Apparition 1

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Irene Finch

Head of the Dept of Magical Transportation
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Knotted 14 Inch Rigid Spruce Wand with Doxy Wing Core
This was an important milestone in the life of a wizard, and Irene Finch knew that many of the students looked at their license as a taste of the freedom they'd earn on their way to becoming fully trained wizards. With the registration list tucked in a folder that was under her arm, the woman stepped into the room. She called attendance, making sure that no one had snuck into the room without paying their galleons. "Good afternoon, sixth years. My name is Irene Finch and I'm here on behalf of the Department of Magical Transportation and Ministry to prepare you for your apparition exam." She said all of this briskly. Irene was not a lady who liked her time wasted. Irene hoped to be able to focus on her job today, grateful for the distraction that work brought these days. Pacing in the front as she spoke, her heels clicking as she moved, Irene's icy blue eyes looked at all of them and none of them at once. "The headmistress has been kind enough to lift the enchantment placed on this room so that you will be able to practice apparating within these walls for the duration of our lessons."

Her voice echoed throughout the room. With so few students and the furniture against the walls, her voice carried easily and echoed slightly. The woman focused on a student in the front, her blue eyes piercing into the student. "I will warn you from the start that your ability to apparate will have little to do with what house you are in or your blood status. Your ability to apparate will, solely, depend on your ability to focus on the three Ds: Destination.Determination. Deliberation." She enunciated each word. "There are no shortcuts. If you fail to grasp these concepts, you will fail your exam. First, you must choose your destination. Next, you will focus your determination and once you feel you are ready..." With a small step, Irene apparated next to one of the sixth years who had been whispering while she was lecturing and continued, "you must move with deliberation like so." She gave the student a sharp look.

Moving towards the front of the room, Irene continued lecturing the students. She knew that some were probably expecting to apparate today but she also knew that the foundation for apparating started with this information. Soon enough their time was up, and they had done nothing but listen. "Don't forget the 3 Ds. I will see you all next time. A word to the wise: Don't bring anything with you to the next lesson. The less you carry, the easier it will be. As a reminder, the moment you step out of this room, the enchantment will be put back in place until next time we meet. It would be very, very unwise to consider practicing anywhere on the school grounds until then." With that, she dismissed the students though she waited a few moments longer in the event that any of the students had questions.
Please RP the lesson. Remember that these lessons are so that your student can earn a license. Without it, they can't apparate!

This is just the first of only three lessons before the exam takes place.
Maggy was nervous about apparition but she knew it was going to be an essential magic to know in her adult life, going to and from work will be easier with it and the risks are really only at the beginning during the learning stages. She stood around in the Great Hall waiting for others to show up, she was interested in knowing who else thought the class would be valuable. The teacher, who was directly from the ministry began to talk about apparition. The three D's Maggy determined would have to be something she memorized and knew by the next lesson. The teacher apparited with ease, Maggy wondered how long it would really take to master the skill to that level. Of course this woman had been doing such for years now. Maggy decided she'd better start focusing on those words in her spare time around the castle. Not practice the actual action but practice focusing on the words.
Zennon was excited to finally be able to learn how to apparate that he'd almost ran down to the Great hall, but managed to reign it in as he got closer. It was definitely one of the classes he'd been looking forward to, so he was happy to be doing it, even if it was after potions. He just hoped he didn't splinch himself as that would not have been a fun thing to do. He quite liked to keep his body parts attached thanks very much. He listened as the instructor, not a professor, talked them through the beginning. This would be the only time they would be able to practice actually apparating which made sense. He supposed you couldn't just have people apparating all over the place, and then if they did it wrong you would have a bunch of limbless students walking about. He suddenly found himself wondering though, if with the anti-apparation charm, whether it prevented apparating all together or if it did something worse. Like, if you tried to apparate in, would something happen, or would you just not be able to? He shook his head to stop thinking about it and listened to the end of the lecture before moving out of the room. The three Ds, he could do that. He was excited.​
Emilia still had a lot of things at Hogwarts that were making her sad, but at the same time there were things that were making her feel settled and happy again. She had a lot of great friends, even if she couldn't really rely on even her own cousin. She loved Heta Omega, and was happy to arrange new events for the club. It was a little scary that their final year would start soon, but she tried not to think about that too much. She was also sad Katy would be leaving Hogwarts at the end of the year, but she also tried not to think about that too much.

