So In The Mood For Plotting!

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Sofia Rosenberg

Dancer ⭐| Traveling | Thantophobia
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Leif <3
Straight 12 Inch Sturdy Larch wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core.
Hello everyone!

I am very active at the moment and just love to plot some more. I'm especially looking for a few plots for some of mine characters, but I just put everyone down so you can all see what I can offer. I'm just putting down some idea's with some of mine students but if you have something in mind you are free to post it!



We start off with my first character on the site and my main account. Evelyn is my favorite and she is already fourth year now! Evelyn comes out of a wealthy family and is Danish. Evelyn is a twin, her brother is Espen Manning who is in Slytherin. She doesn't live there anymore since they moved to New Zealand for their fathers work. This blonde is very straightforward about her future and knows what she wants and is very motivated to get there. She loves everything with fashion and has a lot of talent for it. She is the most honest person you will ever meet. She hates lies and because of that she is very open about her life and things she wants to share with people. People can think of her as rude sometimes for that, but she only see's it as honesty. She is very social and loves to meet new people. She is used to getting everything her hearts desires and when she doesn't get what she wants she can be a bit childish about that and will be angry for some time. She does her very best in classes and her favorite subject is Charms.

What I'm looking for: Evelyn has already a lot of friends, but I'm always looking for more. I'd love for her to meet new people from different houses (gryffindor is fine too) and different years perhaps too. But I'd love from her own year the most. She is currently dating Noah Kingsley and she will be until next year, she also has already a final. But I'm open for her dating people or hanging out with them. Enemies are always welcome, but she isn't a person to search for fights only if they hurt her or her friends.



This is Elizabeth and she is also a twin! Her brother is Riley and he's also in Gryffindor. Elizabeth is a true rebel and her greatest passion is to explore. Her favorite subjects are potions and care of magical creatures. With potions she loves to experiment, but that doesn't always go well. She loves going on adventures and doesn't really look at rules. Elizabeth also loves doing pranks, but not ones that hurts people, just fun pranks. She is friendly and very protective over the people she loves. She is against bullies and hates them, she will always stand up for the weak. She mostly isn't very serious and can be rude to some adults, since she likes to follow her own path. She dreams of visiting every country in the world once.

What I am looking for:
Elizabeth has a few friends, mostly boy friends since she is just as wild as they are. So for her I'd love to meet more friends where she can spend time with, or people who she already know and didn't saw in a long while. Boys are welcome too, since she just loves to spend time with lots of people. I want her to become in trouble once big trouble for doing a prank or something or stand up against a bully by hitting someone. She has already got a final and will date someone this year. But I'm open for people who will like her. Enemies are very welcome since, she can become in trouble for standing against them.



Evangeline is a student that I really neglected. I'm also a bit stuck at rping with her. She is a only child and is in the middle of a divorce battle of her parents. She is very selfish and not very friendly to others. Mostly she thinks low of people. She isn't happy with her live and she only thinks of herself because nobody ever did. Her parents were to busy with their fights so the girl took care of herself most of the time. She is very serious about lessons and her career and can't wait to start one for herself. She is a observer and isn't much of a talker, she mostly looks around and likes to be on her own. She loves reading books and writing and wants to work on the Ministry of Magic.

What I am looking for:
Really anything. But mostly friends. I'm not sure how to let her act to others, but maybe you can help me. I just have to do more rp's with her and I guess it is gonna be better. She doesn't have a final yet, and no planning for dating people so feel free. Enemies are also welcome.


Sofia Rosenberg is the first of the big family I created. She has a tragic past since she lost her mother when she was seven years old. Her mother was a famous Quidditch player at the Nordic National Quidditch team and she fell from a high fall of her broom after gotting hit by a bludger. Sofia has a fear for heights and hates Quidditch because of her mothers death. She thinks the sport is dangerous and can't stand people who are happy about that sport. She often get's angry at her brother Gabriel who loves Quidditch. She had grown up pretty fast, because she helped her father out with taking care of her younger siblings. Sofia loves attention from boys, she is a flirt and loves to hang out with boys more than girls. She likes flirting because that way she doesn't stay with one person. She has Thantophobia and she got that after her mother died. It is a phobia losing people that you love. She struggles a lot with this in her daily life and pushes people away that comes to close to her. She doesn't dare to make friends that easily. She is a great dancer and loves to do that. She doesn't love studying and reading books. Sofia's got two younger sisters and a brother Gabriel who's also in Gryffindor.

