zomg, movie thread!

I haven't actually seen Star Trek yet. :r:
But a few of my trusted friends have, and just the concept is promising, so in short: I recommend the idea, not the quality of the film - yet. ^_^
1. emoticon fail. :p
2. awwww. Well this week is busy so I guess I'm not seeing it until next week at least. :p
Angus Greenwood said:
1. emoticon fail. :p
2. awwww. Well this week is busy so I guess I'm not seeing it until next week at least. :p
1) Not really... on most boards it's coded as :r , but I changed it to :r: so that it couldn't turn into the emoticon if somebody just failed to put a space between the colon and a letter.
Actually Violet, Transformers is a very good film. I'm looking forward to the second. It isn't as painful as you think it might be- it's very enjoyable.

I recently saw Catch Me if You Can- I thought it was an excellent movie.

I'm going to go see Angels and Demons this weekend, I can't wait! I liked the Da Vinci code, but as a book Angels and Demons was ten times better. Hopefully the movie will be the same. ^_^
:woot: I sooooooooo agree Amanda. I can not wait to see Angels and Demons :frantics:

Have you got my plane ticket booked yet?? :r:
I'm gonna recommend "Kite Runner".
I actually cried watching it.
& The Game Plan is good too!

Oh good. Then that's alright then, I might enjoy myself. :lol:

Still must recommend Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. That is seriously my favourite movie. :wub:
I'm going to reccomend Hotel Rwanda. :((

We watched it in English the other day and it was soo sad.. -_-

Even if you don't like it as a movie, I still reccomend seeing it because it's very educational and eye-opening. And it's based on a true story. ;'(
This weekend I saw Angels and Demons, which was good, not brilliant but better than the Da Vinci Code, annnnd I Love You Man, which was quite amusing. I never realised bromance was so...erm, romantic, if you get what I'm sayin'. ;)
Angels and Demons was such a let down -_- I was sooo looking forward to seeing it, but was not pleased with it at all. Sure the main plot was kept but it killed the book :( The SE's were alright I suppose. And if you haven't seen the movie, and don't want it ruined look away now
The best part was when Ewan McGregor burned at the end, he should have burned for doing that horrible Irish accent <_< And he wasn't even Irish in the book and his parents was not killed by the UVF :mad:

Rant over :)
Angels and Demons was great... that's what I thought. I haven't read the book however I am about to, and am really looking forward to find out what Pat means by "killed the book"
Oh believe me, you'll find out <_<

Don't get me wrong, I liked the film and all, but like every book, certain aspects were left out or changed which I feel should have stayed in, but alas, no such luck -_-
I'm loving The Princess Bride. ^_^
Great movie. I can't believe I didn't watch it before.
And, it cost less than 25 cents! :lol:

I can't stop gushing about the movie Unmade Beds. Saw it tonight, I am completely and utterly in love. Not for kids, but it's really interesting and sweet and awesome and yeah. :lol:
Luxen Silverback said:
I liked...

'The Boy in the Striped Pajama's'

It was a quaint little film that had a shocking end!
I saw that recently. It was lovely... and awful. Definitely recommend it.
Ruby Bellamy said:
I just watched Three Colours: Blue today. It was the first in the series, the others being White and Red. I haven't see White, just Red, but Blue and Red are both amazing movies.
I should call them the proper French names but I'm lazy. :r:
They explore the themes of Liberty (Blue), Equality (White) and Fraternity (Red) and are quite powerful and moving. I'd definately recommend them.

However, on the subject of French cinema, I'd avoid 8 Women, which is just too bizarre for words. :lol:
Heard about these, like 3 years ago, but haven't been able to find them ANYWHERE. Do you know if I can download them anywhere? Or anywhere in NZ I can get them?

Haha! And on the subject of French Film, I definitely recommend The Triplets of Belville
Estrella Drage said:
Actually Violet, Transformers is a very good film. I'm looking forward to the second. It isn't as painful as you think it might be- it's very enjoyable.

I recently saw Catch Me if You Can- I thought it was an excellent movie.

I'm going to go see Angels and Demons this weekend, I can't wait! I liked the Da Vinci code, but as a book Angels and Demons was ten times better. Hopefully the movie will be the same. ^_^
Catch me if you can... Brilliant!

