15th Annual Global Moderator Appreciation Day!

Stefan Archer

head librarian
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Knotted 12 1/2 Inch Sturdy Fir Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
4/2015 (46)

Our Global Moderators, past and present, comprise a special group of people who joined this site for leisure and yet still took on the task, completely voluntary mind you, to help clean up, organize, and ensure the site that we all love runs as smoothly as possible. The task isn't always fun and I hear the admin can sometimes be a little tough :r , but they do this job day in and day out, often until they choose to leave the site or life leaves them in a position that they can no longer do this work. When the site is running smoothly, it's sometimes easy to forget the team that's behind making sure that happens. So June 1st was decided to be the day to bring them to the forefront to share our gratitude and thanks for their work. We hope you'll all join us!

You may not know all the names but here is a list of all of the GMs- Abby :abby: , Linda :linda: , Ghost :kaitlyn: , Pat :pat: , Donna :donna: Kait :kait: , Marga :marga: , Claire :claire: , Lovi :lovi: , Maia :maia: , Mia:mia: and Marijke. Thank you all!

This year we'll giving all of the current GMs a little banner to show they're the best!

For Ghost: https://i.hogwarts.nz/upload/emzies/gmad ghost.png

For Mia: https://i.hogwarts.nz/upload/emzies/gmad mia.png

For Marijke: https://i.hogwarts.nz/upload/emzies/gmad marijke.png

From us to you, our Awesome GMs, Thank you, for everything. :hug:

:emzies: , :cyndi & :nick:
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You three are amazing and do so much in spite of your real world obligations. Thank you for giving up some of your free time to keep things neat and running. It doesn't go unnoticed ^_^

Happy GMAD!
Happy GMAD!!

Thanks to all the mods for being awesome and so helpful all the time :hug::wub:
Happy GMAD!! :party:

thank you all for everything you guys do! you all are awesome! 🥰
Thank you GM's for all your hard work and dedication :wub:
HAPPY GMAD!!:party:
Thanks guys for all you do for the site and us! Happy GMAD! :hug: :hug:

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