What I'm looking for: Sofia is one of the main students where I'm looking for plots. I want her fear of losing people while making friends come around, so what I'm mostly looking for are friends. People who doesn't get easily scared away by Sofia pushing them away is perfect, but people who will not like her for that are also welcome. It will be nice for her to meet some girls where she doesn't get irritated about and boys are also welcome. Sofia doesn't have a final yet so that is open. I can see her dating but not for very long time, since she has thantophobia. If she meets one person that helps her dealing with this I can see a good future.



Beaubelle is a real cutie. She is very very shy and her biggest friends are books. She is insecure about herself and can be easily told what to do. She doesn't dare to say no to others, so she can do something what she really doesn't want to do without saying something about it. She likes reading, writing and playing the guitar. She is very serious about lessons and her favorites are History of Magic and Astronomy. The girl is also very intelligent she is smarter than she knows, but she doesn't believe in herself. She thinks low of herself and feels akward while talking to people. She hates to talk in front of a group and is afraid of failure. She is a good observer and remembers a lot of seeing things around her. She is the niece of Sofia and has two younger brothers and a sister. Her brother Liam is a Slytherin.

What I am looking for: Beaubelle is the second main student where I am looking for plots. She has a few close friends, but I want her to become a bit more confident about herself with more friends. She doesn't have a final yet so that is open, and I didn't planned anything for dating yet. I also need people to bully her and let her do things where she gets punished for, for example. Things that she deep down didn't want to do herself.


Gabriel is the younger brother of Sofia and he loves Quidditch. His only future plans has to do with Quidditch. He loves sports, also the muggle ones and is very competetive with everything he does. He can make out of everything a game. If he loses he can be a real pain in the ass, since he is a bad loser. He is also very hotheaded, of someone says the wrong thing at the wrong time he can be really fast angry. He has tried out for the Quidditch Team and hopes to follow his mothers footsteps. He doesn't think like Sofia and is proud of his mom and wants to be like her. Gabriel doesn't like rules, he follows his own rules and isn't afraid of going on a adventure. He has two younger sisters, next to Sofia. He is a very good friend and is social to others, he can be very protective about his friends.

What I'm looking for: He has some good friends and one best friend but he can always use more. He doesn't have final yet so that is still open, and for dating I'm not having plans either. Enemies are also welcome, people that want to compete with him everytime.



Therese is just a very sweet girl, that I'm really jealous of how she thinks. She loves meeting new people and make new friends. She is interested in others stories and think of people as very interesting. She doesn't hate anyone since she believes everyone has good qualities and some light into them. Her greatest wish is to have peace around the world and she loves bringing people together. She doesn't follow her first opinion of someone, because she wants to get the person to know better first. She is always open to help people if they need her. She has a talent for painting and drawing and loves to be outside and paint the landscape of Hogwarts. She is the niece of Sofia and Gabriel and has three younger sisters.

What I am looking for: For Therese I'm looking for more friends. I love to match her with people with a very dark attitude and let them fall for her friendly charm. It doesn't matter how old, boy or girl I'd love to have more friends for her. She already has a final and I don't really have a plan for her dating people so that is open. I am interested in people who doesn't like her so feel free to comment on that!



Gabriella is the oldest child of her parents and in her case that isn't very lucky. Her father especially expects a lot from his oldest daughter. She is very pressured of doing good in classes and be succesfull. She wants to make her parents proud because she doesn't wants to be a failure. She can be really stubborn, if she knows something that is how it is and not different. It is hard to chance her mind than. The fact that she is very pressured by her parents makes her also very insecure about herself. She is raised very strict and nothing was really good enough for her parents. She thinks very good before doing something, because she is very aware of how others would think of her. That makes Gabriella a perfectionist too, she wants perfect grades and everything she does has to be perfect. Because nothing less than a O is good enough. She likes shopping and getting compliments. She has three younger sisters and is the niece of Sofia, Beaubelle and Gabriel. She doesn't got a good relationship with the others because of her father who hates his siblings. And Gabriella follows him.

