A Slytherin, a Ravenclaw, and a Gryffindor walk into a PD...

Harper Alston

off we go, into the wild blue yonder
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Straight 12.5'' Flexible Larch Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
We're going in reverse chronological order this time. As always, feel free to suggest ideas that aren't listed below. I love plotting, and I'm down for anything!

Celia Vuong
Fifth Year Slytherin


Biography | Aesthetic

Ah, my nightmare child. Celia's gotten pretty settled into Hogwarts life, and she's feeling a lot more bold now that practically all of her adult enemies are gone. I'd love to get her into some sneaky, more subtle trouble. Bonus points if it involves magic. She's very interested in exploring the limitations of her powers. And of course, I'm down for drama of any kind.

Enemies are always appreciated. She's not very likable, and it doesn't take much for her to dislike others. Friends would be nice too since she's got very few of those. Romance (any gender) could be fun and very dramatic. Also open to other types of relationships, especially rivalries. She's very involved in school life (Quidditch, SDA, Heta, HM, the Elite Sisterhood) and has an opinion about everything, so it should be easy to find a way for her to meet your character.

Weston Stirling
Sixth Year Ravenclaw


Biography | Aesthetic

Aka the middle child because I keep on neglecting him. Weston is very relieved that he somehow passed his OWLs and will spend the entire year celebrating this feat. He's still obsessed with music/games/legends, and he's still on the hunt for the man-eating eel. I also want him to spread some more conspiracy theories before he graduates just because I think it's funny.

He's got a pretty established group of friends, but he's always happy to make more. And if any of his current friends want to plot out some conflict, I'm very down. (One-sided) enemies are also welcome since he can be annoying. He's kind of behind on the romance front, so that could be fun to explore if you don't mind some awkwardness (open to any gender). Other types of relationships/interactions are also welcome!

Harper Alston
Seventh Year Gryffindor


Biography | Aesthetic

This will be kind of lengthy because she's the favorite child I want to make the most of her last year. Harper's still in the middle of her identity crisis so she's a bit more subdued than usual but at least she's good at hiding her angst. Would love prefect plots, muggleborn/blood plots, and animagi plots (and if anyone needs a bird of prey for a second semester plot, let me know :r).

Harper has a bucket list, so let me know if you want a thread using one of these ideas as a starting point:
  • Find the Room of Requirement
  • See the eel
  • Meet a mermaid
  • Access the library's restricted section
  • Ask someone to a dance
  • Throw a party
  • Crash a party/club event
  • Skip classes for a day
  • Pull a massive end-of year-prank (would love to have as many other seventh years join as possible!!)
And then I have a personal goal of getting her in a thread in every place in the castle she has access to. So I'm looking for threads in the following forums:
  • Dungeons
  • Staff Table
  • Professors' Common Room
  • Trophy Room
  • Fourth Floor Corridor
  • Hogwarts Monthly
  • Gryffindor Boys' Dormitory
  • Avie's Rock

Also open to literally anything else! Friends, enemies, rivals, romantic interests (boys only), mentors, mentees (especially younger muggleborns/Gryffindors/wannabe animagi), whatever! I'm open to all of it! She can apparate now, so holiday threads are also an option! Give me all the threads! It's her last year, and I want her to go out with a bang.

I'm currently developing my next set of characters, the first of which will likely be sorted in two or three IC years (Y44 or Y45). I know a lot of people plan out their characters several IC years in advance, so I just wanted to see if anyone might be interested in handling siblings together? (Or, if you have an established family looking for a child/sibling, let me know!)
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I am here to apologize for being slack but also offer my firstie Dahlia as someone to look up to Harper? She's a muggleborn Gryffindor who loves to play netball but kind of can't now, so relatable lol. Plus her younger sister (Y44) I hope to have be an animagus so Dahlia telling her sister about Harper could be unintentionally inspirational, lol.

I am also considering a plot of my 2nd year Slytherin's raven causing mischief that could annoy Celia/need to be stopped by an intimidating bird that is more compelling than a 12 year old.

Totally down for helping out in any of the threads in random places, too. Can offer Aine to any of your three (with an apology note for being slack again oops), she swears she saw a glimpse of the eel when she tried to swim and is on board the eel train. She was also completely rude to Celia at the paper so she could try to be nicer and be a subject of derision when she fails. Maybe.

and if you wanna work out any future stuff i only have 1 character set atm so im down to plot feel free to PM me anytime
*cha cha slides in here* Back again with the usuaaal

Rhys x Celia - It is clear by now these two don't really get along very well so it could be fun to continue to push them together to make them butt heads further. Could be over anything from their HM articles or to basically anything else. Just drama

Eoin x Weston - I don't know if you want to do more eel drama but if you do then here is your usual antagonist to tell Weston that he is an idiot. Eoin still very much wants to drag him into the lake to meet the eel as well like 'DOES IT LOOK LIKE IT WANTS TO EAT YOU??'

