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  1. Zach Easterling

    Open Funny night.

    Zach waited Ivi for the ball and he was glad that he invaited her. Zachary was for sure that her bouth twin sisters would be here in the ball. He was first time her and looked around. There was so beutiful and Zachary waited first fhe girl and then he will be go the and eat all food of Hogwarts...
  2. Jenna Jusantrea -Maxwell

    Open Eat like a Ron W.

    Jenna know she was hungry a lot but she never was thinking that leason can her be so tired and she wanted to eat a lot. When finaly of leason when was over she was sit Hufflepuff house and finaly she can eat evening dinner. She loved chiken here with corn and potatos, salad and everything else...
  3. Jenna Jusantrea -Maxwell

    Open Queen Victoria

    Jenna had woken up with the very first rays of the sun. After changing her dressing gown to a light shade, she went to the chest, where she kept special things, before leaving her premises. Jenna picked up some things at the Halloween party. With a smile on her face, she finally left her room...
  4. Clara McCarthy

    Open Ice princes

    Although there was a masquerade ball, Clara had decided to put on her favorite costume. Today, the hair was adorned with curling strands of hair wandering around the mint, which moved and smelled at every step. She was today an ice princess with a pleasant scent or something on her side -...
  5. Jarica Ashley

    Open Vampire girl.

    Jarica proudly "slipped" into the hall showing her vampire costume. She adored it because of its own order and sketches. The image was meant to be a vampire. The girl hoped that if another vampire appeared at the party, it would not negatively comment on her tastes. But what can you know...
  6. Zach Easterling

    Open Titanic princ charming

    Few facts about the first editions of Zach Easterling: if you liked to dress up, sometimes. I liked it. Maybe not quite simple if people use it, for example, if it's important that a school ball - like a Halloween ball - needs to be put on something special. And if you don't see that it's about...
  7. Eustace Ross

    Open Sunflower for you.

    Eustace waited Sofia and he was dressed up like a gryffindor boy. He didn't know what need to wear and this was a grate idea. He today was with sunflower and he know that Sofia loved sunflowers and he wanted gave her as good friend and nothing more and see how she was happy. @Sofia White
  8. Alexandra Morozova

    Open Magical and first time ball.

    So that was Halloween party here? Alexandra was white old time movie dress and she was qeen from Wonderland. White qeen and she so much loved this dress and nail make up to. Alexandra hoped today make some new friendship and she was voried about today. She walked the dance flour and started...
  9. Zach Easterling

    Open Dinner with causin.

    Zach muttered pleasantly, finally getting to eat. As a man, he had a growing body, and so he ate with great pleasure at the table where his cousin was nearby. Zachary took another chicken leg, corn with the mashed potatoes. On the way, he drank pumpkin juice, which was popular. He had no plans...
  10. Eustace Ross

    Open Homework.

  11. Eustace Ross

    Open Feel free around.

    Eustace really enjoyed exploring all the corners of Hogwarts over and over again. Today, the boy had strayed into an almost imperceptible path, which only took the connoisseurs to the unknown. Although Eustace was too old to sit on the bench, he liked to just sit there and think about the next...
  12. Athena Turner

    Open For new adwenture.

    Athena wanted find where was lot of books and she was happy be part of Slytherin house and that green coolor suitrd her. She know that she would be slytherin house becouse her dad was. Girl walked around and looked the dungeons and later she needet find her Andreas best friend Ajaccio. She never...
  13. Clara McCarthy

    Open The nice day.

    Clarai had no objection to the idea of walking in the garden. On the contrary, it allowed the brain, which occasionally smoked due to intense learning, to rest. Although a little. It is good that the exams were passed and we had to wait and successfully hope that she will be successful. It seems...
  14. Perseus Grace

    Open Get lost.

    One hand was driven deep into his pocket and held on to the galeon with all his might. Certainly there weren't that many thieves here, but they didn't want to lose their galaxy either. Better to spend and if someone was willing to spend him .. maybe pay for something delicious. The gaze wandered...
  15. Rebeca Romanov

    Open Dreaming of something good.

    Rebeca walked Obsidian Harbour with her dog Bella, she was white huskey. Why, Rebeca was here? Becouse she stay at the grandparents house and she have all the time work here as a good Auror. She loved her job and today was realy sony day with blue skay. Bella loved running and make her bark...