Apparition 3

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Irene Finch

Head of the Dept of Magical Transportation
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Knotted 14 Inch Rigid Spruce Wand with Doxy Wing Core
Before the end of the lesson, Irene Finch hoped that all of the students would succeed in apparating to their target. She knew that wouldn't be the case, but the pressure was on for the students. This was the last practice after all. Several of the students had managed to apparate during the last lesson, but that didn't always translate to success at the exam.

Addressing the small group of sixth years, Irene walked as she spoke. "Today, we will resume practicing" she began, her icy blue eyes staring at each of the students in turn as she spoke. "I am hopeful that those of you who weren't able to apparate last month will do so today. The next time we meet will be your exam and you will only get one opportunity to succeed or fail. Your test will require you to be accurate when you apparate." She let that sink in before continuing on.

"Line up beside me please." It didn't take them long to queue up. "Alright...I'd like you all to attempt apparating from this end of the Great Hall to that end" she said, pointing towards the doors of the Great Hall. "The red X marks the spot" she added, knowing that they had probably noticed an X etched onto the floor with magic as they walked in. Glancing at all the students beside her, she hoped there would be no splinchings today, though she had asked for one of the school nurses to join them once again. "You can begin whenever you're ready" she said to the student who was first in line. "As soon as you feel comfortable, you may leave. But, please do remember that this is your final opportunity to practice before your exam." They were adults by wizarding standards or close enough anyway, so she wasn't going to force any of them to stay. It was in their best interests to take advantage of the time provided to them though.
Practice attempting to apparate one by one. Practice as many times as you'd like. Please warn me via PM if you plan on splinching.
Zennon walked into the Great Hall. He wasn't feeling great about this. He knew the exam was soon, as with all exams really, but specifically, he was concerned because he'd had to run out of the class last time, given that he had felt incredibly sick. He didn't think he was going to like apparating much. Did it always feel like that? Couldn't he just walk everywhere? That seemed like something he could do, right? He tried to quell the anxiety he felt, hoping he wouldn't need to vomit this time. It had felt horrible, like he couldn't breathe, like iron bands were tightening around his chest, which had lead to some panic. He shook his head again to rid himself of the thoughts and lined up beside Ms Finch as they were instructed to do. As Zennon looked around, he realised he was one of the first, which he supposed wasn't all that surprising both because of his last name starting with B, which he believed he was one of the first in the year anyway and for the fact he'd gotten there a little later than others and had to walk over to Ms Finch almost immediately after arriving. He knew he just had to keep the three Ds in his mind. Destination, Determination, Deliberation, right? He was sure that was right. Maybe it was Delivery? Or... was it Disposition? Heck. Zennon rolled his shoulders and thought about what he wanted to do. Where he wanted to go. He'd already failed a bit since he couldn't properly remember the three Ds... or at least he couldn't remember one of them, he was sure the first two were right. Merlin, this was harder than he thought. Stop thinking about it Zennon!
He looked over at where he needed to go. It was quite a bit further than he thought, the other side of the hall. Wow. Zennon shifted from foot to foot, clutching his hands together nervously and bringing his hands to his mouth almost in silent prayer, though no such prayer escaped his lips. "Okay, breathe," he said quietly to himself, shaking out the anxiety as he glanced sideways to Ms Finch, who seemed to be waiting for him both patiently, but also impatiently at the same time, which seemed like an incredibly difficult combination to give off. Well, here goes. Zennon closed his eyes and took a step forward. He opened his eyes and looked down. He hadn't quite made it to the X, but it was close enough he thought and with his stomach currently twisted in knots, he wasn't about to question it. He pressed a soft hand to his stomach, trying to swallow the bile in his throat and looked around to give his classmates a shaky thumbs-up. Well, at least he hadn't splinched himself. He moved aside and continued the practice, wanting to get it right. He was lucky, he didn't vomit at all, though he felt like he had to numerous times.​
Emilia was extremely nervous about this lesson, as she hadn't actually managed to apparate in the previous lesson. She knew she had to do it now, unless she was hoping to apparate for the first time correctly on the exam, which seemed extremely unlikely. Emilia fidgeted with her sleeve as she waited for the lesson to begin. The teacher was as intimidating as she had been before, and Emilia averted her gaze as she looked at her. She spoke about those who hadn't been able to apparate last time, which included Emilia. Somehow, she had the feeling that it was obvious to the woman that she hadn't managed last time.