Angels and Demons... cringe. It was painful. The premise of the story has potential, but the writing, the acting, the sentimentality, the pathetic excuses it makes to include a pretty lady... who happens to fall for the crumby old guy. DaVinci Code? Repeat comments above. I have no time for Dan Brown, sorry.

I have to say, there were parts of the direction of Twilight I totally agreed with, but the general atmosphere, a lot of the costuming, and a fair chunck of the direction I was not satisfied with. Look forward to the new director's interpretation for movie number 2.

Loved Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.

You MUST see Everything Is Illuminated. Brilliant.

And... I can't help it, I have to put a word in for my two favourite movies of all time... Aladdin and Forrest Gump. (Wow... I just had a thought... Forrest Gump IN Aladdin!)
I don't know about NZ. I've just found them at my local video store? (I'm from Australia). So if you look around you should be able to find them.

As for downloading, if you look you should be able to find them easily. =P

Everything Is Illuminated is good, but the book is so much better. It's easily one of my favourite novels.
Violet Bellamy said:
I don't know about NZ. I've just found them at my local video store? (I'm from Australia). So if you look around you should be able to find them.

As for downloading, if you look you should be able to find them easily. =P

Everything Is Illuminated is good, but the book is so much better. It's easily one of my favourite novels.
None of the Video Stores I checked in Dunedin, NZ (and I checked a lot) had them. The video stores her in Korea CERTAINLY don't have them.

And because they have such basic names, it's really hard to find them to download. Especially blue - I've downloaded I don't know how many torrents, hoping they'd be the movie, only to find 'blue' films.

I've found a couple of torrents that were legit, but they didn't download. :(
You need to type it in as 'Three Colours: Blue' because that's the full movie title. Well, it's in French, but if you want it with English subtitles I'd stick with the English title. :lol:
Luxen Silverback said:
I liked...

'The Boy in the Striped Pajama's'

It was a quaint little film that had a shocking end!
The boy in the striped pyjama's made me cry ;'( . But it is an awesome movie!. I did not expect the end and it also has the amazing David thewlis in it who plays Lupin in the HP films :D

Ooh!, I also love all the HP movies, every single one. So i suggest you all watch them back to back :D

I recommend Moulin Rouge!. That movie is amazing i love Baz Lurhman's style, its awesome and Moulin Rouge made me cry the first few times i watched it ^_^ . It's a musical and the songs are catchy and amazing (but they are covers from some well known songs, but i didnt know the songs because i wasn't born when they were out). It has Ewan Mcgregor in it & i love all films with Ewan in it :wub: so i suggest you watch Down with love. It also has Nicole kidman in it and i think she is an amazing actress!.

I also love Baz Lurhman's Romeo + Juliet, again the Baz Lurhman style is awesome and i have yet to see australia :D . Plus Romeo and Juliet had Leonardo Dicaprio in it =P~ . But i love the whole love/ tragedy story, its cool.

TITANIC! has to be one of my all time favourite films that i cannot get enough of watching and always makes me cry, i watched it the other day and it was still good :D . I am also fascinated about the whole Titanic boat sinking thing so i like this movie for that reason too :) I like Kate Winslet and i think she acted amazingly in this film and i liked her in 'The Holiday' too, that film is amazing, especially with Jude law 8-> .
I'd recommend a film I just saw today, it just came out here, but the Time Travellers Wife.

It was really good, my friend was in tears. It was very well made I thought and everyone should go see it (It is a little bit of a chick flick but is definitely worth seeing.)
Imogen Day said:
I'd recommend a film I just saw today, it just came out here, but the Time Travellers Wife.

It was really good, my friend was in tears. It was very well made I thought and everyone should go see it (It is a little bit of a chick flick but is definitely worth seeing.
I want to see that so bad, hopefully ill go soon :D
I saw Ponyo last night. :frantics:
Went out to Portside and saw it in the original Japanese with English subtitles. And omg it was so cute! :wub:
Sweetest movie I've seen all year. I love Miyazaki.
Of course, being Studio Ghibli, you may not love it, it is a bit weird. But it's so adorable! My friend and I kept looking at each other and going "awwww!"
Basically, it's a re-telling of The Little Mermaid. Ponyo is a fish who becomes human. :)

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