A Little Late to the Party

Amber Chou Wilson

🎀 Friendly | Gladrags Owner | 2048 Grad 👗
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 11 1/2 Inch Flexible Ivy Wand with Fairy Wing Core
Hi gang!

I tend to focus on my students in PDs, but if you guys have any interest in RPing with my adult chars I'll also be down for that! Please PM me for more information on any of them.


Lucas Fletcher
Seventh Year Hufflepuff
Stubborn - Friendly - Confused

Augustus Westwick
Seventh Year Ravenclaw
Quiet - Strange - Shy
  • Lucas is captain of the Hufflepuff team
  • He's gay and currently single after a pretty messy breakup
  • He's usually a very friendly guy but can keep a grudge forever
  • With his new roles as Head boy and quidditch captain on top of being co-leader of the brotherhood he's doing a lot right now, maybe a bit too much
Looking for:
  • Head boy plots! Anything really. I'd love for him to have to take points or resolve a conflict
  • Flings, boys only. Might be a bit messy because he's not in a good place emotionally.
  • Any quidditch plots!
  • Augustus is a prefect who is utterly terrified of having to do prefect things
  • Very tall and can maybe be a bit intimidating because he has the tendency to stare creepily, but he's also extremely shy and more afraid of you than you are of him
  • Has a big interest in magical creatures and desperately wants to know what is living in the lake before graduation.
  • He's a bit of a pushover
Looking for:
  • Any friends, he doesn't have a lot of them
  • Prefect plots, make my boy do some work for once
  • Anything really!


Ivy Ashworth
Sixth Year Gryffindor
Focused - Part-veela - Trying to loosen up
  • Ivy is trying to learn how to relax, she's working on it
  • Very competitive, wants to be the best at everything. Is also a know-it-all and can't resist showing off how much she knows about things without being asked
  • She got made a prefect this year, which was a year later than she had hoped/expected, she had come to terms with not being one and is now Confused on how to feel
  • Dating Flynn North, they're very cute and probably fairly insufferable together
  • Only knows the bare basics of Quidditch despite dating a Quidditch player and going to all his matches
Looking for:
  • Friends...? She's horrible at making them though.
  • People that want to murder her for being insufferable
  • Prefect stuff!
  • Anything else fun you can think of

Natalia Novak
Fifth Year Slytherin
Quiet - Slowly defrosting - Lonely
  • Natalia is a very proper pureblood and was taught only to associate with other purebloods
  • Problem is, there aren't that many of those
  • She has kept most of her classmates at a distance and comes across as very haughty/arrogant
  • She's really just kind of awkward (though definitely prejudiced too which doesn't help)
  • Over break she had a small rebellion, hanging out at a muggle laser game place with a muggleborn
  • Is a bit conflicted about the whole blood thing but tries to follow the rules she grew up with
  • Does not get along with her sister at all
Looking for:
  • Almost anything
  • I'd love someone/something that makes her questions he pureblood/muggleborn thing even more.
  • Also any pureblood chars still to interact with
  • Natalia is bi and single, I have a few (potential) flings lined up for her but we can definitely talk about romance if you don't mind a socially awkward girl that represses all her feelings
  • help her

Louis Alcott
Fourth Year Gryffindor
Arrogant - Confident - Charming
  • Louis is really feeling himself now he has a starting position on the Quidditch team. His already big ego got inflated quite a bit
  • He's a bisexual mess and very flirty, am hoping for him to have a lot of flings and be a bit of a jerk about it
  • Louis can't stand losing and is a baby about it if it happens
  • Calls his sister a nerd daily but if he catches anyone else doing it he's fighting them
  • He's very aware of his reputation and wants to be really cool
Looking for:
  • People to flirt with, I feel like this year he will really try to flirt with everyone to see what happens
  • Flings that may or may not end in disaster (spoiler: they will)
  • Friends if anyone can stomach him for long enough
  • Quidditch plots (rivalry maybe???)
  • He's also definitely hosting a spin the bottle event soon so keep an eye out for that

Gwen Goodwin
Third Year Slytherin
Seems sweet - Calculating - Loves pink
  • Gwen's a mean girl pretending to be nice
  • She's pretty good at pretending so far, but I think being in the third year makes her feel a little bolder, she's not a little kid anymore (in her eyes)
  • She tends to surround herself with female friends she can talk into doing things
  • She also snubs people who she thinks are weird but does so by just pretending she doesn't notice them or giving passive aggressive comments
  • Gwen's a big girly girl
  • She definitely needs a date for the dances, since she went with dates last year and now feels like she has to do so again
Looking for:
  • Dates for the dances, maybe a boyfriend for a while
  • Friends that she can be mean to secretly
  • People that see through her maybe?
  • Anything! I want to use her more

