The Bi-Weekly Update

Professor Elvera Le Fey

Seer, Mother of twins, Divination 3-4
OOC First Name
Oak 14 3/4" with an Essence of Raven Feather core.
53 (11/2009)

Hello and welcome to the Bi-weekly update. This is my first time doing this, so hang on tight and fasten your seatbelts. We have a lot going on

Study Week!
How have we got to the end of week six already? If you are anyone like me, you have a lot of classes to catch up on. So this is your week to buckle down and get posting.
A reminder to professors if you aren't already, it is time to catch up on marking, and exams start Monday 16th (except 5th and 7th years who get the semester off).

The results are in. congratulations to all who entered. Some fantastic costumes made it hard to pick. Thank you to everyone who RPed during the event. Now is time for the results *insert drum roll here*.
Best Overall - Poppy Perkins as Starry Night
Most Magically Enhanced - Maggi Watties as a portrait
Most Scary - Valencia Addington as a Possessed Doll
Best Group/Couple - The Professors as their younger selves
Most Ridiculous - Branson Archer as Po the red Teletubby
Most Traditional Halloween - Sydney Townsend & Emily Hastings as a Victorian Ghost/Mourning Widow

Shout out to all the club leaders; all clubs now have events up. So go and check them out and join the fun if you haven't already.

Quidditch Fun
The third game of the semester is over. Ilvermorny hosted Beauxbatons and after a cold and short match. The host side won. Ilvermorny will now play against Slytherin Hufflepuff (or Gryffindor) for ultimate glory and bragging rights at the end of the year. check out the match here

Charicter Spotlight
A big congratulations to our August spotlight winner, none other than our very own Amanda with Professor Lydia Drage. head over here to see her interview and wish her congratulations

Site Staff Growing
If you haven't noticed, we have another orchid in the HNZ staff garden. I feel honoured to have been asked and humbled by your wishes. See the announcement here

A Wand-iful Shop Application
Ever wanted to own a shop? We are looking for a shopkeeper for Ollivander's. It is a big commitment as this shop gets very busy during sorting. Unlike others shop applications, this position will be for 10 IC years. Read the post here and find the application form here

Sanctuary Staffing
Cyndi is updating the list of workers at Aotearoa Magical Wildlife Sanctuary. So if you have a character who works there, make sure you send Cyndi a PM so that she can add you to the list

Raffle Time
Whether you are enjoying your time in the sun or longing for some warmer days, HNZ has a summer raffle. Sign up here for the chance for your username in a pretty sunshine colour.

Back Seat Moderation
A reminder for members old and new. It is never a bad time for a refresher on back seat moderation
Please leave it for the staff to enforce the rules. If you see something on a thread that you think is outside the site rules, there is a little report button under the post, hit that, and we can sort it.​

Inconspicuous Mission
Augustus gets caught putting a love note in Nicole's bag, it doesn't go well.

Just Us Two
Some of the best nights start poorly. As two friends walk home from an underwhelming night out, they finally admit to themselves and each other that there is far more to their relationship than just friendship.

Have a plot that you want to highlight? Submit it here!

Exams (okay, maybe not something to look forward to, but they are coming up), Yule Ball, holidays, IC supers, and cake 🎂 (or is that just me)

Well done for making it that far. It has been a big one. Have a great fortnight. Stay safe, warm/cool, hydrated (this is a reminder to go and have a drink of water).
~Mia :mia:
(On behalf of the HNZ Site Staff)
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Ahh thanks for the update Mia! Congrats to those who won Halloween costumes! excited for the upcoming stuff! hehe!
Thanks for the update Mia! And congrats to the Halloween winners.
Thanks for the updates Mia! And congrats on getting through your first BWU!
Thanks for the update, Mia! Congrats again! This just reminds me to submit some Pot Highlights.
Thanks for the update, Mia! Well-done on your first BWU. ^_^ I can't believe how quickly we go through two weeks! x_x
Thanks for the update :hug:

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