A Simple Feanor Get Together

Jaden Feanor

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Domino [2nd main] !x
Wand: Walnut Wand 14 1/2" Essence of Vampire Blood
Jaedan and her brother, Nick, were told by there parents to invite a group of people for a get together. 10 people each and randomers. Well, Jaedan obviously was going to choose Ryan, Danielle, Star, Alice and Ryuuji, not Isobel, but Nick might do that, and his new girlfriend Leslie West was it??. She had no idea what her brother had done.

It was placed in there new home ( when they state new, just finished unpacking boxes from 4 months ago).... The house was a big house, passed down generations and generations called Feanor Manor. The courtrooms and ballrooms were old fashioned and the place was old, but reconstructed. Xaxier had started being Nicer now; that he'd moved out because Jaedan's mom had broken Up with him because of the beatings. She was now loving Miss Estelle Drew Feanor again!
Ryan got out of the limo his parents had sent him in as they had not been able to do so themselves.He smiled when he saw the house it was a beautiful house kind of like his.He wondered who else was coming Star would be a few minutes late she had to do something in town.He went up to the door and kocked hard so hopefully they would know he was there
Jaedan heard a knock and strode over to the door, opening it wide. "Oh hey Ryan!! Is Star coming?" a bit confused as the twins came separately. "Lookin' good..." she lowered her voice. "Xaxier us loooooong gone." Jaedan smiled at him. She took his arm ad pulled him out of the hotness. It was the hottest day of the year in UK and an even hotter night.

"So, this is the Lobby. It was made by stone architectures. Pretty cool huh? This house is centuries old and it has been refurbished."

"NICK! Get your a!s down here!! You galfriend will be here soon." she turned to Ryan. "Ooo I heard about what Isobel did to Danielle. What a bloody cow! Oh no! I think Nick invited her. Don't worry I'll kick her out. I'm really panicking because the band isn't here yet!!!" Jaedan sat down and started fanning herself with a 'Come for a mate-date for free' ticket. All she needed for that was a mate.

"It's so hard!!"
Ryuuji was delighted to have been invited into a party. turth to be told, it took him a long timeto convince his mother that the one who had invited him is a good friend of his, even his father who was out of the country had been really hard to persuade to allow him. Luckily enough, he had his sister to back him up, saying that he should be allowed to do what he wanted since it would take a long time before he could attend a friend's party once again, after all, a month from then, he would be attending his new school.

Coming out of the car which his mother had used to drive him into the party's location, Ryuuji cannot help but be amazed by the manor in front of him. It was really different from the one that they had back at his hometown, their's was more of a traditional Japanese one even though their furniture are all modern, even their house where in they were currently residing at was in no comparison to the said house. Bidding his mother farewell, Ryuuji approached the manor's door and knocked, hoping that it would be Jaedan who would open the door for him.
Jaedan opened the dor again. "Hey!" she gave Ryuu a quick hug. "How are you?" she brought him inside.
Ryuuji was a little surprised when Jaedan hugged him, nevertheless, he decided to return the hug. He then let her led him inside the house. "I'm doing fine thank you.. how about you? Thank you for inviting me in anyway.." He said, looking around him whether some of the others were there already.
Ryan smiled when Jaedan opened the door "Hey Jaedan thanks for inviting me and Star will be here in a minute she just had to do something in London"He said smiling.Ryan let out a small sigh of relief when Jaedan said Xaiver was gone that had been his main worry about attending the party but now that he was gone Ryan could relax.When he entered the house he looked around the house and smiled it reminded him of his new house he didn't know which one was older he would have to find out sometime.

Ryan frowned when she said her brother had invited Isobel he burned with anger whenever he heard her name he would never forgive her for what she had done "Thanks"He said quietly he never wanted to see her face again and if he did and she said anyway he would make sure her face wouldn't look the same when she left.But not wanting to ruin the mood he smiled and changed his attitude.He walked around the the Lobby while he heard someone come in when they entered he went up to introduce himself "Hey I'm Ryan"He said going up and extending his hand
Jaedan's face dropped. "Also Leslie West is coming, Nicks girlfriend and all she ever does is tease me because Indonr have a boyfriend.
Before the trip to London, Leslie was given a brief do's and dont's about talking to strangers and all that, her Aunt even contacted the Auror office of London to secure her security while at London. After the discussion, Leslie went at the fire place, she rather floo than apparate she always hate side apparating and will always hate it forever. Leslie said her good bye's to her sister and Aunt, after that she yelled Feanor Manor and a green fire arose from the fire place making her disappear.

The whole travel from New Zealand to London was very tiring and dusty as well, lucky she was wearing her working cloak. Once her feet landed on a hard surface, she knew Leslie was at her destination, seeing as she can clearly see an old fashion living room. There were few people that was there and the few people there she actually knows, Leslie walked out of the fire place and automatically called for Jaeden, Nick's sister, "Hey, Jaeden. Where is your brother?" She asked as she took off her cloak revealing her model figure body that was fitted at her perfect dress.
Ryan smiled when she said Leslie was coming he had met her in Bleak Street and they had had a nice lunch until the owner had told them to get out.But he smirked when Jaedan said she teased him "Don't worry I'm sure you will get one soon"He said teasingly but wondering what Leslie saw in Nick he new it was unfair to judge Nick after only one meeting him once but Ryan wasn't like his sister Kate who didn't judge people until she knew them properly.

He turned around in surprise when he heard a whoosh coming from the fireplace he got a shock when he saw Leslie walk out his sisters had mentioned the floo powder but it was a bit of a surprise to him because he was muggle-born and didn't really see these things. "Hey Leslie"He said smiling glad to see her again
Star was in a hurry she was much later then she had planned she had had to go into London to buy and a new dress.She had left on time but unfortunetly there had been a huge traffic jam causing Star to be much later than she planned.Her brother Ryan had arrived earlier in so she was kind if glad there would be someone there she really new true she kind of knew Jaedan but she would probably be talking to her guests.

