coincidence. He'd already made his feelings pretty clear.​

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