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  1. Professor Noel Waldgrave

    Fourth Years, Lesson Two

    LESSON TWO Noel had to admit he was an bit nervous for this class. It felt wrong to perform an unforgivable curse on an student, but he knew the reason for it. And he didn't done it out of hatred or the wrong reasons so that was what he had told himself this morning. As he saw that everyone was...
  2. Professor Noel Waldgrave

    Second Years, Lesson Two

    SECOND LESSON '' Goodmorning everyone.'' Noel than greeted his students with an friendly smile. ''You may recall that I told you to bring your wands with you to class this week,'' Noel started once everyone was seated. '' We will be practicing our first jinx this week. Before we start, I want...
  3. Professor Noel Waldgrave

    First Years, Lesson Two

    LESSON TWO Noel was going over his notes for today's lesson when the first wave of students entered the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom. He left the notes be, as he wanted to get a good look of the first year students and see how they entered class. So he welcomed them with his...
  4. Professor Noel Waldgrave

    Fourth Years, Lesson One

    LESSON ONE Noel was waiting behind his desk for the fourth years to arrive. They were the oldest students he teached so he was looking forward to meeting the group. He figured Defence Against The Dark Arts was an class worth following and people would like it. He walked to the front of his desk...
  5. Professor Noel Waldgrave

    Second Years, Lesson One

    FIRST LESSON Noel was reading over some of the homework assignments from the first years, figuring to start with it right away. But than the second years began to walk in the classroom and he put the assignments beside him on an pile, to focus on this class. He than stood up and welcomed them...
  6. Professor Noel Waldgrave

    First Years, Lesson One

    LESSON ONE Noel sat down behind his desk, one that once had been from the person who had teached him this subject. But now it was his. As he had made things all ready to start he watched around the classroom, still empty seats who would be soon filled with first years. But as he heard some...
  7. Professor Noel Waldgrave

    Open Just Like Old Times

    After lunch Noel was on his way back to the first floor, to prepare his lessons. It was interesting to see the new group first years, some of them were eager surely. He was glad Adorah was back too and to spend time with her again between the busy times here. On his way he had to come between...
  8. Professor Noel Waldgrave


    Hey guys, Just wanted to let you know that I will focus on lessons mostly at the moment. I'm a bit further in my reintegration process at work, after my burn out. So it cost more energy. I'm happy that I'm there, but I feel like I have to spend my free time relax and just see where I feel like...
  9. Professor Noel Waldgrave

    DADA Lower Years: Class Policy

    DEFENCE AGAINST THE DARK ARTS YEARS 1 TO 4 CLASSROOM POLICIES General Guidelines and Rules Be respectful towards each other and the Professor Plagiarism will not be tolerated. If your work is a 1-to-1 copy of that of someone else's (even older characters of yours), you will be given a T for...
  10. Professor Noel Waldgrave

    Noel New Request

    Name: Noel Waldgrave Play-By: Kit Harington Text on Banner: Noel Waldgrave Colour Scheme: Doesn't matter Image Options: 1 2 3 4 Additional Information: Thanks! I like one picture mostly, but do as you like.
  11. Professor Noel Waldgrave

    Half back half not

    Hey guys, Sorry life is busy at the moment and I really feel I need to sort out my priorities because my body and head tell me I need to calm down for a bit. I will try to be more active here but I have to make priorities so I will be focussing on Noel for main thing and what will be next to...
  12. Professor Noel Waldgrave

    Open Headpeople at the Yule

    Noel was glad he could go with an date to his last Yule Ball ever. And he had asked Adorah to come along, and she had said yes. At the speed dating and during the working together during the year he had got to know her better and she was very ambitious and friendly, something he could have...
  13. Professor Noel Waldgrave

    Vacation Time

    Hey guys. So I got vacation so I was like yeah a lot of replies and stuff, but so far I really take the vacation as an rest and fun trips time, so oops. I try to do something in the days before: Wednesday I will go on holiday to Greece, can’t wait!! And I will stay there for 8 days, so I won’t...
  14. Professor Noel Waldgrave

    Noel Waldgrave Request

    Name: Noel Waldgrave Play-By: Kit Harington Text on Banner: Noel Waldgrave Colour Scheme: I'm fine with any colours, but perhaps an bit gryffindor-ish Image Options: 1, 2, 3, 4 Additional Information: Thanks!! I mostly like one picture, but do what you think is nice!
  15. Professor Noel Waldgrave

    Open Two Lions Together

    Noel had been thinking of asking someone to the dance. And he figured he would just take an chance and ask an girl he knew was in the same house and she was pretty. And he always liked getting to know new people and before he had asked her to the dance they had spoken some and she had said yes...
  16. Professor Noel Waldgrave

    Ladies and Ladies you got yourself an gentleman

    DUDE WITH THESE MUSCLES LOOKING FOR AN VALENTINE DATE! '' I am not you're Casanova. Me and Romeo have never been friends. '' Okay seriously. I'm looking for an date for Noel Waldgrave for the Valentines Dance. An student GIRL between 4th-7th year is fine to me. He is cute, sweet and if I...
  17. Professor Noel Waldgrave

    Open The Boy Who Lived In Person

    Noel decided to dress up like the boy who lived, a.k.a. Harry Potter. He had been an Gryffindor also so it was not even much work he put on his scarf and robes and put on some glasses and an draw an scar and done was he. He didn't felt sad about going alone to thr Halloween Feast. He would make...
  18. Professor Noel Waldgrave

    Closed Plan In The Make

    Noel enjoyed being back at Hogwarts and since it was an lovely day he figured it would not hurt going outside and doing his reading for class, the two could combine. The boy could focus on his study and having people around him, that would be fine. If he really needed to study hard and...
  19. Professor Noel Waldgrave

    Noel Request

    Name: Noel Waldgrave Play by: Kit Harington Text on Banner: Noel Waldgrave Colour Scheme: Doesn't matter. Image Options: 1, 2, 3, 4 Additional Information: I mostly like one picture in the graphic, but go ahead with what you like!
  20. Professor Noel Waldgrave

    Closed Not As Planned, But Fun!

    Continuing from here Noel was so glad that Sully decided to ask him along to the Valentines Dance. They were really the best friends he could have, because Chloe would be there ofcourse too. He figured to give them an moment with the two of them also, because he wanted to give it an chance. He...