Apparition was something new, and Emilia wasn't really sure if she would be able to do it. She tried her best to look as confident as she could when she headed towards the great hall, but wilted a little under the strict gaze of the ministry official. She told them they were going to apparate within the walls of the great hall, and then started to tell them information about apparition. She told them it would depend on their ability to focus on the three Ds: Destination.Determination. Deliberation. Emilia wished she was able to take notes, but instead she just listened carefully and watched as the professor demonstrated apparating. Then she gave them a lecture, and Emilia tried her best to follow it carefully. She reminded them not to practice anywhere else on school grounds, and then dismissed them. Emilia left the great hall, feeling nervous about the next lesson.
Mazikeen had enjoyed being back at home, it was always nice to go and see her parents. She had certainly found the older that she grew the more at ease and comfortable she felt around her parents. There had been points of tension growing up, nothing of the extremes she’d seen but enough that she now had begun feeling bad about them. SHe was old, growing up rapidly in front of their very eyes and she had begun thinking about the future, about next steps in her life. She liked living with them, but by the end of this semester she’d be close to graduation and a fully grown adult, and part of that meant breaking out on ones own. She hadn’t voiced this yet, but Maze wanted to move out soon. But, of course none of that mattered while she was at school. While she had a whole semester in front of her, with so much she needed to do and cover with her classes she was looking forward to all of it, but it was still a lot. Mazikeen finished getting her bag ready and then put on her usual red lipstick and headed out of the door to her first class of the day.
Mazikeen walked into the great hall with the rest of her year. She had so been looking forward to this skill for a while. There was so much about it that would be good an exciting for her and just about everyone else in the year. After all, the apparition was to her, the beginning of the end. It was a class where it set you on the path to adulthood. It was something most witches and wizards were capable of doing. She was pretty nervous and excited to begin learning it. She looked to the woman at the front as she got started, introducing herself to them and telling them about what apparition was. The woman kept speaking, telling them about how difficult it could be and how there were no shortcuts or no easy paths for anyone, blood did not determine the talent in this skill. She nodded at the three D’s and watched as the professor just apparated next to one of the other sixth years. The woman gave them a little more information and then let them go. Telling them to not bring anything bbut themselves to the next class. Which really she was more than happy to do if it meant they’d get to apparate.
Diana was delighted to have a boyfriend now to go to events with, even if this was their final semester at Hogwarts together. It was just her luck to have found Cole so late, and to be lonely again next year. She preferred not to linger on that, though a part of her was worried about him forgetting her next year. What were they going to do when he graduated? She wasn't sure.