Flynn x Harper - Maybe one day one of my characters will get on with yours. Maybe. But these two are always fun, especially now they are in their last year and Flynn has changed quite a bit from his more annoying days. Not that he is any easier to get on with, but he's not /as/ annoying lmao.

(Also I am always down for siblings and future chars. I have Rowan Roscoe who could have siblings, or if you just wanted to make up a new fam I'm down for it as well hmu =)) )
Hiiiii Ana!!

I'd like to offer Valencia for Weston - I love their dynamic, and Valencia does consider Weston a friend, I'm not sure what we could do between them, but I'm always down with plotting between them two!

I currently don't have any established family, but I'm always keen on making a new family and siblings hehe (i always enjoy making more characters, so just letting you know that I am defs keen on that! Feel free to message me or anything if you're up for that hehe)
Hey Ana! I've got a few ideas to throw out you, feel free to pick and chose any you like or any I didn't mention haha.

Indi & Celia: Indi I think respects Celia and I’d be down for any kind of quidditch or SDA plot. I don’t have anything specific in mind but I’d love to throw these two together again.

Caleb & Celia: I love to write bickering and they do it so well. I was hoping she was going to mention meeting his mom in their last thread but that is something she has and can use against him at any time haha. But I’m keen to continue their dueling rivalry and general cattiness if you would like.

Indi & Weston: He is literally one of her two friends so I’m always excited for them to hang out! He might have to deal with her being a bit grumpier than usual now that her family has joined her at school, but I’m down for all the hijinks that may ensue.

Ethan & Weston: Ghost hunting at the lake when? If Weston was looking for an apprentice I think I have the perfect candidate for that particular job. I know we talked about it a bit already but I would love to throw them together.

Delilah & Harper: I think she could really get behind Harper’s bucket list. She’s been so reserved for the past six years. I think it’d be fun for her to cut a little loose too, if Harper would like the company. I could see her embracing a bit of rebelliousness and cutting class and going to the cliffs etc.

Felix & Harper: I’m pretty sure Felix thinks she’s probably the coolest person in school at this point haha. I still need to apply, but he would defiantly go to Harper for advice on all things animagi.

[And I have also sent you a message about families lol. But no pressure.]
I am here to apologize for being slack but also offer my firstie Dahlia as someone to look up to Harper? She's a muggleborn Gryffindor who loves to play netball but kind of can't now, so relatable lol. Plus her younger sister (Y44) I hope to have be an animagus so Dahlia telling her sister about Harper could be unintentionally inspirational, lol.

I am also considering a plot of my 2nd year Slytherin's raven causing mischief that could annoy Celia/need to be stopped by an intimidating bird that is more compelling than a 12 year old.

Totally down for helping out in any of the threads in random places, too. Can offer Aine to any of your three (with an apology note for being slack again oops), she swears she saw a glimpse of the eel when she tried to swim and is on board the eel train. She was also completely rude to Celia at the paper so she could try to be nicer and be a subject of derision when she fails. Maybe.

and if you wanna work out any future stuff i only have 1 character set atm so im down to plot feel free to PM me anytime

Hi Camilla! ^_^

Dahlia and Harper - Ah yes, that dilemma does sound a little familiar. Harper definitely does not see herself as a role model, but she'd be happy to help Dahlia. Depending on what she needs, Harper can give her advice on best places on campus to train/work out, hang up a netball ring for her somewhere with magic, or just be a sympathetic ear. She can also just give general Hogwarts/magical world tips if Dahlia wants them?

Yuelia and Celia - There's nothing I enjoy more than annoying Celia though if she catches Thanatos in action she's liable to hex him. Anyway, I love this plot. I hope he steals from enough Slytherins that the whole girls' dorm devolves into a chaotic witch hunt. Celia will 100% interrogate random Slytherins at wandpoint and accuse them of stealing her jewelry. She'll probably lodge complaints with the administration. It should be a good time. (Rip to Yuelia's chances of joining the Sisterhood if Celia finds out it was her bird though). Also Harper is definitely available to try and stop him once she finishes her training!

Aine and Celia - Definitely want to thread them one-on-one since I feel like they share some similarities (namely, precociousness, an interest in politics, and an abundance of emotion lol). Celia definitely does not like Aine after that meeting and will probably hold on to that grudge even if Aine tries to be nicer. And if you want to have Aine makes things worse, well, I'm not opposed to that :r

Aine and Weston - Yesss another eel believer! If you're interested, I think a thread where they're comparing near death experiences could be fun haha. Not sure how canon profile posts are, but Weston can seek her out (or vice versa if you want to say Aine heard that Weston is looking to interview eel witnesses).

Aine and Harper - I really enjoyed their thread even if I was terrible at responding in a timely manner (also I'm happy to continue that if you want or we can drop it and start fresh). Anyway, always down for more chats about the muggle-magical divide. Harper definitely appreciated having someone to commiserate with. Also, I think I saw in some of Aine's posts that she's interested in magical theory and Harper's secretly a bit of a nerd, so she's available for ~philosophical~ conversations about magic if that's of any interest.

