A rose for Prince Charming

Professor Landon Carter

herbology 1-4 | laid-back | father of 4 girls
OOC First Name
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Curly 9 1/2 Inch Sturdy Alder Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
Landon was very much a romantic, and so delivering roses was perhaps always the most fun he had during the school year. He wished that Georgiana also worked at Hogwarts - that way he wouldn't have to fret every time if his delivery made it to her safely or not. The next rose on his list was another adult, and a good acquaintance of his. He hadn't seen the man in the common room or the great hall this morning, at least not with all of the commotion of rose delivering, and so he figured the next best place was his office. Misha was such a hard worker and so it wouldn't surprise him. He approached the door to his office and knocked on it firmly.

@Professor Misha Haden
Misha was working on some of his lessons for the NEWT students, eager to make them good lesson which were of value to the students. He heard someone at the door and cast a quick spell to open the door. "Come in," he called out.
Landon didn't waste any time when the door in front of him swung open. He stepped inside and beamed at Misha sitting at his desk. "Misha! How great it is to see you!" he exclaimed, quite obviously in a good mood. Rose deliveries always made him very happy. "I've come here to deliver you a rose." He reached into his basket of roses and pulled out a red one with a note attached to its stem. He held it out to the man. "Happy Valentine's Day!"

Red Rose said:
With much of my love, the red rose does not even compare.
~ Isabella

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