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  1. D

    Back From Outer Space

    I've been away for years haven't I? Well, I've decided to have sort of a soft comeback. All my previous chars are complete unless someone needs something from them. PM if you do. I'll be popping around in Dreama's account too since I never really used her outside of a plot point for someone...
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    Reaturn of the Gypsy

    Dreama's troup came back to New Zealand for the Summer Festival. They had missed a year given to the fact that they where oversees but they where back now. Dreama brought something extra with her though. A child with moon like eyes. Unlike his father the eyes of litte Angelus were full of life...
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    Dreama was wondering the streets again but this time in a place that was well known and well protected. Dreama had taken Link's words to heart only because she didn't want him to be mad at her if her caught her there. She would still sell there but she would make her way out of Bleak Street...
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    The other side

    Dreama had taken Bleak Street today. There was thing that Dreama feared of people but this didn't mean that she choose these kinds of places on a regular places. Her brothers had found business in a small market not to far from the village and had gone to work a stand there while her sisters...
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    We be Gypsies

    Dreama Petulengro: Dreama is a seventeen year old Gypsy girl who loves the world and hates being made to stay in one place for too long. She and her family have ended up in New Zealand of all places after her father wanted to see what kind of business he could drum up. They plan to go back to...
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    Collecting coins

    Dreama's family had ended up in Brighstone Village that day which meant that she would be spending the day dancing. When they came to places like this Dreama liked to dance for the public rather than try and sell what they had to sell. Dreama had her tamberne out while one of her brothers played...