Isadora Novak
Second Year Gryffindor
Rebellious - Confident - Cheerful
  • Feels none of the responsibility Natalia feels about being a good daughter to their pureblood family
  • Is a lot more fun as a result
  • Black sheep of the family
  • Doesn't always think things through, likes to go on adventures
  • She's incredibly loyal to her friends
  • Headstrong and stubborn
  • Definitely still has a few not-great beliefs about muggleborns and muggles, as that was how she was raised
  • Open-minded about it though
Looking for:
  • Friends! She needs more of them
  • People to have adventures with
  • Maybe someone she dislikes, I can see her not getting along with people
  • I feel like Isadora would enjoy helping younger students now that she's older, though she could be a bit of a bad influence
  • Pureblood stuff would be fun

Emery Mettlestone
First Year Ravenclaw
Quiet - Snarky - Collector

Penelope Marshall
First Year Hufflepuff
Sweet - Responsible - Anxious
  • Seems quiet and shy, is really a very judgy nerd
  • Is incredible into gobstones
  • Very sarcastic but only to people he knows well
  • He has various collections of things. He's most proud of his collection of chocolate frog cards with spelling errors (so far he only has two)
  • Pretends not to care about Quidditch
  • Actually cares a lot about how much he doesn't like Quidditch, he actively refuses to learn any of the rules to it
  • At the moment, furious about not having a gobstones club at school
Looking for:
  • Anything, he's a baby
  • Please give me opportunities to be obnoxious be him ty
  • Had a very bad break
  • Her mother died and she found out her father had a whole family before her that she didn't know about. Suddenly has two half-brothers (Eric and Connor Holland)
  • Is very stressed by the situation
  • After her mother's death, Penelope has felt responsible for her dad and brother
  • She loves being at Hogwarts but also hates being away from them
  • Definitely needs some help being a kid
  • She's a girly girl who loves to read fashion magazines
  • She's in Heta Omega
  • Doesn't like to stand out much
Looking for:
  • A group of friends, it feels like Penelope would have a small group of female friends around her, if I can find them
  • Anything really

This got less and less serious as I went on, but I really enjoyed roasting my own characters in bullet points.

I might delay some ideas so I don't drown, though I have a break soon so bring on the plots!
DAPH!! Throwing somethings out there that I think might be fun...

Nikko x Lucas: I know you suggested them hanging out on mine which I am still 100% and I know they've never really had anything really romantic between them but since they're a bit emotionally vulnerable maybe they can share a kiss and agree that they're good and better just friends lol. Absolutely no pressure on this, just an idea.

Delilah x Ivy: I think Delilah is a bit relived that Ivy is a prefect too now. But I think it can cause a little drama, maybe Delilah tries to give her some tips but Ivy doesn't think she needs any? I can see there being some tension with that.

Indi x Natalia: Always down for these two to fight more, and I actually need to ask you about a thing 👀. But also.....what if they didn't fight. They both have tense sister relationships, maybe we can do something with that?

Margo x Isadora: More friend time!! I think Margo being dragged along on adventures could be fun. Trying her best to keep up despite her nervous nature.

Ethan x Emery: Want to throw these two together so baddd. We've talked a bit about them not getting along and I think Emery disregarding anything Ethan says to talk about his interests could be a good place to start.
DAPH!! Throwing somethings out there that I think might be fun...

Nikko x Lucas: I know you suggested them hanging out on mine which I am still 100% and I know they've never really had anything really romantic between them but since they're a bit emotionally vulnerable maybe they can share a kiss and agree that they're good and better just friends lol. Absolutely no pressure on this, just an idea.

Delilah x Ivy: I think Delilah is a bit relived that Ivy is a prefect too now. But I think it can cause a little drama, maybe Delilah tries to give her some tips but Ivy doesn't think she needs any? I can see there being some tension with that.

Indi x Natalia: Always down for these two to fight more, and I actually need to ask you about a thing 👀. But also.....what if they didn't fight. They both have tense sister relationships, maybe we can do something with that?

Margo x Isadora: More friend time!! I think Margo being dragged along on adventures could be fun. Trying her best to keep up despite her nervous nature.

Ethan x Emery: Want to throw these two together so baddd. We've talked a bit about them not getting along and I think Emery disregarding anything Ethan says to talk about his interests could be a good place to start.

Ohh I'd be down for Nikko and Lucas 👀 after Lucas was pining for him for a while it would be nice for them to smooch now and realize they're better as friends haha.

I'd like hat for Delilah and Ivy, you read her right, she definitely doesn't want tips.

I LOVE your idea for Indi and Natalia, I've been thinking about it all day. We should definitely do something with that! Maybe we can even involve Isadora.

Also down for Margo and Isadora, I adore their friendship.

And yesss I agree on Emery and Ethan, they would be fun.

Should we pick.. maybe three things to start with?

Ohh I'd be down for Nikko and Lucas 👀 after Lucas was pining for him for a while it would be nice for them to smooch now and realize they're better as friends haha.

I'd like hat for Delilah and Ivy, you read her right, she definitely doesn't want tips.

I LOVE your idea for Indi and Natalia, I've been thinking about it all day. We should definitely do something with that! Maybe we can even involve Isadora.

Also down for Margo and Isadora, I adore their friendship.

And yesss I agree on Emery and Ethan, they would be fun.