What I am looking for: For Gabriella I'm also looking for more plots. She has a best friend and a good friend, but I'd love for her to meet more people from her year, girls or boys doesn't matter. She already has a final, but I don't have a lot of plans for her to date, so that is free. Enemies are also welcome.
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This is one of my newbies. Liam is a student that I think I'm going to have a great fun with. He is the biggest flirt ever and loves to be around girls. He feels like he has a magnet towards girls. He see's himself as a Alpha Male and doesn't let anyone stand in his way to achieve his goal to become auror just like his dad. He takes classes very seriously but gets distracted mostly from the girls. He can be a real charmer and is kind and friendly to others. But when someone stands in his way he can be really harsh to them. He is the younger brother of Beaubelle but they are very much different from eachother. He doesn't like reading that much, he prefers action and Defence Against The Dark Arts is his favorite subject. He is also the cousin of Sofia, Gabriel, Therese and Gabriella.

What I'm looking for: For Liam I need a best male friend and friends. He is gonna flirt all the time with girls and wants to introduce himself to everyone so I can see him meeting a lot of people. I don't have a final yet for him and dating is everything still open. Enemies are also possible.



And last but not least we have one of my favorites Charlotte. She is the younger sister of Matthew and half sister of Odette where she is unaware of. Charlotte is very spoiled and next level confident about herself. She see's herself as leader and is very good at it. She will never follow anybody, because she likes to do what she wants. She isn't a fan of rules, but wants to have the Professors on her side and not having trouble with them. She is sycophant and especially with the Professors, she wants to prove herself and takes classes very seriously. Charlotte is also clever, mostly at playing people and winning them over. She can act very nicely but mostly that comes with a price and she can be a great actrice. She is ambitious of becoming CEO and follow her dad, since Matthew wants to walk another path. Charlotte is a real mean girl, that loves of being in the spotlight and becoming a populair girl.

What I am looking for: She already has a few people (minions she calls it that inside of her head) that will hang out with her and follow her around. But I am looking for more, it will be nice from her own year. But I can see her telling older people what to do either. She has already a final, but for dating everything is open. I already have a main enemy for her, but I can see her having a lot. So really everything is welcome with her.

As you can see I made a list of students sorted with their years. It doesn't mean people from other years can't meet with them, so feel free! I'm curious at your idea's and hope to plot a lot with everyone. :D <COLOR color="black">
So I have a few options for you, not many as my student list is small.

Evangeline Campbell x Fleur Worth
So like you I have another favorite forth year and have seriously neglected by Slytherin. I haven't developed her very much because I disappeared for most of her first couple of years. She comes from a fairly rich English family and as the baby feels like she's entitled to everything at no cost to herself. I do feel like your character and my other one November had more similar personalities that would match them well. But I feel like we could do some sort of dorm room with Evangeline and Fleur since they've been roommates since first year! Fleur's a bit snobby but if she wants someone to like her she'll be nice to them, which would probably be the case here as she doesn't have very many friends.

Liam 'The Flirt' Waldgrave x Jocelynn Moors
Jocelynn loves to talk and if Liam loves hanging around girls Jocelynn would enjoy having someone to talk with her, if he can keep up with her chatter. She has lost some potential friends already from her constant chatter but it's a type of shell for her, if she keeps talking she doesn't have time to think about being away from home alone. I don't think she'd realize he is flirt until much later on in school, she'd just assume he is a really nice guy who is good at complimenting people. Her best friend is her younger sister who will be a first year next year. I feel like Jocelynn wouldn't date him but I would offer up her sister as a potential date in the future since she's similar to Jocelynn but wouldn't have been friends with him. I feel like Jocelynn would put him in a friend box not taking him seriously as a potential boyfriend if they remained as friends through out the years.
Hi Steph! I'm glad you are back!