*cha cha slides in here* Back again with the usuaaal

Rhys x Celia - It is clear by now these two don't really get along very well so it could be fun to continue to push them together to make them butt heads further. Could be over anything from their HM articles or to basically anything else. Just drama

Eoin x Weston - I don't know if you want to do more eel drama but if you do then here is your usual antagonist to tell Weston that he is an idiot. Eoin still very much wants to drag him into the lake to meet the eel as well like 'DOES IT LOOK LIKE IT WANTS TO EAT YOU??'

Flynn x Harper - Maybe one day one of my characters will get on with yours. Maybe. But these two are always fun, especially now they are in their last year and Flynn has changed quite a bit from his more annoying days. Not that he is any easier to get on with, but he's not /as/ annoying lmao.

(Also I am always down for siblings and future chars. I have Rowan Roscoe who could have siblings, or if you just wanted to make up a new fam I'm down for it as well hmu =)) )
Charlieeeeee :D

Rhys and Celia - Yes to drama. I really want one of them to stab the other in the back, but the problem is they don't trust each other :/ Unsurprisingly, she did not like his dueling article, and I'm sure he has thoughts on her column. Maybe we could stick them on a reporting assignment together? (I was going to do a thread with Celia going through old yearbooks/newspapers to dig up information about the new headmaster, if that's of any interest). As for non-HM stuff, they could clash over Quidditch opinions if you think Rhys would share with her his unsolicited thoughts about her/the team?

Eoin and Weston - As much as I enjoy Eoin yelling at Weston about the eel, I think it could also be fun if they clashed over other things too. I feel like Eoin's distaste for magic could be a natural starting point? Or if Weston came up with some other ridiculous creature theories (maybe something basilisk related? I'll have to think about it...) Anyway, I do enjoy these two together. I'm just running out of ways to say "the man-eating eel is real" haha.
Flynn and Harper - I still can't believe these two are in their last year x_x This is a little different, but do you want to do something dueling related? Harper's joining SDA this year ("join a club" is also on her bucket list lol) and she did take Flynn's title last year. Otherwise, we could do the tried and true trap-them-together-and-force-them-to-interact thread. Maybe they're patrolling together when something goes wrong? (Assuming Flynn does patrols...) Also open to other ideas!

Hiiiii Ana!!

I'd like to offer Valencia for Weston - I love their dynamic, and Valencia does consider Weston a friend, I'm not sure what we could do between them, but I'm always down with plotting between them two!

I currently don't have any established family, but I'm always keen on making a new family and siblings hehe (i always enjoy making more characters, so just letting you know that I am defs keen on that! Feel free to message me or anything if you're up for that hehe)

Maria!!! ^_^

Valencia and Weston - I love these two and am always down for a thread with them. Can we say that Weston knows about her aversion to magic by now? I think it'd be fun if he tried to sit her down and showed her random magical objects and spells one by one and is like "Look at this and tell me magic isn't awesome."

Hey Ana! I've got a few ideas to throw out you, feel free to pick and chose any you like or any I didn't mention haha.

Indi & Celia: Indi I think respects Celia and I’d be down for any kind of quidditch or SDA plot. I don’t have anything specific in mind but I’d love to throw these two together again.

Caleb & Celia: I love to write bickering and they do it so well. I was hoping she was going to mention meeting his mom in their last thread but that is something she has and can use against him at any time haha. But I’m keen to continue their dueling rivalry and general cattiness if you would like.

Indi & Weston: He is literally one of her two friends so I’m always excited for them to hang out! He might have to deal with her being a bit grumpier than usual now that her family has joined her at school, but I’m down for all the hijinks that may ensue.

Ethan & Weston: Ghost hunting at the lake when? If Weston was looking for an apprentice I think I have the perfect candidate for that particular job. I know we talked about it a bit already but I would love to throw them together.

Delilah & Harper: I think she could really get behind Harper’s bucket list. She’s been so reserved for the past six years. I think it’d be fun for her to cut a little loose too, if Harper would like the company. I could see her embracing a bit of rebelliousness and cutting class and going to the cliffs etc.

Felix & Harper: I’m pretty sure Felix thinks she’s probably the coolest person in school at this point haha. I still need to apply, but he would defiantly go to Harper for advice on all things animagi.

[And I have also sent you a message about families lol. But no pressure.]

Hey Kadi! :D

Indi and Celia - I think Celia feels the same way about Indi. She'd probably be interested in getting on Indi's good side so that she can be named Quidditch captain (she's assuming Indi will get the position next) and/or SDA leader in two years. Maybe they run into each other in the dueling chamber and Celia asks for advice on sixth-year spells or general strategy? She's also always on the lookout for people to gossip with about Quidditch stuff if you think Indi would indulge her.

