Sun and Moon

Lola Caracola

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Guess who? Ana!
[Lignum Vitae Wand 16 Essence of Dragons Whisker
There was a difference in Lola. Everyone could see it. Her hair was less of a mess, her clothes though they where the same as last years fit her different and she seemed have grown a bit. This wasn't what caught the attention though. There where veela in the school, this was widely known but it seemed that Lola could compete with them in looks and she was muggle born though and through. She knew this too but Lola didn't have that snobbish hot girl swagger about her. If anything they way she was waving at everyone that said hi to her it was more like she oblivious to it. Lola gave off an air of loving the world and it was true. Lola loved everyone even some people that tended to not like her because of her loud nature. It was clear that she was the kind of person that brought the noise with her by the explosion of chatter that happened as she took a seat at the Gryffendor table. Lola laughed as someone cracked a joke about someone's accident with one of the stare cases and made one of her own making the girl go beat red but Lola hugged her and told her that it could happen to the best of them which really it could. Lola had had more than her fair share of run ins with the infamous third step from the bottom. She gave the scream of the ages when someone thought if would be funny to put ice down her uniform shirt. She made to chase the boy when she got caught by a pair of blue eyes that she had never seen before.ADD and boy crazy where not a good combination as she made a beeline for the boy who belonged to the eyes completely ignoring his Slytherin uniform. "Hey there. I don't think we've met." She said with the widest grin on her face.
"Uhm... Hi."

This was a but strange. He had been walking away from the Slytherin table after eating quickly, and the next thing he knows there's a random Gryffindor girl about his age attempting to talk to him. No, wait not just any girl, a very attractive girl. Like, probably part veela or something.

He hasn't had much experience with girls.. Seeing as he was homeschooled up until just recently. How hard could it really be though, talking to a girl. It was no different than talking to a guy, was it? He did his best to imagine her as just another person, which was really hard.

"I'm David, and you are?"
OOCOut of Character:
Sorry for taking so long I got caught up in other things.

Lola held her hand right out to David with a bright smile. Lola Caracola. You have to be new there are Slytheins that make it a point not to be around when I am." She said laughing. There where some that didn't like noise there for hated Lola because she had a tendency to scream when things got to quiet. She called it singing but she couldn't carry a tune to save her life. Dancing was another matter all together. She was graceful dancer though she had lost her style for a bit during her third and fourth years. She blamed it on bones growing. "So where do you come from. There are people from all over the world here. I have a friend who's from Greece and another that I think is from the U.S. I from Central America myself. Well orgonally my parents moved to New Zealand when they found out that I was going to Hogwarts though they didn't quite understand what it was. One of my brothers was born here but he will have Spanish down in no time." She said in seemingly all one breath. Lola was the chatterbox of the century but for some it wasn't annoying especially for friends that didn't have a lot to say. Lola had a way of filling any silence even when she was trying to be quiet herself.
Holy crap, she talked fast. Not just fast, but like a-million-miles-per-hour fast.

"I'm from Sydney. It's this little town in Australia, maybe you've heard of it."

He brushed some hair out of his eyes and grinned.

"It has this one Opera house, but I doubt you've heard of the town, I mean it only has, like, four or five million people."

He felt strangely comfortable talking with this girl, usually cheery people got on his nerves, but not this one.

"But, your right, I'm new, I just transferred."
Lola clapped. "I was right! But we set that aside." She said while making a motion with her hands as of she was phisicly putting what she said to the side. "I've heard about it when I had to do Geography lessons in primary school in San Salvador. I can tell you I am soooo happy to be able to drop Geography. Though it upsets me that we still need math but it can't be helped I suppose. Though I suppose that you still need to know where your going if your going Apparate right?" She said. She could tell that this was a boy that didn't like bright people that much. It was cool with her though because he was talking to her. Lola noticed that even the most closed people tended to open up a little bit when she was around and it was something that she liked. If she could bring happiness into the world that she was all for it. It was the reason why she tended to like to make jokes too and play around even though she was now fifteen years old. "Anyway did you come from another school? I read something about there being other magic schools like Beaxbaton which again I'm happy I didn't go to because it seemed kind of frilly and there's one in Brazil that my father said no to because it's kind of scary." She said her eyes going a bit wide to show what she meant. Her mother had said that the school in Brazil was ran like a military school which made Lola think that she may have not gotten along well there.
"I was homeschooled for years before this, it wasn't nearly as fun as here."

This was mostly true, except human interaction still wasn't super fun for him. He just couldn't understand people very well. The classes were fun though, plus he got a whole lot more freedom, which was what he really cared about.

"Yeah, I had to spend a long time convincing my over protective cousin to send me here."

He smiled, no, it was more of a smirk, he didn't really just "smile" much.

"Do we take our apparition test this year? or the next?"

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