Evangeline x Fleur: I really like this, and it will be nice for her to have a friend. I'm curious how Evangeline will think of Fleur but I'm guessing they can become best friends. I just have to see how things go, since I need to experiance how to let Evangeline interact with people. I can start the one for this if you'd like in the dorm as you suggested.

Liam x Jocelynn: I already saw this coming haha. And I really like the nickname you gave him haha. I'd love to let them really meet. I think Liam would love to hang out with her, he loves hanging out with girls and the fact he just thinks of him as a nice guy will be nice. The thing with her sister we can always see how that would work out. Would you mind of opening one for these two?
Evangeline x Fleur
This sounds good to me! And dorms is good with me!

Liam x Jocelynn
I can start this sure! I think they could be friends for quite sometime! We will have to see how the interact of course!
Hey Jamie - I have a couple of things here, one new one and one we talked about in the past that the timing didn't quite work out for, so let me know what you think!

sofia · rory
We had these two meet briefly already, but I think things are still a bit uncertain between them as to whether they consider each other friends or not, so if you like we could try them together again and see how they go? Rory is definitely the kind of person that goes with the flow when it comes to others, so she wouldn't make a big deal about Sofia's tendency to keep people at a distance.

gabriella · jessica
Also we talked about these two meeting to become friends, seeing as they're both in the same house and year. Jessica is always looking for more friends due to her desperately social nature, and she'd be happy to say anything she thinks will get Gabriella to be her friend - meaning there's likely to be a lot of compliments and positivity coming Gabriella's way from her.
Hey :D We haven't rped as much as I would like and I'm totally ready to change that! Already started the thread with Flavio and Evelyn and sent that to you, but I got a couple of other ideas that I thought I would suggest!

Alright so the first idea I have is for your firstie Liam and my firstie Nixon to be friends! Liam is super confident, fun, and social by the looks of things and that is exactly the kind of person Nixon would want to be friends with. There is also the added bonus that Nixon is not currently a flirt (and wont be until he is a few years older) so Liam would not have competition in that department and Nixon could instead be like a wing man. It seems to me like Liam and Nixon could definitely be the kind of best bro friends that have a lot of fun, and Nixon would totally go with Liam's Alpha male thing and not challenge it at all. I think it would be great to rp them now and see how it develops in later years when Nixon does become a bit of a flirt and might eventually challenge Liam in that sense, whether its intentional or not. Either way, it would be awesome to rp them now as great friends and see how everything plays out when they get older!

Obviously Nixon is in Hufflepuff and Liam is in Slytherin, so we could probably have them meet in class sometime or in the great hall when they're both on their way to have lunch/breakfast/dinner? Apart from that I'm not sure how else they could cross paths but feel free to suggest other ideas and let me know what you think!

The second idea I have is for Sofia and Andi! I'm aware that they did not get along at all when they first met, buttttt Andi is going through a lot of changes this year where she is realizing she likes boys and is slowly beginning to care what boys think of her. This is confusing for her as she usually does not care at all about her appearance and how others perceive her so she's super conflicted and a bit of a mess if I'm honest. I'm thinking that throughout the years up until now, Andi and Sofia have had a sort of understanding where they know their personalities clash and choose to avoid each other rather than starting drama because it's easier that way.

Now, my idea is that I could have Andi approach Sofia and ask her about what boys think and how she would be able to impress them. This would be very difficult for Andi as she hates bruising her pride to ask for help and admit she needs help to begin with, but I do think that if Andi made the choice to go to Sofia for boy advice, then it could sort of put their personalities clashing to rest and start a small friendship between them that grows slowly throughout the years.

That's all I have for now so let me know what you think! Can't wait to rp with you some more :D
Kathy: Hey!! I Love your new pb at first <3 I remember some things indeed,but it just didn't happend yet.

Sofia x Rory: I already thought about this indeed. I think Sofia likes Rose and Rory deepdown and it will be good that Rory would not easily give up on Sofia perhaps. I think she will tell people later on about her thanthophobia in good faith and Rory and Rose will be one of the persons she will trust I'm guessing. Perhaps Rory can help her enjoy life more and I think it will be a good combination. Do you mind starting this when you've got time?