Caleb and Celia - Definitely down to continue their rivalry! I did think about bringing up his mom in their last thread, but I think Celia wants to avoid that because she's afraid he'll mention it to Aleena, who will then reveal that Celia complimented his dueling skills lol. But maybe we can find a way for her to let that meeting slip. I feel like putting these two in the dueling chamber should lead to maximum bickering? Or if he wants to catch her admiring her trophies in the Trophy Room haha

Indi and Weston - "Wait Indi you also have a brother??? Can I meet him???" He's going to need her to sit down and draw out a family tree :p Anyway, love these two, and I'm always down for them to hang. He can continue pestering her with questions, or try and make her less grumpy by giving her chocolate frogs or offering to cast a Cheering Charm on her or something else equally unhelpful.

Ethan and Weston - Omg the thought of Weston having an apprentice... Terrifying... But yes, I'm down for this thread whenever you are! Let's summon some spirits!

Delilah and Harper - Harper would love to have Delilah join her! Cutting class together and hanging out at the cliffs sounds perfect. Also she might try to enlist Delilah's help for her "throw a party" and "end-of-year prank" (the "prank" won't be anything bad) goals. I really love their year group and how big it is, so I've been thinking of doing a couple year-wide threads like a Yule Ball pregame or graduation party of sorts in case you'd like to have Delilah help!

Felix and Harper - Aww if she ever finds out, she's for sure bragging to Sawyer about this haha. Let me know once you apply, and she'll be happy to give him advice!

Nikko and Harper - Just adding this in case you want to do a letter thread or a hangout over the summer break. But totally understand if you want to focus on your current students!
Maria!!! ^_^

Valencia and Weston - I love these two and am always down for a thread with them. Can we say that Weston knows about her aversion to magic by now? I think it'd be fun if he tried to sit her down and showed her random magical objects and spells one by one and is like "Look at this and tell me magic isn't awesome."
Yesss!! That's totally all good hehe! I think that sounds perfect! Did you wanna start it? Or did you want me to start it?
Rhys and Celia - Yes to drama. I really want one of them to stab the other in the back, but the problem is they don't trust each other :/ Unsurprisingly, she did not like his dueling article, and I'm sure he has thoughts on her column. Maybe we could stick them on a reporting assignment together? (I was going to do a thread with Celia going through old yearbooks/newspapers to dig up information about the new headmaster, if that's of any interest). As for non-HM stuff, they could clash over Quidditch opinions if you think Rhys would share with her his unsolicited thoughts about her/the team?

Eoin and Weston - As much as I enjoy Eoin yelling at Weston about the eel, I think it could also be fun if they clashed over other things too. I feel like Eoin's distaste for magic could be a natural starting point? Or if Weston came up with some other ridiculous creature theories (maybe something basilisk related? I'll have to think about it...) Anyway, I do enjoy these two together. I'm just running out of ways to say "the man-eating eel is real" haha.
Flynn and Harper - I still can't believe these two are in their last year x_x This is a little different, but do you want to do something dueling related? Harper's joining SDA this year ("join a club" is also on her bucket list lol) and she did take Flynn's title last year. Otherwise, we could do the tried and true trap-them-together-and-force-them-to-interact thread. Maybe they're patrolling together when something goes wrong? (Assuming Flynn does patrols...) Also open to other ideas!
Rhys + Celia: Honestly they are both absolutely the sort to stab each other in the back maybe we could work something out class-wise or the like. But yeah that is not surprising, but lol I don't think Rhys cares much for her opinion and just 'I write the truth, not my fault the truth isn't what you like'. But I think he would be interested in some digging on the new headmaster though O<O Maybe he could come across her doing it and sort of just takes an interest as well.

Eoin + Weston: Ah yes, I am totally down for them to have something else to disagree and argue about and the fact Eoin actively hates magic is certainly a good starting point. Maybe Weston could see Eoin trying to get books down from a high shelf and is very obviously purposefully not using his wand or something of the like.

Flynn + Harper: We could always do something dueling related I think Flynn would be a bit 'what the hell took you so long' when she does sign up because he honestly thinks she should have been a member from the start lol.
Hey Kadi! :D

Indi and Celia - I think Celia feels the same way about Indi. She'd probably be interested in getting on Indi's good side so that she can be named Quidditch captain (she's assuming Indi will get the position next) and/or SDA leader in two years. Maybe they run into each other in the dueling chamber and Celia asks for advice on sixth-year spells or general strategy? She's also always on the lookout for people to gossip with about Quidditch stuff if you think Indi would indulge her.

