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  1. Gabriel Blume

    Work work work.

    Gabriel was sitting at work, bored out of his brains. The apprentice tattoist was busy piercing a teen girl's bellybutton, so Gabriel had been set to mind the front desk. He rubbed his sore stomach embarrassedly; on a (only mildly tipsy) whim, he had decided to go and get his bellybutton...
  2. Gabriel Blume

    Back at my house

    Gabriel unlocked the front door of his house, and opened it with a flourish. "I'm afraid it's rather messy... and excessively bright." He smiled sheepishly, stepping into the hallway with Cloe and shutting the door behind her. The walls and ceiling of this room were plastered from top to...
  3. Gabriel Blume

    Might be distant for awhile...

    So... I know it's a pathetic excuse, but I just got dumped by a girl I was absolutely madly in love with, to the point that we had been talking about living together... I don't know what I did wrong, but whatever the case, I'm not expecting to have a whole lot of creative energy for awhile, so I...
  4. Gabriel Blume

    Checking out Brightstone

    Gabriel had decided to go check Brightstone out, at long last. He had heard things about it, but hadn't had time to actually go there yet. It was getting cold, so he wrapped up warm before leaving the house, clothes colourful as ever. It was a tuesday, a rather slow day in his particular line...
  5. Gabriel Blume

    Gabriel Blume

    The Basics Full Name: Gabriel Dior Flaherty Blume -Gabriel - Hebrew; Son Of God -Dior - French; Present, gift -Flaherty - Irish; Man of chieftan-like exploits. (Was his father's last name) -Blume - Hebrew; Variant of Blum, Yiddish for 'flower'. Birthdate: June 17th Sexuality: Identifies as just...
  6. Gabriel Blume

    Grownups need friends too.

    So, Gabriel's been feeling a bit lonely with a big ol' flat all to himself, and there's all this space he's not using... if there's anyone out there who doesn't mind being absolutely blinded by the most colourful flat known to man, he's got a spare room for a flatmate... who would be welcome to...
  7. Gabriel Blume

    Back to work

    Gabriel was one of only two people working; a slow Tuesday night. The other person had a client who was having full sleeves done, so she was off inking him right now, and Gabriel was manning the desk. Which, technically speaking, wasn't his job, but the person who was supposed to be doing it...
  8. Gabriel Blume

    Gabriel Blume

    Friends Like Family Best Friends Close Friends Average Friends Distant Friends Fairweather Friend Workmates Friendly Ex Protective Over Gabriel Gabriel Protective Over You Miscellaneous Family Acquaintances Name Basis Met Once Former Enemies Enemies Mortal Enemies Hardcore Enemies Average...
  9. Gabriel Blume

    Feels good to be here.

    Gabriel smiled, as he straightened the frame of the photo above his brand new fireplace, the last thing to be put into place in his new flat. Finally, finally, finally, he had found a flat in his home country, and it felt good. He released his hair from the short ponytail it had been in, and...
  10. Gabriel Blume

    Gabriel Blume

    Full Name: Gabriel Dior Flaherty Blume Gabriel - Hebrew; Son Of God Dior - French; Present, gift Flaherty - Irish; Man of chieftan-like exploits. (Was his father's last name) Blume - Hebrew; Variant of Blum, Yiddish for 'flower'. - Current Age: 25 - Basic Appearance: Shoulder length black hair...