Gabriella x Jessica: I would love to try this out. Gabriella is a lot together with Heather and starts hanging out with Marcos more, but I'd love for her to have another friend in her house. Gabriella would like to get much compliments since she is very insecure. I can start something in the girls dorm if you want?

Annaleise: Hi Anna! Yeah love to plot with you. I'm excited about Flavio and Evelyn and will reply soon.

Liam x Nixon: This sounds perfect to me! He could use a best buddy and friend and the fact he isn't in the same house isn't a problem for me. I'm curious how it will work out if he will start to notice girls too. The wingman idea sounds really funny so perhaps Liam learns to share later on :p I can start one for this if you'd like in the great hall?

Sofia x Andi:
I like this and I'm curious how Sofia would react. She will be very experianced on that area so she can help Andi out for sure. But she doesn't like her that much at the moment indeed, so she will not act nicely at start I'm guessing. But I can see them become best ''female'' friends later on. As long as she doesn't steal away the boys from Sofia.
Evelyn Manning said:
Annaleise: Hi Anna! Yeah love to plot with you. I'm excited about Flavio and Evelyn and will reply soon.

Liam x Nixon: This sounds perfect to me! He could use a best buddy and friend and the fact he isn't in the same house isn't a problem for me. I'm curious how it will work out if he will start to notice girls too. The wingman idea sounds really funny so perhaps Liam learns to share later on :p I can start one for this if you'd like in the great hall?

Sofia x Andi:
I like this and I'm curious how Sofia would react. She will be very experianced on that area so she can help Andi out for sure. But she doesn't like her that much at the moment indeed, so she will not act nicely at start I'm guessing. But I can see them become best ''female'' friends later on. As long as she doesn't steal away the boys from Sofia.
I'd love if you started the one in the great hall!

Andi has her eyes set on one boy and it will stay that way so Sofia has nothing to worry about! I'm thinking Sofia could teach Andi about make up and all that stuff too which can add to them sort of bonding. I'm happy to start the one in the Gryffindor dorms and ready to see where it goes :D
I thought I could offer something, probably not all at once considering my schedule. xD But regardless, what I have to offer:

Fourth Years:
Maybe not a friendship thing, but I am always up to RPing Evelyn and Zoe again, now that Zoe is permanently back in the school. :r
Also, if she is very fashionable, she might get along with Ryuu Arai, since he is fashionable, though often either dresses in male or female clothing. So, that might be seen as odd for her.
For Evangeline, I could offer Zoe as a friend. She needs to befriend people outside of the Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff house. Zoe plans on working at the Ministry, but if I can get my butt in gear, I hope to be able to get her to be an Auror.

Third Years:
For Beaubelle, I can offer her Camelia Kyle for a confidence booster friend.
Also my Asmodeus Snow for more bullying. Though he has to be careful since Styx has his eyes on him because of his continued fights.

Second Years:
For Therese, I have Viktor. Can't say that he would fall for her friendly charm, but he does have a very dark attitude, once someone actually gets him to speak instead of just staring at them. Not sure how well that would work.

First Years:
For Liam, as a male friend, I could offer Hyperion. Hyperion is a very fantasy driven boy, but he had never met a stranger. He is a good guy to be around, but his twin isn't as much. But I don't have much for him right now, so I wanted to offer him.
For the same first year, I also have Achlys Styx, and if he flirted with her, I think it would be met with negativity. I think that would be hilarious because trying to flirt with a Popsicle won't really help.
Kaitlyn: Hi!! We can always see what has priority!

Evelyn x Zoe: Love! Hope that Donna with Zenia will be back too. But I don't know how Zoe and Evelyn will match, or not.

Ryuu x Evelyn : I think this will become very interesting. Evelyn loves people that dare to be different and expressing with clothes is something she will think of interesting but the male dress thing she will think of as weird. But we can defenitly do this!

Evangeline x Zoe: If they share the same future plans it will be nice and I guess Evangeline could like her.

Beaubelle x Camelia: Yeah this could work! I think Beaubelle would look up to Camelia.

