(yellow rose, open after @Adorah Zumwalt)
Mark asked older kids, how to deliver roses and one of their suggestions was to actually deliver some roses at the great hall, just going straight to the house tables and asking where that particular person is. Mark went inside the hall, holding yellow...
((Yellow rose, open after Rowan, @Caro Taylor ))
For the next person on her list, Alice had had to search around for a bit. She didn't know who Caro Taylor was, and asking her sisters had resulted only in the knowledge that she was in Phoebe's year and a Slytherin. After asking around a bit...
((Yellow rose, open after Jessica, @Kira Wolf ))
Alice knew the next name on her list was in Ravenclaw, in Diana's year. She didn't know the girl that well, but was pretty sure Ava knew her. Ava knew so many people! Alice knew a lot too, but she supposed it was impossible to know everyone at...
Yellow rose for @Jerara Tapsell
Maddy’s last rose made her a bit nervous, honestly. The head boy wasn’t really someone she wanted to come to the attention of, not with her proud disregard for the rules. On the other hand, she’d survived delivering one to Professor Styx last year, and that had...
Yellow rose for @Anastasie Vernier
After a bit of asking around, Maddy determined that her penultimate rose delivery was to a Slytherin, so she wandered down to the dungeons. Maddy knew her way around here pretty well by now, since her brother was in Slytherin, and because she enjoyed...
((Yellow rose, open after Emzies, @Shane Ackley ))
Alice didn't really know the next person on her list very well, but she knew who he was. The boy was an older Hufflepuff, and she was sure Diana had mentioned him once or twice before getting together with her current boyfriend. She had heard...
((Yellow rose, open after Jasmine, @Stella Wright ))
Alice was grateful to have older sisters when it came to delivering roses, because it meant she knew a lot more people than she probably would have otherwise. Stella Wright was an older student that Alice knew because she was Phoebe's friend...
((Yellow rose, open after Clara, @Chloe Chan)
For the next rose, Alice had to find a Ravenclaw first year. She wasn't too familiar with the younger students in the first year, aside from a few she had met earlier on. She wondered if she would run into Adorah and if she could help her find...
((Yellow rose, open after Jessica, @Sapphire Michaels ))
Alice was happy to deliver the next rose to the next person, as it was easy enough to find her. Sapphire Michaels was one of Diana's friends, and one of Ava's friends too. Alice had seen her enough over the years to know exactly who she...
Tres had decided to do some deliveries in an attempt to get to know a few more faces. So far she barely knew anyone. “Is there a Lily around here? Lily Lockwood?” She asked, glancing down the Hufflepuff table at lunch. She’d already been down Ravenclaws table but an older student had sent her...
Yellow rose for @Chante Ateara
Maddy was pretty sure her next target was another Hufflepuff - a prefect, right? - so after she’d delivered to Abian she hung around the entrance to the common room. “Is Chante about? Anybody seen Chante?” Maddy checked her basket periodically; Totara was...
Pink rose for @Abian Hunter
If there was anything worse than a red rose it was a pink one, and the worst pink rose of all was one without a note. And this one she had to deliver to a friend. Well, more of an acquaintance, really, they’d only properly talked once. But he’d met Totara then, and...
Red rose for @Alice Holland
Maddy was fairly sure that her next target was also delivering roses, which would make her a challenge to find. Maddy was all for challenges - what was an adventure without a little difficulty? - but for this one she decided the best place to start would be the...
Red rose for @Cullen Yeong
The last time Maddy had delivered a red rose to a Ravenclaw, it hadn’t exactly gone well. Coupled with her general awkwardness about red roses and romance as a concept, she was more than usually nervous about this one. Climbing all the stairs up to Ravenclaw Tower...
Yellow rose for @Lily Lockwood
Now, here was someone Maddy actually knew, and was confident she could find easily. Lily was sweet, and a Hufflepuff, and Maddy bet she’d be having breakfast right around now. She also knew that Lily was quite good friends with Elliot, and couldn’t help...
((Yellow, open after Violeta Finch))
Emily didn't know much about the next girl on her list, other than the fact that she was in Ravenclaw. So she had taken to just stopping groups of Ravenclaws at random, just to see if anyone had any idea where this girl was. It felt a bit silly, asking so...
((Red, open after April Ward))
Emily only had one red rose in her basket to deliver, and she had been anticipating all day the excitement of its delivery. It had been almost irresistible to take a little peek at the note and see what it said, but she had resisted, wanting to do right by Alice...
((Yellow, open after Jacob Kingsley))
Having just made an outdoor delivery, it made sense to Emily to swing by the Quidditch pitch in search of her next rose's recipient. She didn't think she had ever actually spoken to Jacob, but she knew of him well enough as the Quidditch co-captain, not to...
((Yellow, open after Amy Jewel))
Emily's next delivery was to another unfamiliar Hufflepuff, so she had asked around a few other people from that house, and finally someone had pointed her where to go. They had seen the girl heading outside, so Emily wandered the grounds, stopping people she...
((Yellow, open after Emilia Manning))
Emily knew the next girl on her list was a Hufflepuff, but didn't know a whole lot more than that. So she'd asked around a few Hufflepuffs in an area near where she thought their common room was, and was relieved when someone agreed to go in and find...
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