Open Pink Lillies

Tres Bear II

“Holly” 🐨 4”11, EVELYN representative
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
13" Straight Holly Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather
6/2037 (19)
Tres had decided to do some deliveries in an attempt to get to know a few more faces. So far she barely knew anyone. “Is there a Lily around here? Lily Lockwood?” She asked, glancing down the Hufflepuff table at lunch. She’d already been down Ravenclaws table but an older student had sent her across to the badgers.
Lily wasn't going to be able to finish this chapter, was she? With a sigh, she set her book down. "I'm over here," she called to the younger girl.
Tres made her way over to the girl who'd called out, glad that she'd actually managed to find someone. "I have this for you," she said, presenting the pink rose to the Hufflepuff.

You are such a cutie! <3

~ M.S.
Lily turned bright red as the girl handed her a pink rose. She took it, thanking the girl softly and opened the note. The words were sweet, but it was the signature at the bottom- M.S., that made her blush deepen. She put the rose and her book into her bag before standing. "T-thank you again," she told the girl, "I-I need to go." She gave the girl a small smile before hurrying away.

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