🌹 Rose Giving A Familiar Face

Professor Landon Carter

herbology 1-4 | laid-back | father of 4 girls
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 9 1/2 Inch Sturdy Alder Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
Landon was glad that he had stepped forward to help deliver roses this year. He had never done so before and was looking forward to hopefully putting a smile on people's faces whilst he participated in such a lovely event. When the man saw a fellow professor on his list, he beamed, deciding to see if he could try and find Misha first, mostly because he knew the man was busy and wanted to get it over and done with before the professor's busy day. Unfortunately however, Landon must have missed him at breakfast, and he didn't seem to be in his office either. Scratching his head, Landon spent almost all morning looking for him until he finally decided to try the Professor's common room. "Misha!" he exclaimed, a beaming smile upon his face. "How has your morning been?"
Misha had never really gotten roses before, sure when his daughter had been at the school she had given him a rose, and Mallory was always kind enough, but it wasn't something he thought he tended to get. In any case, the man was surprised as he was getting himself coffee. "Landon, it's been good, I've got my seventh years later, but they'll all be distracted by what it appears you are doing too,"
Landon smiled as Misha responded to him. "You can't blame them - it's such a lovely time of year!" he exclaimed, feeling cheerful from thinking of all of the rose deliveries he was about to make. "I hope you're having a good day, though. I have a rose for you." He rummaged around in the basket he was holding and pulled out a bright yellow rose. He held it out to the man with the note hanging from its stem. "Happy Valentine's Day!"

Misha~ You're the best neighbor ever. I'll see you for tea time 💕
Misha gave a little laugh and took the rose and note. He took a quick glance at the note before just looking back at the Professor. "Thank you," he said. He was a little surprised that this man was handing them out but why not. "I imagine being a professor makes it much easier to find the students you are looking for,"

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