Caleb and Celia - Definitely down to continue their rivalry! I did think about bringing up his mom in their last thread, but I think Celia wants to avoid that because she's afraid he'll mention it to Aleena, who will then reveal that Celia complimented his dueling skills lol. But maybe we can find a way for her to let that meeting slip. I feel like putting these two in the dueling chamber should lead to maximum bickering? Or if he wants to catch her admiring her trophies in the Trophy Room haha

Indi and Weston - "Wait Indi you also have a brother??? Can I meet him???" He's going to need her to sit down and draw out a family tree :p Anyway, love these two, and I'm always down for them to hang. He can continue pestering her with questions, or try and make her less grumpy by giving her chocolate frogs or offering to cast a Cheering Charm on her or something else equally unhelpful.

Ethan and Weston - Omg the thought of Weston having an apprentice... Terrifying... But yes, I'm down for this thread whenever you are! Let's summon some spirits!

Delilah and Harper - Harper would love to have Delilah join her! Cutting class together and hanging out at the cliffs sounds perfect. Also she might try to enlist Delilah's help for her "throw a party" and "end-of-year prank" (the "prank" won't be anything bad) goals. I really love their year group and how big it is, so I've been thinking of doing a couple year-wide threads like a Yule Ball pregame or graduation party of sorts in case you'd like to have Delilah help!

Felix and Harper - Aww if she ever finds out, she's for sure bragging to Sawyer about this haha. Let me know once you apply, and she'll be happy to give him advice!

Nikko and Harper - Just adding this in case you want to do a letter thread or a hangout over the summer break. But totally understand if you want to focus on your current students!

Indi and Celia - Indi is very down for quidditch gossip and would love someone trying to butter her up lol.

Caleb and Celia: I don't think his mom would have mentioned their meeting to him and maybe just assumed Celia would have mentioned it to him. So Caleb finding out they've talked would probably freak him out a bit haha. Either way I think both settings would work for them to start picking at each other.

Indi and Weston: The way Raafe is related to her is actually a little complicated so that would be quite funny if she had to draw it out for him.

Ethan and Weston: Yes, lets summon those lake spirits lol.

Delilah and Harper: All that sounds great! I'm down to start where ever.

Felix and Harper: He defiantly thinks Harper is cooler than Sawyer. Sorry Sawyer. But cool, will make note of that and let you know how things develop.

Nikko and Harper: A holiday thread sounds great! I can make note of that for later. Also if you wanted a letter thread or something I would be down too.

They all sound so fun I'm not sure where to start. Both Weston and Celia ideas would be easy enough to start now. Do you have an preference on where to start?
Yesss!! That's totally all good hehe! I think that sounds perfect! Did you wanna start it? Or did you want me to start it?

If you could start it, that would be great :wub:

Rhys + Celia: Honestly they are both absolutely the sort to stab each other in the back maybe we could work something out class-wise or the like. But yeah that is not surprising, but lol I don't think Rhys cares much for her opinion and just 'I write the truth, not my fault the truth isn't what you like'. But I think he would be interested in some digging on the new headmaster though O<O Maybe he could come across her doing it and sort of just takes an interest as well.

Eoin + Weston: Ah yes, I am totally down for them to have something else to disagree and argue about and the fact Eoin actively hates magic is certainly a good starting point. Maybe Weston could see Eoin trying to get books down from a high shelf and is very obviously purposefully not using his wand or something of the like.

Flynn + Harper: We could always do something dueling related I think Flynn would be a bit 'what the hell took you so long' when she does sign up because he honestly thinks she should have been a member from the start lol.

Rhys and Celia - I'm down for class-related shenanigans. I admittedly don't have any specific backstabbing ideas, but straight up sabotage (ruining potions, notes, homework, etc) would be pretty easy. Let me know if you have any other ideas. In the meantime, I can start the Monthly thread for them!

Eoin and Weston - That sounds good! Weston might even grow concerned that Eoin hates magic because he's not good at it, which I'm sure Eoin will appreciate :r Do you want to start this?

Flynn and Harper - I mean, he's not wrong. Maybe we do a SDA clubroom or dueling chamber thread after the club fair?

Indi and Celia - Indi is very down for quidditch gossip and would love someone trying to butter her up lol.

Caleb and Celia: I don't think his mom would have mentioned their meeting to him and maybe just assumed Celia would have mentioned it to him. So Caleb finding out they've talked would probably freak him out a bit haha. Either way I think both settings would work for them to start picking at each other.

Indi and Weston: The way Raafe is related to her is actually a little complicated so that would be quite funny if she had to draw it out for him.

Ethan and Weston: Yes, lets summon those lake spirits lol.

Delilah and Harper: All that sounds great! I'm down to start where ever.

Felix and Harper: He defiantly thinks Harper is cooler than Sawyer. Sorry Sawyer. But cool, will make note of that and let you know how things develop.

Nikko and Harper: A holiday thread sounds great! I can make note of that for later. Also if you wanted a letter thread or something I would be down too.

They all sound so fun I'm not sure where to start. Both Weston and Celia ideas would be easy enough to start now. Do you have an preference on where to start?