When she arrived she quickly got out of the car and began running up to the door which was kind of hard in heels.She looked up at the house it was very beautiful but Star preferred her house.When she came up to the door it was open she knocked lightly and walked in.There were already four people there and three of them were guests and Ryan was the only person she knew."Hey sorry I'm late got caught up in some traffic"She said shyly walking in hoping she wasn't to late
"I think he's just finishing up. He won't come down until he thinks he's perfect. But he's not!" Jaedan said to Leslie. Jaedan and Leslie were friends apart from the fact her brother is dating her. "Hey Star."
Skylar opened her sisters door. "Good to see Ye again Jaedan. Is Estelle alright?" Skylar was Estelle's sister and Jaedan and nicks aunt. Although Skylar was an adult, she was fun.
Skylar opened her sisters door. "Good to see Ye again Jaedan. Is Estelle alright?" Skylar was Estelle's sister and Jaedan and nicks aunt. Although Skylar was an adult, she was fun.
Leslie chuckled as Nick's sister, Jaeden, insulted her own brother. "I should hope his finishing up just for me or If not, I will kick his butt." She stated as a joke, of course she is joking, why should she make fun of her boyfriend? "Anyways, could you tell him to hurry up? cause I have a long way home." It was not actually a long way but a dusty way going back at their house again in New Zealand. Then another acquaintance called her name, it was Ryan, who she had met at Bleak Street, "Hey, I did not know you know the Feanor siblings. Nice to met you again." Leslie smiled at Ryan, Ryan was always her favorite people that she had talked to but the one she had ended up is her love.
Nick Feanor walked down the twisted marble stairs and tapped his girlfriend on the shoulder and said "Hey babes."
As Leslie chat with Jaeden and Ryan, someone tap her shoulder and greeted her. She spin around to see Nick, her boyfriend, Leslie smiled and gave Nick a kiss on the lips. "Hey, love. Done being perfect in front of the mirror?" She giggled and sigh, seeing her boyfriend in a neat clothes and neat hair makes him more handsome than ever. "Anyways, how are you?" Leslie asked Nick holding his hand.
Alice had been invited to the party. She wasn't quite sure who was going, and was slightly nervous. Despite this though, she had put on one of her favourite dresses, that she had recently worn a lot, and had managed to find her way to their house. Walking up to the steps, she knocked politely on the door, not wanting to make the wrong impression. Quickly flicking her curly ringlets around her neck, she straightened down her dress and smiled, ready to see who would open the door.
Ryan smiled when he saw his twin sister enter "Hey Sis"He said going over and giving her a bit hug.Then somebody else he did not know came in but he guessed she was a relation to the Feanor gang. "Well I didn't know you knew them either or the fact that you are going out with Jaedan's brother who doesn't seem to like me"He said smiling a small smile this didn't paticulery mind him as he had done nothing wrong but he figured he would come around eventually.

Ryan frowned slightly when Nick entered he didn't want anything to happen so he kind of edged away from Leslie and Nick hoping not to be seen till later.Ryan rolled his eyes when he watched the two but he really couldn't say anything as he did that with his girlfriend Danielle too.He then heard someone knock on the door since he was the closest to the door he decided to get it "Its okay I'll get it"He said to the others while walking over.When he opened the door he saw his friend Alice "Hey Alice"He said smiling "You look very nice"He said grinning and letting her in.
Star looked around at the unfamilar faces the only two she knew were Ryan and Jaedan but she didn't know Jaedan that much.So she got closer to Ryan and looked at her feet.She watched as events unfolded to people she did not know of kissed so she guessed they were going out she looked up and saw her brother roll his eyes she tried to stop a laugh that was on the way so instead she just smiled.But she also saw her brother frown when the boy she guessed was Nick came in she also felt him move closer behind her like he didn't want to be see so she kind of moved in front of him so he was out of view.She then heard someone knock on the door and she heard Ryan go get it.She smiled when she saw someone who she kind of knew enter "Hey Alice"She said more loudly this time as only Ryan and Jeadan seemed to of noticed her presence
Nick smiled at Leslie. "I'm brilliant now that I've seen your face." Nick then noticed Ryan. "Oi! What are you doing here?" Nick pushed Ryan hard against his chest. "You datin' Danielle Warbck right? Nice girl, good kisser, not as good as Leslie though. Pretty ugly too, like my sister."
Alice smiled at Ryan as he let her in. "Thanks. So do you." She replied warmly. Looking around, she noticed Star, Ryan's twin and walked over to see her. "Hey." She said, smiling. Watching a boy push Ryan, she raised her eyebrows. "Whats it all about?" She whispered to Star, looking around for Jaedan.
Nick saw Jaedan. "How dare you being mudbloods into my house!" He pushed her hard so she fell against the chest. Breathing heavily he grabbed Leslie's hand and pulled her towards the door, but standing there, onbthe way to the kitchen.
Sara walked up to the door, she was hoping her sister would arrive soon. Star and Ryan had already gone in, but she had stayed outside to let Ryan and Star get a chance to see their friends, Kate had been invited too, but she hoped Kate would be here soon. She walked up to the front door, knocking elegantly. She heard raised voices, hoping Ryan and Star weren't involved. She rolled her eyes, hoping she wouldn't have to hang around with a load of kids who were younger than her, but she was obligated to look after her younger siblings-she was the eldest after all, even if she wasn't the most mature.
Nick opened the door bfore going back next to Leslie, kissing her before glaring at Ryan, fists ready to punch.

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