Beaubelle x Asmodeus: I'd love the previous rp we had with these two. Beaubelle doesn't dare to say something to a Professor or if Asmodeus would tell her so she would take the blame for things.

Therese x Viktor: I think this will become interesting. With Therese I always love to go on challenges and this is a nice plot.

Liam x Hyperion: We can always see how they work out. And if Liam would like him.

Liam x Achlys: I would love to try this out haha. For Liam it would not be so bad, he would be suprised but moves on to the next girl.

I'll skype you to discuss which ones we can start with!
I decided to reply to each of these here, before actually skyping since I'm not on that as much.

Evelyn x Zoe: I doubt that they will. Zoe has little tolerance for certain people, but Zoe is as blunt as one can get. So, if Evelyn is being rude, Zoe won't be shy about announcing it. xD I can start this one very soon since I want to get Zoe out more.

Ryuu x Evelyn : This can be a fun rp, short and probably have to deal with some new experiences for the two of them. xD

Evangeline x Zoe: It can be one to check up on, and also gets your Slytherin out a bit. So, it is up to you on when these two can rp.

Beaubelle x Camelia: I do want Camelia to have a girl friend to go to when it comes down to romance and stuff. Every girl needs someone like that.

Beaubelle x Asmodeus: I'd love for this to happen soon. :r

Therese x Viktor: Challenges are what I strive for. Viktor is easy for me to rp, so I can start this one anytime you wish.

Liam x Hyperion: I haven't rped Hyperion or anything since sorting. So, hopefully, his personality isn't too abrasive.

Liam x Achlys: Since it is in the first year, should we hold off on this until Achlys actually understands flirting and stuff? I don't think she will now that I think about it. xD
Kaitlyn: Haha let's do it this way than!

I agree with everything! At this moment I have plenty of time for rp's in about two weeks less but still some. If you want to start Zoe and Evelyn, Therese and Viktor and Liam and Hyperion that will be lovely!

I can start for Ryuu and Evelyn, Beaubelle and Camelia and Beaubelle and Asmodeus and can put Evangeline and Zoe also on the list.

I have been reading the suggestions and found none for Gabriel Rosenberg. :(
I only have two student characters that I could potentially offer but I would be more willing to offer my Ravenclaw first year Alexis Sage Kramer. PLOT and STORY DEVELOPMENT thread here

Gabriel x Alexis : The only common thing that they have is their love for Quidditch and adventure. Muggle games can also be taken in consideration here as well. I can offer Alexis as his friend for now since they are still in their younger years to start dating. However, I am also open in offering Alexis as a potential girlfriend for Gabriel in the next year or so. Until then and if you like, we can have them play out the brother-sister friendship since Alexis is the youngest of five siblings and only have brothers to look up to so this could also be the reason why she is more comfortable with boys and boyish as well.

Liam x Alexis : Alexis can be his friend if he is into that since he is more with flirting than friendships. But maybe, he can see Alexis as a challenge because of all the girls he came in contact with, Alexis is one of the very few who is unaffected with his so-called charms. This could play out as a long term plot for the two of them. And if the plot between Gabriel and Alexis goes underway, Gabriel can act big brother against Liam. :woot:

Charlotte x Alexis : I am sure I already offered Alexis as the girl who is Charlotte's minion but somehow she still stands up for her own principles. I have our replies here.

Danielle Corelli said:
Charlotte Harper said:
Daphne: Hi!! :wub: Emilia is a good idea, ofcourse younger ones can join too next year! But I like from her year the most, so we can see how Gabriella and Fleur goes along with Charlotte. I'm expecting a lot of enemies XDD

Arle: Hi Arle! That sounds amazing! Do you think Alexis can join her 'clan' or more like a enemy?

Lauren: Lauren!!!!! :wub: I already thought about that. I'm curious at Jasmine and I am eager to get to know more about her. The enemy relationship from day one is where I'm looking the most at next to the minions ofcourse.
How about Lexi is more like in between. A love-hate friendship,perhaps. She can be like Charlotte's minions but somehow she acts like an enemy as well making Charlotte confused if Lexi is loyal to her or not.
Sure! Love that idea, it will make her confused I guess and I'm curious how she will react to it.
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