Caleb/Celia - An idea: What if Celia runs into Aleena and Caleb in Brightstone (or Obsidian) and Aleena says hi to her before leaving the two of them alone so Caleb can freak out? Otherwise, I'll keep an eye out in future Caleb/Celia threads for ways to make Celia mention it

Let's start with Indi/Weston and Caleb/Celia. I'm also down to do Ethan/Weston now if you have room. And then maybe once Quidditch tryouts are over and the season starts, we can do Indi/Celia? I'll let you know about a Nikko/Harper letter thread later (I first need to figure out how many Harper threads I'll have this semester), but I for sure want to do a holiday thread. I'll also let you know about Delilah/Harper once I figure out which class would be most boring to RP best to skip haha
Rhys and Celia - I'm down for class-related shenanigans. I admittedly don't have any specific backstabbing ideas, but straight up sabotage (ruining potions, notes, homework, etc) would be pretty easy. Let me know if you have any other ideas. In the meantime, I can start the Monthly thread for them!

Eoin and Weston - That sounds good! Weston might even grow concerned that Eoin hates magic because he's not good at it, which I'm sure Eoin will appreciate :r Do you want to start this?

Flynn and Harper - I mean, he's not wrong. Maybe we do a SDA clubroom or dueling chamber thread after the club fair?
Rhys + Celia: Yeah I don't really have all too many ideas in my head about this right now, but I can have a think on it. But if you could start up the monthly thread that would be fab!

Eoin + Weston: I can start something and shoot you a link when it's up!

Flynn + Harper: Absolutely, we can sideline it until after the club fair
me trying to either make my characters inadvertently horrible or desperately unhappy or both-

Poor Yuelia, it would totally shatter her confidence to get thoroughly rejected for the sisterhood (though realistically she was probably never going to get in) so I am down for creating Slytherin dorm chaos. I will get that organized within the next couple of weeks once I have assessment lull/semester IC starts back up! Celia as judge jury and executioner would be excellent!

I am also very much down to have Aine attempt (and fail horribly, apparently I just want to ruin everything when I write her atm) at apologizing to Celia and can start something in the HM room soonish? And probably a new thread with Harper since the election is done and dusted. Aine tends to overthink everything in magic theory, especially Transfiguration, so she'd be interested to hear what someone she looks up to like Harper has to say about it especially coming in from a similar background?

I'm trying not to overdo it for the moment as I actually don't track threads at all even though I really should :r but I'm down for the eel too though if you need a break from eel conspiracy that's totally fine and we can come back to it later?
Caleb/Celia - An idea: What if Celia runs into Aleena and Caleb in Brightstone (or Obsidian) and Aleena says hi to her before leaving the two of them alone so Caleb can freak out? Otherwise, I'll keep an eye out in future Caleb/Celia threads for ways to make Celia mention it

Let's start with Indi/Weston and Caleb/Celia. I'm also down to do Ethan/Weston now if you have room. And then maybe once Quidditch tryouts are over and the season starts, we can do Indi/Celia? I'll let you know about a Nikko/Harper letter thread later (I first need to figure out how many Harper threads I'll have this semester), but I for sure want to do a holiday thread. I'll also let you know about Delilah/Harper once I figure out which class would be most boring to RP best to skip haha
Caleb/Celia: Lol love that. Will defiantly bookmark that for holiday time. Also another idea now we have prefect Celia, is her catching him sneaking out one night? But can gladly save that for later as well. Too many ideas lol

I think I'm fine to start with those three! And no worries about letter thread, just thought I'd offer. And that sounds good for Delilah/Harper.

I can start Indi/Weston and Ethan/Weston. It might just take a little bit as I get through my stack of threads to start.
me trying to either make my characters inadvertently horrible or desperately unhappy or both-

Poor Yuelia, it would totally shatter her confidence to get thoroughly rejected for the sisterhood (though realistically she was probably never going to get in) so I am down for creating Slytherin dorm chaos. I will get that organized within the next couple of weeks once I have assessment lull/semester IC starts back up! Celia as judge jury and executioner would be excellent!

I am also very much down to have Aine attempt (and fail horribly, apparently I just want to ruin everything when I write her atm) at apologizing to Celia and can start something in the HM room soonish? And probably a new thread with Harper since the election is done and dusted. Aine tends to overthink everything in magic theory, especially Transfiguration, so she'd be interested to hear what someone she looks up to like Harper has to say about it especially coming in from a similar background?

I'm trying not to overdo it for the moment as I actually don't track threads at all even though I really should :r but I'm down for the eel too though if you need a break from eel conspiracy that's totally fine and we can come back to it later?
I maintain that the best part of making characters is breaking them :r

Well, Celia doesn't have to find out it was Yuelia's bird. I actually don't think she'd suspect Yuelia at first since she has a not negative impression of her after their brief interaction last year at the Elite Sisterhood table. But if you want her to shatter Yuelia's confidence, she can definitely do that lol. I'm happy to have Celia play whatever part you want.

