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  1. L

    Miss Simple

    Fining Industrial dance an music made Lola find her rythem for other dances too. At home they teased her by saying that she had gotten her Latin flavor back which Lola didn't know she had lost though she hadn't known that she did know that she had gone though a two left feet stage. That was gone...
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    Sun and Moon

    There was a difference in Lola. Everyone could see it. Her hair was less of a mess, her clothes though they where the same as last years fit her different and she seemed have grown a bit. This wasn't what caught the attention though. There where veela in the school, this was widely known but it...
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    Well alrighty then

    I know that there are people patiently waiting for me get on and post and I thank you for this. I am going trough something that is conserining my housing and while I know that it's massively annoying dealing with someone that is somewhat non-exsistant at the time I wish for you all to be...
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    When Red meets Blue

    She had seen him before. He was Keeper for Ravenclaw that they had class together sometimes. He seemed like a nice guy then again she just needed the person to be a guy in order for her to start following them around. Not in a creepy way mind one. She didn't out of her way to try and see the...
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    Massive Hyper sugar attack

    Lola at home had not been allowed to go near a bowl of candy since the age four because of her tendency to go off the deep end when she had any. ADHD they called it and candy made it worse. It so happened that Halloween night means candy and lots of it and one Lola had not self control when it...
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    Magical Cybernetics

    Lola Caracola was different, just like everyone else in this school. The only thing was that she didn't complane about it or try to be she just was. She had her booted feet up the side of a tree while laying on the grass below it while looking at the sky through the trees. It was the start of...
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    Not my fault

    A few flights of stares and a friendly chat later Lola was helping the school nurse tuck Andy into a hospital bed. What had really happened out there she didn't know. Andy went pail as a baby sea horse and then fainted in her arms while she had been giving him a hug. She told the nurse that she...
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    Soap box

    Lola finished classes and dinner then made her way out to the Entrance Hall. She had asked one of the house elves if they had a small wooden box that they could let her borrow. She climbed on top of it and held the pins in front of her. "WEREWOLVES ARE PEOPLE TOO. SUPPORT THE WEREWOLVES IN THEIR...
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    Tale of the Walking Crows

    Lola had heard them. Telling stories to their friends, making things up or just reading. Lola had picked them to start this. Her brother had started one back home with his friends and Lola before she had gotten to go to Hogwarts had sat in on a few storytellings. She would have gotten in too if...
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    Are you brave enough?

    Ok Lola has gotten a bit bored of playing muggle sports with some of the others and doing lessons and things like that so she wants to start of club. No just any club though, one that will test the very nature of what it means to be brave. The Midnight Society is a group of students who at...
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    The clouds gather

    Lola had headphones one and was tapping her foot to the beat with a book in front of her. This was one activity that you didn't often see Lola do, sit down and read. She was usually out side running until her breath drained from her body. This was the only way she could get rid of the massive...
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    Sunshine, Dasies, Fury

    This is Lola Caracola. When she was moved from San Salvador at the age of five her new school had trouble saying her name so they called her Cherrycola and it stuck. Even before she found out that she was a witch she was a hyper little ball of energy, getting into trouble without meaning too...
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    Lola Caracola

    Full Name: Lola Maria Sandra Elisabeth Mariza Ellena Caracola Why such a long name? Simple when I was born there where sevral people there. I come from a place in El Salvador called San Juan del Pico meaning Saint John of the Peak (Don't ask me why) anyway in San Juan del Pico there where only...