A set back

Professor Kalif Styx

transfig 5-7 † patriarch
OOC First Name
So maybe just a handful of people know...

I moved to FL in 2020. Wonderful move. Don't regret it at all. Had a lot of wonderful times here. Disney World, Universal, Sea World, Icon Park, the works. Well, thanks to life in general, my time in Florida is up as of 15th of October. I'm moving back to Kentucky, as it is a lot more affordable there than it is here.
I guess mom and I mean a lot to our company because they are letting us take their equipment wherever we choose to go, so we are fully remote now!

Until mom and I decide on a town/city with her dialysis and good doctors, we will be temporarily living with my grandfather. He does have internet, but it is going to be one hell of a journey back. Then settling, and seeing old (and new) relatives. I say new because I've never met them.

So, until I get settled and away from the stress, please be patient with me and my lack of responses. I'll work on RP Roulette because I made a commitment, just don't expect any novels.
Lessons and RP Roulette are the only things I will focus on. Everything else will be on a back burner until we find us a better place to live, and get settled. Mom says 2 weeks, I say 4.
Take care of yourself! :hug:
Best of luck with the move and settling in!
Take care of yourself Kaitlyn and good luck with all! :hug:
D: Take care Kaitlyn!! Hope the move goes as smoothly as it can do :hug: have been thinking of you

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