Aine/Celia in the HM room sounds good. Since you're starting that one, I can start Aine/Harper if you want? Harper loves Transfiguration and would definitely be down to talk theory.

As long as Aine's not denying the eel's existence, I'm down for more eel threads haha. I can start Aine/Weston if you'd like?

Caleb/Celia: Lol love that. Will defiantly bookmark that for holiday time. Also another idea now we have prefect Celia, is her catching him sneaking out one night? But can gladly save that for later as well. Too many ideas lol

I think I'm fine to start with those three! And no worries about letter thread, just thought I'd offer. And that sounds good for Delilah/Harper.

I can start Indi/Weston and Ethan/Weston. It might just take a little bit as I get through my stack of threads to start.

Oh, Celia would love to have a legitimate reason to take points from Caleb :r Definitely down to do that later.

That all sounds good. I'll start Caleb/Celia!
Hi Ana!

I would love to offer Louis for Celia as a romance but I think he's screwed that up already, but I am living for their interactions haha, so I'd be happy to throw them together.

I could also offer Louis for romantic flirting for Weston, I really want Louis to get his flirt on this year.

As for Harper, I think Isadora thinks she's really cool (way cooler than her sister haha) and would love to help her with any of the bucket list items. I could also see them running into each other at the cliffs or something for your own bucket list?

. But I think he would be interested in some digging on the new headmaster though O<O Maybe he could come across her doing it and sort of just takes an interest as well.

Piggybacking off of this, I'd be happy to involve Matt in any plots with Celia and/or Rhys :r
Hi Ana!

I would love to offer Louis for Celia as a romance but I think he's screwed that up already, but I am living for their interactions haha, so I'd be happy to throw them together.

I could also offer Louis for romantic flirting for Weston, I really want Louis to get his flirt on this year.

As for Harper, I think Isadora thinks she's really cool (way cooler than her sister haha) and would love to help her with any of the bucket list items. I could also see them running into each other at the cliffs or something for your own bucket list?

Piggybacking off of this, I'd be happy to involve Matt in any plots with Celia and/or Rhys :r

Daphne! :D

I was actually in the middle of writing out some plot ideas for your PD so keep an eye out for that :r

Louis and Celia - I really love these two even though I do not understand them lol. You're right, Celia thinks a lot less of him after last year. But she's always given him a surprising amount of grace, so I'm happy to continue their weird friends-not-friends-???-who-the-hell-knows relationship. Maybe we do something with their prefect badges? Or something Quidditch related? Or she can try to get information about Matt from him? Also open to other ideas!

Louis and Weston - There's like a 90% chance Weston will not recognize Louis is flirting with him and will just think "Wow, this person really wants to be my friend :D" which I think would be funny :r But yes, definitely down for this!

Isadora and Harper - Harper also likes Isadora a lot more than Natalia (or she would, if she knew they were sisters lol). She would gladly take any help with bucket list stuff, and a Cliffs thread sounds great. Especially since Harper will then have to half-heartedly "scold" her :p While they're there, Isadora could help Harper plan out a party or a prank?

Matt and Celia and Rhys - Ooh, what if Matt comes across Celia and Rhys while they're trying to dig up info on him? And then it can turn into an impromptu interview for the paper? This is all assuming @Flynn North is okay with this. (And Charlie, if Rhys wants to stab Celia in the back and submit an article using the interview with only his byline, that could be a potential backstabbing plot??)
Daphne! :D

I was actually in the middle of writing out some plot ideas for your PD so keep an eye out for that :r

Louis and Celia - I really love these two even though I do not understand them lol. You're right, Celia thinks a lot less of him after last year. But she's always given him a surprising amount of grace, so I'm happy to continue their weird friends-not-friends-???-who-the-hell-knows relationship. Maybe we do something with their prefect badges? Or something Quidditch related? Or she can try to get information about Matt from him? Also open to other ideas!

Louis and Weston - There's like a 90% chance Weston will not recognize Louis is flirting with him and will just think "Wow, this person really wants to be my friend :D" which I think would be funny :r But yes, definitely down for this!

Isadora and Harper - Harper also likes Isadora a lot more than Natalia (or she would, if she knew they were sisters lol). She would gladly take any help with bucket list stuff, and a Cliffs thread sounds great. Especially since Harper will then have to half-heartedly "scold" her :p While they're there, Isadora could help Harper plan out a party or a prank?

Matt and Celia and Rhys - Ooh, what if Matt comes across Celia and Rhys while they're trying to dig up info on him? And then it can turn into an impromptu interview for the paper? This is all assuming @Flynn North is okay with this. (And Charlie, if Rhys wants to stab Celia in the back and submit an article using the interview with only his byline, that could be a potential backstabbing plot??)
Yesss I'm looking forward to it

I don't understand Louis and Celia either, but they're so funny. He's fascinated by her. It'd be funny if she tried to get information on Matt from him because to Louis he's just his slightly boring uncle. Could do something with prefect badges too, though!

