Another Lake

Blake Hunter

Well-Known Member
Indonesian Palm Wood Wand with essence of phoenix ash 9 3/4 inch"
Blake knew that Hogwarts New Zealand had a lake just like Hogwarts Scotland. He hadn't been to it yet, though, but he wanted to go and check it out. At the present moment he was doing absolutely nothing. So he figured that there was no better time than right then. Blake exited the castle and walked through the lawns until he reached the lake. He stood leaning against a tree on his right shoulder, looking out at the water.
Abbey walked towards the lake weakly, she found this being the most peaceful place here that she had been, it reminded her of Anthony, she missed him a lot. Abbey sighed softly at this and continued walking. Abbey walked passed a tree not noticing someone was leaning against it and she stood in front of the water front, finding it a bit too warm to have a big sweater on to hide her bruises so she took it off, exposing her welted arms and she closed her eyes painfully when she caught a glance of it, being instantly reminded of the man that took over the orphanage.
Blake was staring absentmindedly out over the body of water. He wasn't really paying much attention to what was going on around him, but did notice someone walk past him to the lakefront. It was a girl that looked about the same age as him. He looked at her for a minute and immediately a thought came into his head. He spoke, unsure, because all he could see of the girl was her back. "....Abbey?"
Abbey turned her head painfully when someone called her name. She opened her eyes and it took her a moment to realize that she was looking at a person, and even longer to realize that it was Blake. Abbey nodded her head and she said in a weak voice, "Blake?" Abbey took a few steps towards him hoping he wouldn't mention anything about her bruises and welts, but also hoping that he wouldn't hug her because - as much as she wanted to hug him - it hurt so badly.
Blake also gave a nod and stepped forward off of the tree. He immediately out of instinct started to give her a hug, but didn't. He noticed her arms. She had welts and bruises on them. "Abbey...I'm so glad you're here. What happened to you?" He was naturally concerned with what had happened, because after all, she was his 'sister'.
Abbey gave Blake a sweet smile but it turned into a frown when he pointed out her arms and she lied, "I uhmm had a nasty incident with a centaur again." Abbey was trying to be as flawless as she possibly could while she lied to Blake. Abbey took a few more steps so they were a little less then arms lengths apart and she put her hand on Blake's arm gently, as if she had to touch him to make sure he was actually there, a part of her did. Abbey smiled weakly at this.
"A centaur, huh?" Blake didn't quite buy that story, but he decided that he would buy it for now. "Well are you ok?" He still wanted to know if she was ok, no matter what had caused the bruises and welts. He gave her a brotherly smiled when she place her hand on his arm. "I can't believe you're here. At Hogwarts New Zealand."
Abbey sighed and said, "I'll be fine don't worry Blake." Abbey smiled at Blake and she said, "I missed you so much, I'm sorry I couldn't write you..something happened at the orphanage and I had to hide all hint of being a witch." Abbey was lying towards the end only slightly, she did have to hide being a witch but she ran away and didn't have a good enough owl, never mind what she would write. She didn't want Blake to get concerned. "You're the first out of the group that I've seen, I heard Emme is here...but I haven't seen her." Abbey shrugged her shoulders slightly.
"Ok," Blake said with somewhat relief. "I missed you a lot too. And that's ok, I wondered why my letter never got to you though." He thought for a moment before smiling at Abbey again. "I've seen some of the group. And yeah, Emme's here too. I saw her the other day. If you ever want to find her, just check the gardens. She loves them."
Abbey smiled weakly at Blake, she hated lying to him, but she didn't want him to worry about her, this was best. She only wondered how long Blake would go along with her lie, she knew that he knew that she was lying. "That's great Blake, I guess you two are still together then?" Abbey asked then she cleared her throat slightly.
"Well..." Blake started, unsure of how to put it. "We broke up when Emme moved here, because neither of us wanted a long distance relationship... But know that I'm here too, I don't know, we still have to talk about it..." He got lost in thought for a moment before looking at Abbey again.
Abbey nodded her head once in understanding then she wrapped her arms around Blake carefully and lightly, making sure that she wouldn't hurt herself at all and she said, "I missed you so much!" Abbey felt tears trickle down her cheeks but she ignored it, it seemed that she was crying everyday.
Blake was happy when Abbey gave him a hug. It was a light one, but still a hug. He returned it, placing his arms lightly around her, making sure to not hurt her. "I missed you a lot, too." He then moved his head away, took one hand and wiped the tears off of her cheeks, smiling at her.
Abbey looked up at Blake gently and said, "Blake.. I'll tell you the truth when I've recovered physically okay?" Abbey knew that Blake knew she had been lying she just didn't want him to pressure her when she wasn't ready, she hoped that he would understand how hard it was to tell him any of this, though he couldn't, not yet. Abbey closed her eyes gently, feeling small tear drops on her black eye lashes.
"Ok, you don't have to tell me anything if you don't want to. If I wanted to know that badly, I would have already asked. All that matters to me is that you're ok." Blake was still hugging Abbey, hoping that she knew he would always be there for her. No matter what. He thought back to Scotland. They had had a brother sister relationship almost since they met.
"I don't like lying to you, but.. I'm not ready," Abbey said in a broken voice then she said honestly, "I want to go to the wing but I don't know what to tell them. Do you think they'd believe it was a fight?" Abbey looked at her arms then down at her covered legs, feeling the gauze covered welts under her jeans.
"I understand." Blake thought about her question regarding the Hospital Wing. He looked at her arms again. "A fight, probably not. Maybe a spell of some sort went wrong?" He said, making a suggestion.
Abbey sighed gently then nodded her head and said, "Maybe..." Abbey wasn't sure if that would work at all, actually she had a feeling it wouldn't she was an awful liar and everyone that knew her knew this, you could always tell when she was lying, her eyes said it all, and because she had such oddly coloured eyes they drew a bit more attention then wanted.
Blake stood there for a few seconds before speaking again. It seemed a new topic of conversation was needed, the current one had ran out. "So.. you like it here, at New Zealand? Do you like it better than Hogwarts Scotland?" He thought about his question. He supposed that he liked them both the same. Maybe Scotland a bit more, since that's the first one he went to, and it was where he met a lot of great friends.

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