Emilia lined up with the rest of her classmates, wincing when she realized that hey had to attempt apparating to the other end of the great hall, how was she supposed to do that when she hadn't even managed to apparate into the hoop. Emilia closed her eyes and tried her best to focus on the three D's. But it was frustrating because she didn't really know exactly what she had to do. Whenever it was her turn, she just stood there for a moment until she was embarrassingly passed over for the next one. But on her third attempt, she actually managed to apparate. It was nowhere near far enough, but Emilia was happy anyway. With each attempt, she apparated a little further. She kept trying even after many of her classmates had left, and in the end she finally managed to apparate to where the cross had been painted. Exhausted, Emilia left the great hall quickly.
Diana had been eager to return to apparition lessons , as she had been hoping to master it before the exam. The competitive part of her also wanted to do better than Jacob and Analei, and she hoped she would be able to show off a little bit now. The girl stepped into the Great Hall and listened to the Ministery employee as she explained they would resume practicing. Diana wasn't intimidated by her, and waited quietly for her to be finished talking. They were supposed to line up, and Diana did so immediately. She was near the start of the row, and was glad that she would get to try soon. Apparating to the other side of the room was entirely new, as it was definitely different from just apparating into a hoop, but she was sure she could do it after a few tries. When it was her turn, Diana attempted it. She only made if about halfway, but it was still a lot better than some of her classmates. She was glad she got the chance to try a few more times, and by the third time she was apparating onto the X. Smirking, Diana made sure to give everyone who wasn't doing as well as her a look before it was her turn again. She managed it again, and felt very pleased. When they were allowed to go, Diana left the Great Hall feeling confident.
Mazikeen had always put in the greatest amount of effort into her care of magical creatures class, it was some clear favouritism, she knew if someone looked at her homework, comparing the work she did for everything else and that of care of magic creatures they would see how much more she cared about the care of magical creatures class, but it wasn’t particularly hard for her. Before she’d gotten to hogwarts she had liked it and then doing it had only deepened her liking of it, she would have been open to doing numerous other things, to doing something else had she ended up not liking it, but it had just worked out that she did love it and she was doing the most work she could for it. She finished off the bit of homework that she had for it and then began getting herself together for the lesson, making sure that she had all of her notes and all of her books for the day ahead of her. She didn’t want to get to the class and realise she didn’t have something she needed. With that the girl packed up her things and left the room.
Mazikeen hoped that once again they would get to try their hand at apparating, though she had to assume that after the last class of it had allowed them to do such a thing they would be. She followed the rest of the class in and noticed the room was different. She lined up like she was instructed to, and as she really looked at the room in front of her it was easy to guess what they might end up doing. They were likely to just be practicing one by one in front of each other. It was as she came to this conclusion that the professor then said as much. It felt a little soon, but if they were to apparate in the magical world sometimes there might be lots others watching. She was glad however she was a little further down the line than others. She watched as they, one after the other stepped up and they apparated to the cross at the other end of the room. Eventually it was her turn to do so, so maze stepped forward and took the position she needed to. She thought about how she’d managed it in the last lesson and then focused, letting herself think about it hard. She felt the tug and then was across the room, with all pieces in tact. She rejoined the line of people, and did it once more before heading out of the hall, feeling pretty confident.
Derek found it so surprising every year how quickly the semester flew by, but this time around it felt even more so. The teen had found this year had flown by and found it so surprising that next year would be his final year of school. Hogwarts had been so much of his life for so long that it seemed wild that soon it would be over, that he had been working hard and soon he would have something concrete to show for it. Everything would just easily fall into place and everything would be so much fun too. He knew that being a rela adult would be hard but he knew he would manage it. Derek got his things together and headed out of the dorm for this final week of classes. He was sure that it would be an easy week and he’d soon be chilling out and relaxing with his family.
Derek walked into the great hall, he’d been pretty happy with his success from the last week and was hopeful that he would manage it again this time. He was feeling pretty confident about it, not thinking there would be much chance for him to fail what he was thinking to do. The slytherin backed up against the wall like the professor told them to and then listened as she explained to them what they would be doing. It felt pretty obvious and Derek was more than ready to get started. A few other people went before him but then it was his turn. He stepped up to the mark and looked to where he wanted to be. He thought about it, cleared his mind like he had the last time and thee again, rather quickly he felt the pull. E leaned in and apparated across the room. He was pretty pleased with himself, and though he was sure he could just leave now, he stuck around doing it a few more times until they were actually dismissed from the hall. He felt quite sure that come the exam he’d have no problems what so ever.
The third week came very quickly, but Analei didn't know why she was surprised. Once Christmas was over, the remaining of the school year just seemed to zoom by. She couldn't believe that she would soon be entering her last year at Hogwarts; or that Edmund was already in his last year, and wouldn't be back the following year. Analei often tried to push the thought out of her head when it appeared, but it did make her sad every time it popped by.
