Professor Samantha Jacobs

arithmancy 5-7 🧩 | ‘55 grad 🎓
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
bi) (ren
Fir Wand 14 1/8" Essence Of Sphinx Remains
26 (06/2037)
(Open after Deniss posts as Mark Ross)

Samantha had decided to spend some time of her afternoon before dinner in the outdoors. During the time she had been in HNZ, she hadn't been in the outdoors much. Samantha had been sitting on the benches that had been placed in the courtyard reading a book, but she wasn't entirely focused on the book, as her mind had been somewhere else. She was thinking of an adventure, that could entertain herself. Samantha had decided to stop reading the book she had in her hand and closed it. Samantha noticed that something of some sort had crawled into a small hole that was in the lower areas of the wall. She got up and walked towards the hole. Samantha bent down and went to investigate what had crawled there.
Dinner was probably Mark's favourite time of the day, although he was feeling that he needed a little air before going to eat. He had really enjoyed spending his free time either alone or just being outside as it made him feel free. Mark wanted to do something entertaining, he was feeling that this school year for him hasn't been full of meeting new friends as it was the first year. Of course, he wasn't good at communicating but he was feeling that he was starting to overcome that fear and he was ready to put that to test.

As he went out, Mark noticed Samantha, girl, who he had spoken to in the first year and they didn't communicate that much during their second. He walked slowly and as quiet as possible near her, touched her shoulders
- Boo! Mark said, hoping that her reaction wouldn't be only "oh c'mon, that's not funny", but she would scream. At least that would turn this day a bit more interesting.
Samantha jumped up slightly and screamed as she felt someone touch her shoulders and yelled boo behind her. In the process of that, she hit her head on something from when she jumped up. She turned around and noticed it was Mark. She remembered that they only talked to each other in their first year, and hadn't interacted much since. "Oh god, you scared me, that wasn't funny you know," Samantha says, as she tries to be serious, but couldn't contain it, and laughed. "But good job on scaring me," Samantha says with a smile and a small giggle.

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