alex character

  1. Naomi Wu-Maxwell

    Closed Ski Vacation Meet Up

    Naomi was looking forward to their family vacation. Her mum decided they would stay in New Zealand for the School year break and what better ways to make their vacation more exciting is going skiing. Naomi knows the basic of skiing, she's not an Olympian but she can manage not to fall on her...
  2. Newt Stewart

    Closed Second date.

    Newt was waiting Naomi. He wanted talk about it about pink rose. He didn't wanted lose her friendship becouse right now he was not ready. But he waited her to ball. @Naomi Wu-Maxwell
  3. Jenna Jusantrea -Maxwell

    Open Jinxed Slytherin.

    Jenna singing a song. Jenna was today good mood and she was writing a song new. She was singing and playing guitar the same time. Jenna was thinking sbout this song sending music studio and make later video when she will be home. Right now she needed take some time alone with a song and song...
  4. Tina Seville-Lopez

    Closed Chisme pero interesante

    Tina was running as fast as she could to get to the first floor. She had found out something accidentally while looking for her owl at the Owlery. On the dirty floor of the Owlery was somebody's letter. It wasn't just somebody's letter, it was for Jenna Jusantrea and the sender was from not far...
  5. Olivia Smith

    Open Caleb&Joshua

    It happens January. The twin boys were Dion's children. It's all right. They had inherited not only Dion's eyes, but also his character, and as it had been, made up of the likes of his father, the twin boys had the same talent at birth to drive Olivia into a frenzy. They should have been...
  6. Isabella Maxwell

    Closed Have a happy Texas holiday

    Isabella was rather ecstatic when she found out that her son was visiting for the holidays. The woman had managed to finish the session at work without having to wait after the holidays. Isabella Maxwell was the House Representative for Texas in the Magical Congress of the United States of...
  7. Anais Chenevert

    Open Boots on a Dance Floor

    After finishing her exams, Anais head down the Conglomerated Arts Room. It's a week before the Yuleball and she had one problem that she didn't tell Leo about. Anais might be good at singing but dancing wasn't her art form. Entering the room, she immediately tossed her book bag onto a chair and...
  8. Olivia Smith

    Open Baby wants something to eat.

    Olivia was calm all month and she was sty calm and waching funny video when she try get better mood. With her was easy and she was wake up at night and she got hungry. She didn't wanted wake up Dion and she let him sleap. She was try wake up in 7 month and she did it. She was walked to the...
  9. Teagan Riley

    Open Baby wants, baby gets

    Teagan promised Dionysius that she will treat Olivia for a baby shopping. She was too, is due for a baby soon, although she wouldn't know the gender yet as her best friend is planning a gender reveal. But although gender isn't known, Teagan wanted to buy some essentials like a pram, car seat...
  10. Oliver Hudson

    Alternate RP Across The World

    After graduation, Oliver was just travelling around the world, trying to capture the most impressive views of the world, and now, he was in New Zealand. He had no idea when he was going to leave, no idea where he was going to head to after the New Zealand, all he knew was where he was staying...
  11. Rebeca Romanov

    Closed The game.

    Becca was all time was thinking about her son when she wached the game. She first time walked the game and her mother was told that she needed go to people one day, becouse she was got depresion later of pregnancy. She was alone but her dad was so mad at Jackson family and he was preaty rich man...
  12. Rebeca Romanov

    Open A date?

    The approaching end of summer created an indeterminate mood. Beca felt something of the sadness of the end of summer together with the expectation of a beautiful autumn. The air had changed its smell, and in the morning even more the smell of autumn air on the beach. Tired summer flowers were...