Stefan Archer

head librarian
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Knotted 12 1/2 Inch Sturdy Fir Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
4/2015 (46)
Hello one and all! Welcome to another BWU by me! We are in a very busy period so there is a lot to get through!
End of Y39
The year has come to an end, and Gryffindor is once again our House Cup winner. You'll have maybe noticed the changing of the skin to congratulate them. A huge congrats to all those who worked hard in all of the houses for this house cup race. if you'd like to spend some time celebrating it IC feel free to join the End of year feast here. To read all about the end of Y39 goings on, head here.

Graduation is open and any people with a graduating student should head on over to be able to post. Anyone with prefects, a professor or Hogwarts Staff member, along with anyone invited should also head over to post in the respective thread. This area won't be open forever, so be sure to get to that before it closes and finish any threads there too. We'll remind folks about it before it closes so be on the lookout for those if you need to.

SORTING! As ever, the most exciting time of the year is upon us. Head on over to this post, or this area to read all about how you can get your brand new first year sorted, or get a student transfered in. Sorting is always open for about three weeks, giving everyone the chance to get their character sorted. The transfer window is much shorter and people should aim to have those applications in by mid-next week. We'll issue reminders for both of these things when they are heading towards closing so be on the look out. As with other years we will be advertising during the sorting window, so if you see anyone new remember to be patient with them and directed them towards staff if they need any extra help.

School Publications
Hogwarts Monthly
The newest issue of the Hogwarts Monthly has been released, head on over here to be able to read it and react to it! It's a great read and as ever all the members of the team put in a lot of work to be able to get it to you.

Accio for Y39 has been released. You can head on over here to have a look at the yearbook itself, and then over here, where you can have your character react to finding out if they won, or someone they know won an In Character Superlative.

Applications - what's open and what's not
Professor Applications
We have a couple of available professor positions, potions y1-4 and DADA y5-7, head on over here to take a look at that and consider whether either of them would be something you'd like to apply for. Being a professor can be hard work, but it can also be quite rewarding.

Slytherin Head of House
With Professor Styx retiring after decades at HNZ, we have an opening for current professors to apply to be a head of house. This is a very rewarding role for people who do it but should not be taken on lightly, if you are a head of house, you will be held to a higher standard than professors and will need to be more active. Head on over here to read about it and decide whether or not that would be the role for you.

We have a couple of available shopkeeper apps. Folks should head on over here to find out if there is a shop which interests them. This can be a fun position and a good career path for some former students or adult characters.

Apps which are closed
While the above apps are open, and the general group change app is open. Other apps are all closed as admin deal with this incredibly busy time. They will remain closed for the majority of the sorting period and we will update when they reopen.

Character Spotlight
The November spotlight has been posted! A massive congratultions to Jess with Professor Mallory Corrins, head on over here to find out Jess' answers to the questionaire, offer congratulations and ask any questions. We're always very happy to highligh biographies and characters which we think deserve that recognition.

October Competitions
Emoji Story winner
The winner of the Emoji story was Rowan, which you can read over here! It's always fun to read emoji stories!

Pumpkin Carving
The pumpkin carving contest is over, be on the look out for the voting, which will go up a little later this week! To see the entries take a look here!

  • Nothing
  • None
  • :(

  • Prefects and Head People
  • The New Semester
  • A new Slytherin HOH

And that is everything! Any questions/comments etc leave them down below.

(On behalf of the HNZ Site Staff)
Thanks for the update Emzies! So many great and exciting things to come!
Goooooo Gryffindor! :party:

So many updates! Thanks to the yearbook team for getting another issue ready for the site. It looks amazing as always. ^_^

Thanks for posting, Emzies.
I know that it sucks to not have Plot Highlights to read, but my favorite thing now in the BWU is seeing what admin puts in its place.

Thanks for all the hard work everyone and Emzies for posting!
Oops I should highlight some plots!

So excited for sorting and the new year!

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