At least the Slytherin was pretty excited to learn apparition. Rose had never managed it, but Phoebe had always been obnoxious since learning how. Diana was excited to be able to herself, and show her sister that he really wasn't that special. The person teaching them worked at the Ministry, which as far as Diana was concerned just meant she worked for her mother. She was not intimidated by her, even if the woman was clearly trying to scare them. She crossed her arms as she found a spot in the great hall and listened to the lady as she explained about apparition. The lecture was pretty boring, but Diana tried her best to focus. She knew she couldn't live it down if she failed this exam, and it would also be easier to see Cole at school holidays if she could just go wherever she wanted. She listened carefully to the lecture, ignoring her classmates around her. When the lesson was over, she was starting to feel like this was more difficult than she had imagined. Perhaps the library would have a book on this? She guessed it was worth checking out.
Derek had spent the large part of the morning back on the quidditch pitch, which he always tended to do when he got back to school. The teen had a lot on his mind, he’d spoken with his grandfather about the situation between Emilia and Athena, and he’d been pretty blunt with Derek about it. He was sure that the man had been right, that he did need to be spoke to like that, but of course it hardly made it easier. But, it had confirmed exactly what Derek had always sort of known, that he probably needed to reach out to Emilia and talk with her before he really pursue anything with Athena. It was only right in his mind that he do that. The slytherin was sure it wasn’t going to be a good conversation and he might not actually gain anything from it, it might make things worse, but he felt it was right, it was the right thing to do, he just had to arrange it. Derek wasn’t sure how to do that, but he was thinking about it as he got himself ready for the day, as he cleaned up after being on the pitch as he got everything he would need together and headed out of the dorm room and to class.
Derek was looking forward to apparation. He walked into the great hall with the rest of the year group and had to admit he had expected more to be different in the room, but it certainly didn’t seem all that different from any of the other occasions that they were in the great hall. Perhaps he was expecting too much, they had to learn a few things before they could apparate. He looked towards the woman, their teacher, as she got started, telling hem what department she was in and though it was fairly obvious what she was there to help them do. It was reassuring to him, as she continued to speak that this would be as difficult for everyone, knowing this made him feel a little more at ease with the worry that he might not be good at it. He nodded along, absorbing the information and wishing he could write some of it down, but it was clear the professor would rather they didn’t. He had hoped they would do a little apparition in this first lesson, but this was certainly not the case. Instead the professor gave them the information they would need and the next time, then they would apparate. With that he headed out of the great hall, eager for the next lesson.
Gwen was nervous about starting apparation due to her usual difficulties with spell casting, she worried she would struggle with apparation and as a result could injure herself. She made her way into the Great Hall where a woman from the ministry of magic was waiting to give them their first lesson. The lesson was mostly discussing the theory behind apparating, focusing on the three Ds, Destination.Determination. Deliberation. Gwen listened to the woman and nodded to herself as she took in the information. When the lesson was over Gwen made her way out of the hall, nervous for when she would have to come back and actually try and apparate.
It was the first day of lessons for the second semester. Students were still buzzing with the excitement being back from the holidays. Noelle thought he would be attending classes in high spirits. Instead, all he did was sulk and hid away at his dorm room or anywhere where he would be less likely to bump into Willow. Too bad they were still sharing some classes. Despite all these, he still made his way to the class.
He arrived in the class and waited for the lesson to start after he greeted his professor. Soon enough, his classmates arrived and the class began. Noelle already knew the professor by name and was looking forward to be learning under her care. Just like any other first lesson, the course was explained before immediately diving into the lesson material. This was normal since they were already in their sixth year and were preparing for their incoming NEWTS next year. Just like his other classmates, Noelle could not help but be excited to learn how to apparate. He positioned himself at the front of the hall. The furniture was moved against the walls, making the Great Hall even bigger. Prof. Finch's voice resonated loud and clear as she explained the theory of the apparition. The Hufflepuff already asked questions from Alexis about it. He kept listening and was a bit surprised when she disappeared and reappeared next to his classmates. The lesson continued while the students listened in attention. They were not expected to apparate in their first lesson. The class ended and Noelle made his way back to his dorm.
It was a little weird to take her apparation exam in another country, but Katy was sure this was all part of the cool experience with her exchange, trying to not let it intimidate her. It couldn't be that different from what they would have covered at Ilvermorny, surely, and Katy doubted the instructor there would be as pretty as the one they ended up with here. Ms. Finch's gaze was steeling and Katy felt her back straightening just from the woman talking. She did her best to pay attention, since she was pretty sure it was going to be important. "She's not exactly encouraging, is she," Katy said under her breath to Emilia as Ms Finch listed off their "Three D's". It all sounded very serious, but Katy did still trying to absorb what was being said. The last thing she wanted to do was end up failing this. Apparation was the traveller's dream and Katy just knew she could be a master if she paid attention. Something easier said than done when Ms Finch appeared next to Katy with a pop, causing her to jump and let out a surprised little laugh. Sobered by the demonstration, Katy kept quiet for the rest of the lecture, before leaving the hall with her friends, quietly repeating the three D's under her breath.
Sapphire was excited for a new semester, but also a little sad. She was happy to hear Kira had a new boyfriend- this one was already so much more attentive, he just seemed like a better fit than the last moron. Onyx was mellowing out, which was good. Ava seemed to be struggling a bit, but she was sure that would even out too. Things were going well at home, too, with her friendship with Frankie and her relationships with her uncle and Jordie doing well. She walked into class, excited for the prospect of learning something new. She was sad though that her last game with Leda was approaching- soon Leda and Mervyn would both be gone for good.

She listened to the stern-looking woman, taking note of the three 'D's', wondering how hard it could really be. She wasn't going to test that, she didn't want to stir trouble right now. She listened to her lecture, figuring that moving like that had to be something you needed to understand completely before attempting it yourself. She followed the others out of class, wondering where she could stash her bag for her next lesson.
Kira was really tired today, trying to hold back a yawn. It had been a rough night, and she had done her best to stay hidden away in her dorm where no one could see her. Her uniform was slightly askew, her hair a little messier than usual, the bags under her eyes a little more prominent. She was debating avoiding her friends for the day, slipping in last and hiding near the back. She did her best to listen to the woman speaking, keeping careful note of what she said. Apparition could be dangerous if not done properly, and she wasn't going to let one more sleepless night get in the way of her safety. She moved to slip out of class when it ended, not wanting anyone that might care notice how drained she looked.
Gwen didn't know how to feel about her Apparition lessons. She was excited for them, but also suddenly nervous. Her mums told her to be careful because it was easy to splinch, and so this is what made Gwen weary for them. She had apparated with her mums before, but this time she was going to learn how to do it herself., and to start with she was excited, but now she didn't know if she should be. The teen entered the Great Hall with all of the other sixth years, blending in with the crowd as she gathered around the lady from the Ministry who would be teaching them. She began talking to them about the three D's which definitely seemed like an important thing to remember. It was only the first lesson though and Gwen was sure there was much more to it. Luckily, they didn't actually try apparating yet, and so Gwen enjoyed the first lesson. She slipped out with everyone else once dismissed and made her way to her next class.
With the students now in advanced lessons, it was a rarity for Jacob to see all of his year mates at once. That was a good thing because there were quite a few year mates that he didn't like and not being able to see them was a good thing. Then, there were other classmates like Emilia and Zennon that he wished he could see more. Jacob looked around the Great Hall from the doorway for a moment before moving forward to find his own space. He ended up somewhat close to Zennon, close enough to make a face at him if he turned in Jacob's direction. Then it was just a waiting game until the woman at the front of the room began.

