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  1. B

    The Return

    Blake began to head for the lake without hesitation. It was undoubtedly one of his favorite places at the school if not his absolute favorite. He wasn't exactly sure why, or rather, there were a lot of different factors that contributed. Just to name a few: he loved being outside, he quite...
  2. B

    Pot of Gold

    Blake's stomach let out a low rumble. The Gryffindor looked down from what he was doing in order to eye his stomach. A few seconds passed, and another rumble emitted. "I know how to fix that," he said to himself as he smiled. He arose from the chair he was previously in, and made his way out...
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    Basic Banner[C]

    Basic Banner Character Name: Blake Hunter Images: Picture 1 Picture 2 Name of Celebrity: Robbie Amell Text: Blake Hunter and Adventure Awaits Font: Colour Scheme: None Background Image: House Crest/Dark Mark: None Other: None...
  4. B

    Into the Forest

    Blake strolled into the Forbidden Forest ready to explore. He was by himself because of two different reasons. Some of his friends were already busy, and he didn't know where the others were. He didn't much like going by himself, due to the boredom that might ensue, but he had no choice. Perhaps...
  5. B

    Let it Rock

    Blake had just left the Gryffinor common room. He had no set destinations in mind, but he wanted to go somewhere. Anywhere. Nobody was in the common room and therefore it had grown boring. And he despised being bored. He liked to always be doing something. Maybe he would end up just walking...
  6. B

    Golden Eagles

    It was a beautiful day, to say the least. It was an amazingly gorgeous day that surpassed any other, to say the most. But the most was somewhat of an overstatement. It was, however, as beautiful as any January day could get. It wasn't too cold, although there was a slight chill, and there wasn't...
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    Unusual indeed. It was very much out of the ordinary that he had as of yet not gone into the Forbidden Forest of Hogwarts New Zealand. Needless to say, due to his love for adventure, he had entered the forest at Hogwarts Scotland many time, too many to count. He had as of now been at his new...
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    Blake walked along through the corridor seeing as how he had nothing better to do at the moment. He didn't know where any of his friends where, so he was walking by himself. As he turned a corner he absentmindedly started to hum a song. Actually, it wasn't a real song. It was one that he was...
  9. B

    Blake Hunter

    [color=firebrick]Friends Partners in crime Best Friends Close Friends Average Friends Student Friends Distant Friends Family Friends Protective Over Me Protective Over You Former Enemies Other Former Friends Acquaintances Name Basis Met Once Annoyances Professor Mentor Mentee Enemies...
  10. B

    Another Lake

    Blake knew that Hogwarts New Zealand had a lake just like Hogwarts Scotland. He hadn't been to it yet, though, but he wanted to go and check it out. At the present moment he was doing absolutely nothing. So he figured that there was no better time than right then. Blake exited the castle and...
  11. B

    Fresh Air

    Blake stepped outside of the castle and gladly took in a deep breath of fresh air. He loved the outside air, it was so...fresh. It made him feel great, it was very refreshing to him. He very much enjoyed being outside altogether. Everything about the outside was wonderful. Blake decided to go...
  12. B

    Wandering Around

    Blake had left the common room a few minutes ago. He had nothing better to do than walk around. He figured it might cure his boredom, then again it might not. He hoped it would. He hated being bored, there was no point in it. Hopefully he would come across some in the corridors, that would help...