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  1. Terror Zhefarovich

    Closed Collector

    The lakefront never brought in anything of value. It was nothing but debris. But, he wondered if there was something here that Sophie might like. Would she even like pretty rocks or shells or something that he felt was trivial? It was hard to say. Terror never had a girlfriend before Sophie and...
  2. Terror Zhefarovich

    Closed Who invited the small fry?

    Terror Zhefarovich had his first, and only, girlfriend - if he could help it. He did not want to get to know a girl, know who she was inside and out, just to lose her. Terror did not want to have to deal with that in his life. He already wrote to his girl today, so he was studying a bit in the...
  3. Terror Zhefarovich

    Closed Common

  4. Terror Zhefarovich

    Closed See what you have

    Like Cassius Styx, Terror Zhefarovich was taught martial arts and how to fight. His father was a specialist in pressure points in order to immobilize the opponents. He had told Zion to run and get his stamina up last year before he would really start the training. In return, he just tested to...
  5. Terror Zhefarovich

    Closed Two different levels

    Being a third year meant that they were among the older set of kids. Almost. Or was that fourth year? Perhaps that was fourth year. That would not take long considering it felt like yesterday when Terror Zhefarovich was sorted. He had to update his parents on the first few days of adjusting, but...
  6. Terror Zhefarovich

    Closed Because...unicorns

    Terror Zhefarovich signed up for his electives earlier, and only had one elective since he did not care much about the others. He knew that Cassius would take them all except Muggle Studies, but Terror would be taking Care of Magical Creatures. That was why he was found on the lawn, with the...
  7. Terror Zhefarovich

    Closed On the edge

    Terror Zhefarovich walked along the edge of the Forbidden forest in thought. This was rather common for the older twin, as he was more of a loner than the other one. Even though he could consider some people his friends, he only considered them that because they had such strong personalities...
  8. Terror Zhefarovich

    Closed If birds can fly, what about part-birds?

    Terror Zhefarovich peered through the yearbook, and there were a few students that were a little strange looking, and some that didn’t look natural. Almost like everything about them was too perfect. He learned that was actually Veela blood. There was not many of them in the school, but there...
  9. Terror Zhefarovich

    Terror Zhefarovich's Relationships

    TERROR ZHEFAROVICH'S RELATIONSHIPS FAMILY ALANA FINCH: MOTHER Looks up to her hard work Wonders if she likes her job Curious on how she remained married to his dad "Even with your fights with dad, I wonder how in the world you two stay together, but I am glad that you do. Like, you guys...
  10. Terror Zhefarovich

    Terror Rhage Zhefarovich

    TERROR RHAGE ZHEFAROVICH BASICS FULL NAME Terror Rhage Zhefarovich NICKNAME None ALLIANCE Undecided BIRTHDAY September 1st, 2046 GENDER Male RESIDENCE Bleak Street, New Zealand HOMETOWN Bleak Street, New Zealand HERITAGE 1/4 Bulgarian, 1/4 Russian, 1/4 Romanian, 1/4 New Zealander BLOOD...
  11. Terror Zhefarovich

    Closed Away from the commotion

    Terror Zhefarovich was on one of the couches in the student lounge. It was right after lunch and between courses, so Terror was in the lounge almost alone. He held a jar in his hand, and tossed it up and down as he debated on practicing his next spell. He knew that his skills would be up to par...