She introduced herself as a ministry official, which Jacob wasn't too surprised about. She was wearing Ministry robes after all. Jacob listened as she introduced apparition. He would legally be an adult in the wizarding world soon. His birthday would be just before the school year began and he'd return to his final year as an adult, capable of doing any magic he wanted. Including apparition. Jacob couldn't wait. He'd side-along apparated plenty of times. It was a preferred method of travel in his family, but this would be true freedom. Jacob listened as she explained the three Ds, getting antsy to begin practicing on his own but that wasn't to be the case because almost as soon as she'd started, they were dismissed. It seemed like it had gone quickly anyway and they hadn't practiced. Jacob frowned, disappointed that there had been no time to even give a small try. He gathered his stuff and then headed for the doors with the small crowd.
Analei was excited to get back to classes. She didn't think she'd ever stop loving learning, and knew that as an Auror, she'd learn every day as well. She figured she was tracking well to becoming one, and her animagus training was going well. Analei was learning to control her temper as each minute went by, and she couldn't remember the last time she had an outbreak. Life was looking really good for her.
The Hufflepuff was incredibly excited to learn how to apparate. She went to the Great Hall with the rest of her peers, and waited eagerly. The lady introduced herself as someone from the Ministry, and Analei's insides filled with excitement and nerves. She desperately wanted to impress her. Standing a little straighter, Analei listened carefully to what the lady was saying. She really wanted to write notes, but knew she wouldn't likely forget this lesson in a hurry. Analei was slightly disappointed that they weren't going to try moving today, but she tried to not let it show, thanking the lady on her way out.
Anastasie wasn't sure how she felt about taking Apparition lessons. It would definitely be a good skill to have, and Ana always liked learning new things, however she knew how dangerous it could be, and so she was looking forward to seeing just how serious Hogwarts took it. She entered the Great Hall with all of the other sixth years, gathering around as the Ministry of Magic lady spoke. She seemed like she had taught it a few times, and so Ana was happy for this. It meant she knew what she was doing, and it made her feel just a little bit more safe. Ana listened as the lady spoke about the three D's. It all seemed easy enough, however Ana wasn't really sure if that was true. She left the Great Hall when dismissed.
Sam had a pretty busy coursework this semester. And though she was going to be busy as it was, Apparition was necessary, and there was no way she wasn't taking it. She arrived to the great hall, not knowing what she should expect from this course, except the ability of apparating, obviously. Sam knew how serious the concept was and she wasn't going to take it lightly. She was a bit nervous about it, though. She listened as the woman in the front introduced herself as Irene Finch and she focused on her words, telling them about the three Ds. Sam repeated those three words quietly to herself over and over, until they were imprinted on her mind. She couldn't forget them, ever. Splinching did not sound fun and the girl felt nervous for the upcoming weeks. What if she wasn't good enough? She couldn't not be able to do this, she reminded herself sternly. She had to be successful, she didn't want to get injured. When the class was over the sixth year left the room with everyone else.
Acacia couldn't help being super excited about this semester, maybe more than she ever had been before. Everything was happening. She was finally actually dating Maggy after years of hiding her crush, she was feeling more settled than ever working a job that ruled, and it meant she had enough money of her own to stay in New Zealand with Cedar and Jeong over the holidays, which meant no more Mom and Dad. After spending years wishing they would approve of her, it was strangely easy to just... let her parents go, her whole life in the US.

After spending so much time focused on not travelling, it felt strange to be as excited as she was about apparition. Apparating meant freedom though, she wouldn't have to rely on floo anymore to get to work, or beg Cedar and Jeong to take her places. Adulthood was around the corner for Acacia, and she couldn't wait to gain this new level of independence. Filtering into the Great Hall with her classmates, Acacia listened in excitement as the lady from the Ministry introduced herself and explained the class to them. It was just, like, popping from one place to another. Acacia could totally do that. Three Ds. Easy. Acacia had been leaning closer to Emilia and Katy to listen in on what they were talking about when the ministry lady popped in close to them, startling Acacia, who jumped. She was used to her parents and brother apparating around the place, but it was seriously scary when it wasn't expected. Face a little flushed, Acacia listened for the rest of the class, excited to try apparating for real next time.
Apparation. that was a magical skill that willow had always hoped to master. she had seen the poster about the class and made sure to attend. She made her way to the great hall and saw that it had been gleared of all the tables like at the feasts but there was no decoration. She looked around saw a lady she didnt recognise. who must be teaching them. she wondered if they would be learning today. or how they would be learning.
She listened as the lady spoke. determination destination and what was the other one debilitation? no deliberation. once they lextre was over she expected the chance to try but instead they were dismissed. she left the room running the d's through her head she didn't want to fail this.
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