Analei entered her the Great Hall with the rest of the Sixth Years, incredibly excited to try apparating again. She had succeeded last time, and was keen to do it again. Analei nodded in understanding at Finch's instructions. The X was a far way away, but she knew she was going to have to be able to do it, if she wanted to be able to apparate anywhere. Analei closed her eyes and tried to tune out the distractions near her, before opening them, and attempting to apparate. She did apparate, but only by a few feet. Analei frowned, taking a deep breath and going back to the beginning again. It took a couple of tries, but Analei finally managed to apparate across the Hall. With a grin, Analei went back to the start again, and kept trying until she felt super comfortable with it.
Maggy headed into the Great Hall for the final Apparition lesson. She wished they were given more chances to learn and practice before the exam. After all this exam was going to be what gave them the license to apparate at home. She lined up with her classmates watching them all go before her. She stood next to Analei again, some people practiced once or twice and others went multiple times. She leaned back on her feet as she looked at the X on the floor on the other side of the room. She wished they were practicing going to a place they couldn't see. Like if the teacher said look at the x memorize it picture yourself there and then put a wall between them and the x. That would be more challenging than this. She felt confident having mastered it during the previous lesson. Once it was her turn she closed her eyes having the image on herself standing on the x in her mind she quickly felt the familiar tug and heard the crack. She went on and practiced a few more times than she probably needed to because she wanted to be ready for the exam and this was their last chance to practiced after all.
Katy was excited for more chances to practice their apparition before their exam coming up. She knew failure was not an option, but Katy had convinced herself she was a natural at this, so she wasn't about to let any doubts stop her now. She did wish they had more time outside of these classes to practice, but she'd take what she could get. Lining up, Katy bounced eagerly, trying to give Emilia an encouraging look since she looked so uncertain about the practice. When it was Katy's turn, she stepped to the front of their queue, making a show of eyeballing the X and testing the wind with her finger before taking a deep breath to focus. She could feel the tug, leaning into it and relishing the 'pop' as she apparated across the floor. Looking down though, Katy groaned to see she's overshot the X by a pretty severe amount, giving the instructor a sheepish look as she had to jog all the way back to the rest of the class. As the lesson continued on, Katy tried to work on her accuracy. The actual apparation part wasn't too difficult, but after several attempts, Katy only managed to land on the X precisely once. Still, she was starting to get a feel for it, and once they had completely run out of practice time, she left the hall.
Noelle walked into the Great Hall and noticed the red X on the floor. Knowing that it was Apparitions class, he figured they would be practicing on apparating to a specific spot. The practice with the hoops was easy since the inside of the ring was big enough for them to apparate in. The X was different. It had to be precise. The class started and they were asked to form a line. It was what the Puff thought as he was in line. Remembering the red mark, he breathed deeply before disappearing and appeared, the huge doors greeted her and he slowly looked down to see his feet right on top of the mark. "I did it!", he blurted out happily. He made his way back to the front to fall in line and try it again. He did it again. He repeated this until he felt confident. He bid the professor goodbye and made his way back to the dormitories.
Ana was appalled that she had to do most of the work herself. The girl spent her last week in the library, trying to find anything she could find about apparating and trying to make herself feel a little bit more confident about it. There wasn't much theory work in class and Ana was not happy about this. Nonetheless, she was feeling a little bit more confident this time after trying to study it all herself, and turned up to her next Apparition class ready to take it on. She stood in line and was one of the last ones to try apparating. Closing her eyes, the Slytherin concentrated on the three D's. When she opened them, she had successfully done it, apparating to (almost) the other side of the Great Hall. Smirking at her efforts, Ana left when dismissed.
Gwen had tried her best to practice apparating throughout the week, knowing that she could get really good at it. It was working very well and she was very excited about getting to do another lesson. She lined up with the other people in her year group and waited her turn to apparate. It wasn't long before she was at the front, and thinking of the three D's again, the teen imagined herself on the other side of the Great Hall. In no time, Gwen heard the instructor call for the next person and Gwen had done it. Smiling, Gwen left the Great Hall when instructed, happy that she had learnt something new and was good at it.
