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  1. Savannah Walters

    Open Am I A Bad Person?

    Savannah had been thinking a lot about the fourth year defence against the dark arts class. The one she had been to earlier in the week. They had watched one of the unforgivables be placed onto one of the students, and though she knew it was terrible, she couldn't help but think of how useful it...
  2. Aurora Archer

    Open Lingering Outside

    It was a pretty nice sunset, but Aurora had remained inside, opting instead to take a bit of time to really study and revise. Going over some of the things that she needed to know ahead of the first classes of the semester. But the common room had gotten warm and busy so Aurora had come outside...
  3. Rosie Archer

    Open Taking A Little Break

    Rosie had been spending a lot of time in the accio room's dark room, her fingers were smudged with the ink and was having some issues with the last picture. So Rosie had decided to take a little break. It certainly helped that the weather was good and that meant she was able to sit outside on...
  4. Gregory Friend

    Open Ruining Everything

    Gregory had enjoyed being home, but it hadn't really helped him feel as good as it might've in previous years. Years where school had been bad, but he could at least leave it at school. Gregory was back and he had to face the fact that he'd ruined one of the few friendships he had. Snow. He had...
  5. Savannah Walters

    Open Wandering Out Of Ravenclaw

    For the seemingly studious types, Ravenclaw was pretty noisy at this point in the semester as all those who had gone home returned to the school. They wanted to catch up with friends and chat loudly about all manner to not interesting things. She didn't care about who got what for christmas...
  6. Fraser Fergusson

    Open Old Items To Photograph

    Fraser had been taking pictures of everything, he had found it easily enough to do, to just be taking pictures of anything and eliminating the ones he did not. He was trying to see if beyond the portraits he took for Accio, if he was actually a decent photographer with anything specific to say...
  7. Friday Weeks

    Open Trying to Make a Dress

    Friday was trying her best. She had materials and papers strewn all around her and she was trying, but really failing to design and make a dress. Her drawing was all right, but she really was struggling to translate that into something real. She wanted to make a dress for the valentine's...
  8. Apolline Fontaine

    Open Informal Study Group

    Though it was the beginning of the semester, Apolline had been very much hoping to get ahead and be able to answer all of the questions right. She had gone to the library, actually taken one of the bigger tables, spreading out her books entirely across the table as well as her notes. Apolline...
  9. Enoch Goldewyn

    Open Dessert Before Breakfast

    Winning the money for honeydukes had perhaps been a bit of an error. Since he had quite a lot of sweets, and he took too many opportunities to eat them. In fact he was up before most others and doing a bit of general reading for the classes that day, but had his bag of sweets out in front of...
  10. Callie Cardoso

    Open Sunshine Sitting

    Callie was enjoying being back at school after such a nice break. She had liked being home, but it was nice to just be back. She liked being able to do magic, and being amongst magic. Callie found when she was away from it that she missed it, that it felt like a little part of her was missing...
  11. Apolline Fontaine

    Open Christmas Shopping

    Apolline was in a rush, with school having just ended and her exams having really crept up on her, Apolline had just not had time to get anything for anyone. She had finally gotten something for her brother, but was looking at each of the shops trying to figure out what she could get her mother...
  12. Helios Obasi

    Open Safety Concerns

    Helios was not particularly keen on parties, and this ball was no different. He was wearing the suit that his sister had packed for him, but was glancing around the room in some deep concern. The music was definitely too loud, everyone was too close together, all the food and drinks tables could...
  13. Callie Cardoso

    Open Fuel Up

    Callie was really excited for the dance. She had enjoyed it in the year prior and given that she had managed to pass all her exams it was a good point to celebrate. She had put on a nice dress and had come to the dance filled with very genuine excitement. She made a beeline for the snacks...
  14. Friday Weeks

    Open The Prettiest

    Friday had taken a lot of time to pick out her dress, to pick out her outfit. She wanted to be the prettiest girl at it. She had master the make-up she wanted to do months before and had just taken a lot more time to pick the dress. But she liked to think it was worth. She thought she looked...
  15. Fraser Fergusson

    Open Capturing Moments

    Fraser didn't really mind that he was needing to work and take pictures at the Yuleball. it wasn't the end of the world, and it wasn't like he was there with a date anyway. He was just at it. This way it gave him something more to do, and also meant that he was doing something. Even though they...
  16. Savannah Walters

    Open Trying To Be Nice

    Savanah thought it was funny that when she went to these dances, that a good outfit really did change her mood. She was wearing a dress she had gotten for a steal and it was beautiful. She felt grown up and proper in it. It was a far thing from what she might normally have on, and felt far nicer...
  17. Seamus Reid

    Open I'm Bored

    Seamus never had anything to do with his evening currently that wasn't quidditch and couldn't easily be changed out for the yuleball. He was pretty happy with how his practicing was going and fairly content with how his semester had gone. it was nice to not have had exams and he was very much...
  18. Leonardo Orr

    Open A Last Lonely Yule

    Leonardo hadn't bothered with getting a date to the ball, after so many years of ensure that he had one, he had decided to not even consider it for this last dance. Perhaps just thinking it important for once to just be alone at the dance, to just let himself enjoy his own company. It didn't...
  19. Brevity Boone

    Open A Slytherin Prefect

    Brevity Boone did not care for halloween at the school. She thought it was dull and the event was boring. Everyone liked to think it was fun, but none of them had been to a decent party ever. Brevity had chosen for this halloween to dress as something more mocking. She had looked in her wardrobe...
  20. Fraser Fergusson

    Open Being Distracted

    Fraser had a job to do, he was taking pictures and he knew that if this went well, he'd definitely be able to stay on the accio team. Which was something he wanted, but he was distracted. He'd take a couple of pictures and then marvel at a costume, or see a snack that he wanted, so keeping...