Y42 S2 Plots?!

Samantha Jacobs

55' grad 🎓 | biggest heart ❤️ olivander's asst.
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Fir Wand 14 1/8" Essence Of Sphinx Remains
24 (06/2037)
I promised myself I wasn't going to post a semester 2 PD... But here we are I guess...

Here You Go GIF by StickerGiant


Valencia Addington
6th Year | Ravenclaw | Prefect
Biography | Aesthetic

Nolan Burke
5th Year | Hufflepuff | Prefect
Biography | Aesthetic

Molly Burke
4th Year | Hufflepuff
Biography | Aesthetic
Valencia is in her second to last year of Hogwarts and cannot wait to leave this place as soon as possible. As we all know, she is not into magic and no one can convince her otherwise. I am always happy to try and do threads where there is somewhat trying to convince her to try and get her into magic. I'm also happy for her to do some muggle-related stuff too as she would much prefer that.

Some friends for her would be nice, as well as strengthening relationships with other classmates would be great too!
Nolan is slowly getting better about himself. Especially since he isn't around his mother. He didn't go home during the summer break and doesn't really want to go home anytime soon. He isn't really into music as much as he wants to be, but that will only be for a short period of time. Right now, he's more of just discovering himself a little better. I could see him being a mentor or older-like brother to younger students, so if there are any younger students who need someone older, please lemme know!

I would love for him to test out the waters with the romantic side of things. Short-term relationships and flings. No final as of yet, but I wouldn't mind having talks about finals! (Males only)
Molly, is very bubbly and happy as always, especially since now she has a boyfriend, Felix. She still worries about her brother, especially with how she hadn't seen him during the break. think it would be interesting to put her in threads that are very opposite to her personality, as she is usually very giggly. Some sort of drama would be very much interesting! Molly will also be studying in the semester for exams and whatnot as she wants to try and somewhat please her mother with her grades.

No romantic things are needed at this stage, as she is in a relationship currently. But would love to test out some romantic waters with her too in the future. No finals for her either, but I wouldn't mind having talks about it! (Males Only)

Abigail Payne
3rd Year | Gryffindor
Biography | Aesthetic

Joshua Lynch
2nd Year | Gryffindor
Biography | Aesthetic

Conan Burke
1st Year | Ravenclaw
Biography | Aesthetic
Abby is still her shy little self. She's slowly opening up in her shell a little! She's enjoying being part of the Hogwarts Monthly. She's made a few new friends this year and is enjoying it. Abby is pretty much into her art and anything art related. Some art-related threads would be great as well as things she's not really used to doing. I'm keen on anything for Abby!

No romantic stuff as of yet, though crushes would be interesting! I don't mind having talks about anything romantic either! But it's a bit early to tell for her! (Females only)
Joshua is quite a loud firecracker. He's quite energetic like a golden retriever. Though he isn't the smartest cookie in the jar, very soft-headed. However, with his soft-headedness, he is quite keen to learn about things, especially when it comes to the magical world. He's always quite keen to learn about the magical world. Josh has so many questions and is very curious. He still gets surprised about the moving and talking portraits sometimes, though he does enjoy having conversations with them. Josh is very much into sports and dance! He is also an alternate chaser.If you didn't know already, Conan is the younger brother to Nolan and Molly. He's still pretty much into his shell collection and he won't stop his collection anytime soon. Conan has taken an interest in the muggle world, especially the fact that he has learned a few of his friends are from the muggle community. Muggle-related threads would be great! Conan is also a huge explorer and loves to find about places that are around the castle. I personally haven't done much with Conan yet, but I would love to do more!
(tables are evilllllll)

And that's all my student characters! If there are any student characters I have but are not on here but you'd like to roleplay with, please lemme know and I'd defs be keen to do this!

I know there are some threads from last semester that I haven't replied to, please poke me with what threads and I'll try my absolute best to getting around to them! I'm pretty forgetful!!

If there are any other sort of plots you want to talk to me about, please don't hesitate to reach out to me! I'm always keen for some chats about plots or just to chat in general!

Thanks! And I cannot wait for semester 2 plots!​
it's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me -- also not always the greatest at responding to threads currently but still going to reply in case you're alright with that!

Valencia x Zay: I feel like we've discussed this a hundred times and it never happened but I'm now set on making it happen! Just because Zay is totally the kind of person who would try to convince her that yes, magic is cool. But it'd also be fun to slowly see him grow up a little and perhaps realize that it isn't the end of the world that she doesn't like magic and they could maybe still be friends

Molly x Kiara: I don't know I just really love them together and feel like because Chloë's gone Kiara might hang onto Molly a little more as an older student to look up to when it comes to social life and such?

Josh x Senna: anything at any time!!

Conan x Chase: not entirely sure what yet but feel like it would be interesting to have them interact a little bit more and see how they get along
t's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me -- also not always the greatest at responding to threads currently but still going to reply in case you're alright with that!

Valencia x Zay: I feel like we've discussed this a hundred times and it never happened but I'm now set on making it happen! Just because Zay is totally the kind of person who would try to convince her that yes, magic is cool. But it'd also be fun to slowly see him grow up a little and perhaps realize that it isn't the end of the world that she doesn't like magic and they could maybe still be friends

Molly x Kiara: I don't know I just really love them together and feel like because Chloë's gone Kiara might hang onto Molly a little more as an older student to look up to when it comes to social life and such?

Josh x Senna: anything at any time!!

Conan x Chase: not entirely sure what yet but feel like it would be interesting to have them interact a little bit more and see how they get along
Helllloooooo (Hehehe I saw whatcha did there hehe) - That's totally okay! I'm not the greatest at responding to threads either ahaha

Valencia x Zay - Omg yessss! We defs talk about them but nothing ever happens =)) That defs needs to change ahaha I'm defs keen on doing something with them for sure!

Molly x Kiara - I love them together too! I'd be keen to do more between these two for sure! I see Molly being the older sibling like figure to the younger students, so I'm really keen for something between Kiara and Molly too!

Josh x Senna - Love them, so definitely! The chaoticness between them is so fun to me hehe!

Conan x Chase - Oh totally! I haven't done much with Conan yet so I'm quite happy to do anything ahaha

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