Should we pick.. maybe three things to start with?
Yay! Ok so combining ideas from both our pd's we have these combos.

Nikko x Lucas: Nikko now extra vulnerable after losing the first game.
Delilah x Ivy: haha yes good.
Indi x Natalia: yay, I will talk to you more about this.
Margo x Isadora: I have established Margo doesn't like going to the dungeons and is claustrophobic so maybe we can use that? Isadora tries to lead her somewhere and she does her best to follow even though she is having a Bad Time.
Emery x Ethan: nod nod nod
Caleb x Louis: bicker bicker. kiss kiss.
Felix x Gwen: maybe she tries to charm him and he is a dumb boy about it??

I think Caleb x Louis, Nikko x Lucas, Emery x Ethan or maybe Delilah x Ivy might be a good place to start? But let me know if you'd rather start with something else.
Heelllllllo 👋

For Gwen and/or Louis!
I have Andi Hart. She's a third year slytherin, so I can imagine knows Gwen? I'd love to see the two of them interact, because I'm unsure at the moment whether Andi is someone that will or will not see through her! But also, I'm down for any kind of drama so happy to through Andi into the mix with Louis, just know she'll probably try retaliate if anything were to go very badly wrong :shifty:

For Emery and/or Penelope!
I have Kate Kensington! She's a first year Puff, and would have met Penelope in the dorm topic. Kate is also a girly girl, but won't know much about being a kid bahaha but will be a good friend for sure!! I'd love to offer Kate as an opportunity for Emery to be obnoxious haha!

Okay thnku
Yay! Ok so combining ideas from both our pd's we have these combos.

Nikko x Lucas: Nikko now extra vulnerable after losing the first game.
Delilah x Ivy: haha yes good.
Indi x Natalia: yay, I will talk to you more about this.
Margo x Isadora: I have established Margo doesn't like going to the dungeons and is claustrophobic so maybe we can use that? Isadora tries to lead her somewhere and she does her best to follow even though she is having a Bad Time.
Emery x Ethan: nod nod nod
Caleb x Louis: bicker bicker. kiss kiss.
Felix x Gwen: maybe she tries to charm him and he is a dumb boy about it??

I think Caleb x Louis, Nikko x Lucas, Emery x Ethan or maybe Delilah x Ivy might be a good place to start? But let me know if you'd rather start with something else.
Aaah so many options!!

I think those are good to start with tbh! Though I definitely don't want to forget Natalia and Indi so we have to do that soon too (or help me remember!)

Should we each grab 2?
I can do Nikko & Lucas and Delilah and Ivy maybe?

Heelllllllo 👋

For Gwen and/or Louis!
I have Andi Hart. She's a third year slytherin, so I can imagine knows Gwen? I'd love to see the two of them interact, because I'm unsure at the moment whether Andi is someone that will or will not see through her! But also, I'm down for any kind of drama so happy to through Andi into the mix with Louis, just know she'll probably try retaliate if anything were to go very badly wrong :shifty:

For Emery and/or Penelope!
I have Kate Kensington! She's a first year Puff, and would have met Penelope in the dorm topic. Kate is also a girly girl, but won't know much about being a kid bahaha but will be a good friend for sure!! I'd love to offer Kate as an opportunity for Emery to be obnoxious haha!

Okay thnku
@Analei Louw @ing you just in case because I accidentally posted too quickly and idk if you'll get a notif if I edit the quote into a post I already made

I'd love to see how Gwen and Andi interact, that could be very interesting. With Louis do you mean she'd hurt him if he broke her heart? Because that'd be funny :r

Kate sounds like she could be a good friend for Penelope, maybe we try them together first?
Aaah so many options!!

I think those are good to start with tbh! Though I definitely don't want to forget Natalia and Indi so we have to do that soon too (or help me remember!)

Should we each grab 2?
I can do Nikko & Lucas and Delilah and Ivy maybe?
Yes! Sounds good. So that leaves Caleb x Louis, Emery x Ethan, and then Natalia x Indi for me? Will get to those soon!
With Louis do you mean she'd hurt him if he broke her heart? Because that'd be funny :r
Yes :r
Kate sounds like she could be a good friend for Penelope, maybe we try them together first?
Yes this be nice!

Sorry it took me so long to reply! Im keen for it all, I'm just very slow in replies. Should we start with Louis/Andi and Penelope/Kate? If you want to start one I can start one! 😇
Yes! Sounds good. So that leaves Caleb x Louis, Emery x Ethan, and then Natalia x Indi for me? Will get to those soon!
Sounds good!

Yes :r

Yes this be nice!

Sorry it took me so long to reply! Im keen for it all, I'm just very slow in replies. Should we start with Louis/Andi and Penelope/Kate? If you want to start one I can start one! 😇
I could start Penelope and Kate?
I replied to Louis' Halloween topic with Andi, so I don't mind starting this if you want me to, otherwise feel free hehe!
Oops Halloween cloesd by now, but I enjoyed Louis and Andi in that topic.

If you don't mind starting the other one that'd be awesome, I got a bit busy @_@

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