I love the idea of Weston being oblivious, that'd be very funny.

I like your idea about Isadora and Harper at the cliffs!

The Matt Celia and Rhys idea sounds great, Matt would be very amused and a bit surprised I think. If Charlie is down I'd be happy to do that!
Matt and Celia and Rhys - Ooh, what if Matt comes across Celia and Rhys while they're trying to dig up info on him? And then it can turn into an impromptu interview for the paper? This is all assuming @Flynn North is okay with this. (And Charlie, if Rhys wants to stab Celia in the back and submit an article using the interview with only his byline, that could be a potential backstabbing plot??)

The Matt Celia and Rhys idea sounds great, Matt would be very amused and a bit surprised I think. If Charlie is down I'd be happy to do that!
I am totally down for this!!!
Yesss I'm looking forward to it

I don't understand Louis and Celia either, but they're so funny. He's fascinated by her. It'd be funny if she tried to get information on Matt from him because to Louis he's just his slightly boring uncle. Could do something with prefect badges too, though!

I love the idea of Weston being oblivious, that'd be very funny.

I like your idea about Isadora and Harper at the cliffs!

The Matt Celia and Rhys idea sounds great, Matt would be very amused and a bit surprised I think. If Charlie is down I'd be happy to do that!

The Matt/Celia/Rhys thread is still on my list, so I'll let you and Charlie know when it's up!

As for the others, do you have a preference as to what we start with? I'm down to do all three now if you'd like, or we can spread them out. Just let me know which ones you want to start and which ones you want me to start.

Edit: Probably should have specified that for Louis/Celia, I'm up for the getting-information-about-Matt idea!
The Matt/Celia/Rhys thread is still on my list, so I'll let you and Charlie know when it's up!

As for the others, do you have a preference as to what we start with? I'm down to do all three now if you'd like, or we can spread them out. Just let me know which ones you want to start and which ones you want me to start.

If you're starting Matt/Celia/Rhys I can start two of the other three threads? I'm also down to do them now!

Maybe I start Isadora and Harper and Louis and Celia? Then you can take Louis and Weston?
Weston and Jordie need to spend time together.

And Harper and Aubrey could be besties this year? Shes open for adventures.
Weston and Jordie need to spend time together.

And Harper and Aubrey could be besties this year? Shes open for adventures.

Jordie and Weston - Yesssssss. It's been far too long since we've had a thread with the two of them. Did you have any specific ideas? If you want something lighthearted, I think Jordie trying to teach Weston yoga could be funny (I just remembered the other day that Weston had an old thread where someone was trying to teach him to do a headstand). Or we could do something more serious since I know Jordie has been really stressed lately. I feel like Weston would either be extremely helpful or extremely unhelpful in trying to get Jordie to relax. Also open to other ideas!

Aubrey and Harper - Definitely down for more threads with these two! I feel like it's practically tradition at this point for them to have a dorm thread lol. Or we could send them on an adventure! Also I think you once mentioned Aubrey possibly asking Harper for advice about Nikko? I'd be down for that if you think Aubrey still needs advice (especially since Harper would feel very awkward haha)

Mallory and Celia - Just throwing this in because I do enjoy the two of them even though their last thread died because of me x_x Anyway, I know Mallory's no longer her professor, but I think Celia would still swing by her office to gossip chat or study.
Jordie and Weston - Yesssssss. It's been far too long since we've had a thread with the two of them. Did you have any specific ideas? If you want something lighthearted, I think Jordie trying to teach Weston yoga could be funny (I just remembered the other day that Weston had an old thread where someone was trying to teach him to do a headstand). Or we could do something more serious since I know Jordie has been really stressed lately. I feel like Weston would either be extremely helpful or extremely unhelpful in trying to get Jordie to relax. Also open to other ideas!

Aubrey and Harper - Definitely down for more threads with these two! I feel like it's practically tradition at this point for them to have a dorm thread lol. Or we could send them on an adventure! Also I think you once mentioned Aubrey possibly asking Harper for advice about Nikko? I'd be down for that if you think Aubrey still needs advice (especially since Harper would feel very awkward haha)

Mallory and Celia - Just throwing this in because I do enjoy the two of them even though their last thread died because of me x_x Anyway, I know Mallory's no longer her professor, but I think Celia would still swing by her office to gossip chat or study.
Ooooh I love all of these. :3 I'm thinking yoga, dorm thread, and Celia dropping in? We can graduate to serious boys and girl adventure later?
Ooooh I love all of these. :3 I'm thinking yoga, dorm thread, and Celia dropping in? We can graduate to serious boys and girl adventure later?
That sounds good to me! Do you want to start Jordie/Weston, and I'll take Mallory/Celia? I can also start Aubrey/Harper unless you want to do that?
sounds good! Could you start aubrey/harper too? My list is... ridiculous right now :lol:

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