A Bracelet of Hawthorne

Briar Rowan-Cullen

Strength in diversity
OOC First Name
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Briars rowan, 15", with centaur (aspens) tail hair and my werewolf fur
49 (2/2013)
One would think that past candidates for the minister of magic would be the kinds of people who would be smartly dressed men in suits, shirts and neatly styled hair, and defiantly not the types of people who had a collection ot tattoos. However, briar was proof that this was not the case. While she did wear a suit to work when she had important meetings, which were far more often than she would like. Today she was not at work and was instead walking through the streets of wellington an address in one hand map in the other. It wasn't a place that she had been to before, but it had been a while since she had added to her tattoos and her usual artist had moved away, and she liked this guy's art.
eventually, she found the right street and turned down it pausing when she reached the correct building. Before opening the door and stepping inside. it looked similar to most studios she had been in before a small waiting room with pictures on the walls of stock standard designs and other art that the artists had done before. today she was here to add a fourth ring around her right wrist, she walked up to the counter and smiled at the person there. "Hello I have an appointment with gabiel under Rowan" she said.
With his apprentice off for the day, Gabriel had been alternating between working on designs for his future appointments and manning the desk. It was surprising how quickly he had gotten used to having someone else around to do the menial jobs and lighten his workload. His other jobs would have to wait though, as his next appointment walked in just when he had been expecting her. "That's me." Gabriel said cheerfully, extending a hand to shake before gesturing her through into his office. "We'll start off with a quick consult to make sure we're on the same page, then get you started."
It was somewhat unusual when the man spoke up and said that he was the artist who was also working the counter. she reached out her hand to shake his. "nice to meet you" she said. she followed him into his studio taking off her jacket both because of the warmth inside and to allow better access to her arm. she wasnt sure what else to say as she took a seat in the studio. she could see the pictures she had sent of the tattoos she already had, three branches wrapped around her wrist the first with willow leaves, the second was linden and the third was ivy. "Thank's for taking me on. how did you go with the design?" she asked she hadn't told her daughter that she was doing this. she was hoping to suprise her when she got home.
ainsley was not at this appointment nor was she thinkoing about getting a tattoo herself. needles are scary xox
Gabriel smiled warmly when Briar shook his hand, giving her a nod in greeting. Once they were situated in his office Gabriel gestured for Briar to take a seat, grabbing the sketches off his desk and shuffling through. "No worries! I approached it in a few different ways, I figure we can either take your favourite one or mix and match whatever you like." He explained, showing her his sketches one at a time. The first one was quite a sketchy style, the leaves and berries rendered in greyscale in the style of an artist's workbook. The second was a much more cartoony take, bright colours and thick outlines. Looking at the woman in front of him he doubted she would be interested in that, but it had been fun to draw up anyway. The third drawing was a hyperrealistic one, matched as closely to the real plant as he could manage.
Briar entered the studio and sat down on the free seat. she watched as the man shuffled through some papers before he placed three down in front of her. each matched her briefing. and each were great in their own way. the second one she was least inclined to go with. it seemed sort of childish compared to the others. not something that matched her style. the last one looked like it was practically growing on the page so real and detailed. she looked at it closely before her attention was drawn back to the first design. it looked like a sketch, but it was the one that had caught her eye. defiantly the one most similar to her other tattoos. she looked at the man. she had been to enough studios to know the unspoken rules, . "They are all great. I don't know how you managed to get that last one to look so real. but I like the first one best. would it be possible to add some colour to it? she asked. as she had gotten older her taste in tattoos had changed, or maybe it was just the fashions. but the big dark styles of her very first tatoos were not her taste any more. not that it would have suited plants anyway.

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