avaria lockwood

  1. Lars van Houten

    Closed Splashes of Color

    Lars quite liked the life he was living right now. He liked spending most of his days indoors, getting to paint for hours without anyone disturbing him until Blake came home. He also rather liked spending time with Blake, a lot. But he had recently realized he hadn't really spoken to a non-Blake...
  2. Noelle Maxwell

    Short Distance Correspondence

    Sweetest Ava, Three weeks have quickly gone by. I've settled well in my job. It still feels surreal to be back here as a different person. I know you're still angry at me but I just hope we'll get through this. I moved because of you, to be closer. I just hope you can see that. I can't wait to...
  3. Noelle Maxwell

    Closed Unanswered Knocks

    Noelle had sent word, out of excitement, to Ava about his accepted position to teach at Hogwarts. He thought she would be happy for him and that be excited that they would be closer now. The opposite happened. Like somewhere along with the words of 'haunted house' and 'ghoul'. With this, Noelle...
  4. Noelle Maxwell

    Closed Food Basket

    Receiving a long-awaited note prompted Noelle to travel to New Zealand. And by travel it meant apparition. He apparated to the outskirts of Brightstone Village. It was the only place where he could safely apparate without the fear of being discovered. He quickly stopped by Honeydukes and The...
  5. Alice Briar

    Closed Not a Final Goodbye

    Alice felt like her head was spinning after the graduation ceremony. She was sure all of this would just be a blur later, too much happening at once to really remember. She'd been saying goodbye to classmates for a bit now, and had also tried to spend some time with both Elliot and her parents...
  6. Alice Briar

    Closed Reconnecting

    Alice had been glad to see Ava back at Hogwarts, but with head girl duties and classes it had taken a little while to properly sit down with her. She had sent the Ravenclaw a note to meet her in the student lounge after classes, as they needed to catch up properly. While she waited for her...
  7. Alice Briar

    Closed Sleepover Surprises

    Sleepovers with Ava were nothing new, but Alice was glad to be here. She felt more relaxed than she had at Hogwarts, and it was just nice to have Ava all to herself for a little while. She lightly ran a hand through her hair, still not used to how much shorter it was. After the previous year...
  8. Philip Maxwell

    Closed All Over the Place

    Philip had a purpose as he made his way up the towers. He needed to set everything straight. He tried his best. It was not enough but still. He spotted her a few feet away, making him rush over to step in front of her. Catching his breath, he held a hand as he panted heavily. "Can we talk?", he...
  9. Edward Elric

    A Rose for a Lockwood

    Edward was almost finished with his deliveries and it had been surprisingly difficult even with a Sandwich Sign on as he had made his way throughout the school to make all of his deliveries. "Let's see, only a couple Roses left. This one's red!" Edward exclaimed as he walked into the entrance...
  10. Tyler Lee

    Closed Getting Frustration Out

    Lately, Tyler had gone running more often than he ever had before. He got up early to avoid Blake, and started running outside on the grounds. He pushed himself, as that was the best way to get his mind empty of all the angry thoughts he'd been having lately. He was angry with Blake, but...
  11. Alice Briar

    Closed Shattered In Pieces

    Set after this thread Alice pushed her way out of the Great Hall, a sob escaping her after she stepped into the entrance hall. This had been horrible, and while she had kept her composure while face to face with Blake, she couldn't keep it up much longer. She covered her face in her hands...
  12. Tyler Lee

    Closed All That Glitters

    Tyler was glad to have a date to the ball, even if he wasn't particularly excited about it. Avaria had been nice company and would look pretty on his arm, but he couldn't help but wonder what would have happened if he'd asked Sierra. The boy had convinced himself she wouldn't have said yes, but...
  13. Thomas Jusantrea

    Open Yellow rose from a friend

    ((Yellow rose for Avaria Lockwood, open after Jessica )) Now he started to feel like a flower courier who handed roses to ladies. The next rose he had to break his head because a girl named Alice told her she wanted to give the rose to a girlfriend. Of course, it was a little harder to ask...
  14. Poppy Perkins

    Open A Single Rose

    (open after @Avaria Lockwood ) Poppy scanned the Great Hall looking for the next person on her list of deliveries. She had seen the older girl in the common room before but wasn't sure if she'd be able to find her in such a crowded place. She chewed on her bottom lip nervously and looked...
  15. Wendall Layton

    Colourful Roses

    Wendall had done so well in not peeping at the notes up until now. He was struggling to know who this person on his list was though so he had looked at the note to see if he could get any clues. Judging by it, he was looking for someone quiet outgoing, and so as he headed up to the Ravenclaw...
  16. Alice Briar

    Open Pure Friendship

    ((Open after Jessica posts with Avaria)) Even though Alice had never celebrated Christmas in winter, she had to admit there was something magical about the Great Hall like this, with the snow falling from the ceiling. She had always liked the yule ball a lot, and had looked forward to the event...
  17. Alice Briar

    Closed Loyal Friends

    Alice had a lot of things to talk with Ava about. The train ride to Hogwarts alone was something to talk about, and her stories from the break came on top of that. She had asked Phoebe to give Ava a note in the Ravenclaw common room, or to put it on her bed if she didn't see her. Phoebe had...
  18. Tres Bear II

    One for the excitable one

    Tres had never spoken to the next person on her list, but she'd certainly seen the girl around. Tres thought that the blonde girl was always very excited about everything she did, and it was refreshing after so many people were stuck in their studies here. "Avaria?" she called out as she walked...
  19. Rose Holland

    Open Red as a Sunset

    ((Red rose, open after Jessica, @Avaria Lockwood )) The next person on the list was someone Rose knew because she was Alice's friend. Avaria was a sweet girl, and had actually delivered a rose to Rose last year. Rose looked around for the blonde girl, eventually spotting her outside. Rose waved...
  20. Patrick Vernier

    Ravenclaw Rose

    Patrick's next rose he had to deliver belonged to a younger Ravenclaw student and Patrick was somehow unable to find her that morning in the Great Hall, mainly because the large crowd encouraged him to leave earlier than usual. Instead, Patrick decided to make his way up to the top of the...