Sam had been pleased when she had managed to apparate the previous lesson without any injuries. She had been a little disappointed that she hadn't been successful to do so in the circle and be a part of the small percentage of people that did so, but at least she had gone from one point to another. She arrived at the Great Hall, and listened attentively to the woman from the Ministry as she told them what to do. Sam wanted to do even better than last time so she was paying careful attention to her. Everyone would be watching her while she would attempt to apparate on that red X, but she realised at this point she didn't care what others thought anymore. When it was her turn, the slytherin closed her eyes closed and thought of nothing but the very important three Ds. She cracked open an eye when she thought something had changed, and she let out a gasp of surprise when it had. She smiled to herself, and went to the back of the line, wanting to do that a second time. The second try, Sam managed to be exactly on the spot she needed to be, even better than the first time. Pleased with herself, Sam politely thanked the woman and made her way out of the Great Hall.
Sapphire was over this semester already, and couldn't wait to get home. She came into the class with the others, glad they were at least doing something interesting today. She watched everyone practice for a bit, trying to focus. This was something serious, and she knew if she messed it up she could get hurt, and badly. She took a deep breath, finally stepping into line. Shooting a very worried glance at her brother, Sapphire shut her eyes, feeling the pull. When she opened them, she was shocked to find herself on the 'x'. The first go? Really? She smirked, feeling very confident, and sauntered back to the other end of the hall, leaning against the wall when she arrived to watch her brother.
There was no easy way to say it, Gwen had failed to apparate in their previous lesson and it was her final chance to get it right before the exam. She wished she had more time but time was the one thing she had run out of. She made her way into the Great hall where Ms Finch was waiting to start the lesson. Gone were the hoops, their task for the lesson was to apparate from one side of the room to the other, in front of everyone. Gwen was borderline terrified. One by one she waited as others tried and when it was her turn she stepped forward. She searched for Violeta in the crowd, smiling at her girlfriend when she found her before clearing her mind. Focusing on the three Ds, Gwen looked across the hall at her destination and closed her eyes, she felt something at first but at attempt at apparating only resulted in her taking a step forward. Embarrassed she stepped back to her starting spot and tried again, on her second attempt she felt an uncomfortable pull like something was pulling at her insides. When she opened her eyes she was on the other side of the room, she was a couple of steps to the left of the X but she didn't care, she'd done it!
After the last lesson, Acacia was overwhelmingly eager to get back to Apparition. Though she had had a little trouble focusing at first, once she figured out her goal it wasn't even that hard! She was totally hype, bouncing a little as she followed her classmates into the Great Hall. She listened as the ministry lady told them what they were doing today, lining up with her classmates when instructed. When Acacia's turn to practice came she focused on the target, determination in ever fiber of her body. She was going to rock this, easy. She closed her eyes and focused, following the now familiar pulling sensation when it came, and chasing the feeling, Acacia found herself square on the center of the X when she opened her eyes. So easy! She grinned at her classmates as she rejoined the line, eager to get as much practice as she could squeeze in before the exam. She stayed until the end of class, pausing to thank the ministry lady before leaving with her friends.
Jacob rushed for the line like everyone else did, and after some shuffling around ended up in his spot. He kept tiptoeing, trying to eye the X that was all the way by the entrance. The Great Hall had never looked so big as it did now. Jacob started off paying attention to his year mates and the success they had, but eventually he just starting going over the three Ds in his head. That seemed more important than focusing on everyone else. Soon enough it was Jacob's turn. He tried his best not to look at the instructor. She was pretty intimidating even though he had quite a few inches of height on her. It was those eyes. Jacob looked ahead for the X, able to see it easily enough now that he was at the front of the line.

Jacob took a deep breath and then focused his mind. Three Ds. He repeated them slowly, focusing on the X and wanting to be there so badly. Then Jacob spun and felt the familiar feeling of apparating. He landed, stumbling only slightly. After a quick check of all his limbs, Jacob grinned and then jogged back to give it another turn. It was the third turn he took that was the easiest. He felt like he was finally getting the hang of this thing. The teenager remained the whole time, apparating four times before the lesson ended.
Willow entered the great hall ready for the next apparation exam. she was feeling pleased with herselg that hse had succeeded in apparating last week however hse knew she would need to get better if she was to pass her exam. not that she would be able to apparate even if she passed. she didn't come of age until august. she joined the line of students waiting to have a go at apparating. when it was her go she tried a couple of times but didnt succeed so she joined the back of the line againto letsomeone else go. on he third time around she felt a squeeze and appeared. but she wasnt on the red cross she had hoped for she was right net to to door. on her next go she was a bit closert to the x but was only about half way there. the next attempt she had overshot. her next attempt she was just on theedge. at least she was getting closer.
the next attemot she focused. and when she opened her eyes saw that she was on the cross. she looked at the line and did a little jiggle of a dance before moving off to let the next person try. she tried a couple more times and once she had made it three times in a row she decided she hadpracticed enough and would be ready for the exam next time so she left to go and work on someo f herother homework .
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