You're the one that I want.

Melody Thomas

Well-Known Member
Myrtle Wand 15 1/2" Tail of Charmed Newt
Melody walked quietly around her house. There was something on her mind that she really had to get out in the open. Melody had been hiding this very big subject for quite a long time now, and not even one person could figure it out. This was that, Melody was in love. Her whole mind, body and spirit was in love with the wonderful man named Dervish. Of course Melody had said that she loved him, but not to this extent. Today was the day that she told him her whole feelings and wanted to see if he felt close to the same way that she did.

She made sure that she was in love, not her own mind tricking her over and over again. She had loved someone before and it hurt to find out that they didn't feel the same way about her. But then she was only seventeen, what did she know about love. Now that she was older, and smarter she felt the need to tell Dervish and see what he says. The little brunette quietly waited for him to be knocking on that door, the same way her heart would be pounding when she'd hear it.
Dervish got changed out of his work clothes and put on some more casual jeans and a top. He was going to be heading to Melanie's house soon. He knew he loved her. There was no denying it. How could he when it was so obvious. Ever since that first kiss he'd been sure of it. But he couldn't tell her. What if she got mixed with the death eaters. She was too kind. She'd be scared of them and they'd take advantage of it. Death eaters could smell fear a mile away and he didn't want her to be hurt by any of them.

Derv finished getting changed then apparated to her house and hesitated at the door for a second. Was it really a good idea keeping his feelings from her?? What if she felt the same?? Could he bare to risk it all for feelings like that?? There was only one way to find out but he didn't have the guts for that one way.
Melody took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Could she see Dervish with her for the rest of her life? Of course she could, after all she really did love him. But what was taking him so long? She was getting a bit worried. Either way, she wanted everything to be perfect. She had the perfect outfit, with the perfect hairstyle with a nice clean house, ready for him to come over. What if he did feel the same way? That would be the best situation, they could spend the rest of their lives together. What if he didn't? Melody had to snap her head out of negative thinking.

Hearing something shuffling infront of the doors, made her a bit nervous. Mel got up slowly, fixed her shirt and walked to the door. The brunette slowly opened the door, having a huge grin on her face when she saw Dervish. " Dervish!" She said happily, jumping and hugging him.
Dervish turned when he heard his voice. "Oh, Melody. Hey." He walked over to her and gave her a massive hug before kissing her. "How have you been??" He started wondering what was going through her head. She was acting like she was happy but there was something in her eyes that made her look worried. It kinda made him worry. He was going to have to give her a few lessons on how to hide her emotions. It came naturally to him as he'd done it his whole life but other people never got the idea. Suited him fine until he wanted a friend or family member to be safe. Then he wanted to spread his knowledge.
Melody sighed, and placed her hands around her waist. " I'm alright, couldn't sleep all of last night.. but I'm better since your here." She admitted. It was really true. There was some sort of relief that she got out of seeing his face. It was like a relaxing sort of thing. " I'm just stressed out about something, but it's really nothing." Mel said, as she lead them into the house. " How've you been?" She asked, before walking over to the fridge. " Would you like a drink?" The brunette opened up her fridge, waiting for him to answer.
Dervish grinned and walked into the house. "I've been alright. Same old really. Rio, work, pub, Rio, bed, Rio, work, pub, Rio, bed etcetera." He shrugged and frowned slightly. "What's been stressing you out so much that you can't sleep?? It can't be nothing." Derv thought about it for a second then said "Yeah, sure. You got any firewhiskeys??" Dervish kept his eyes on Melody. He had been right that there was something wrong. Now was time for him to work out what it was that was so wrong that she'd have sleepless nights.
Melody sighed and took out two firewhiskeys from her fridge, and brought them to the table. The brunette smiled, " How is Rio?" Melody hadn't seen him in a while, and wanted to know how he was. She sat down and motioned Derv to sit beside her, " There's just been so many things on my mind. I don't know how to even say this to you." Melody sighed, as she got up and walked to the window, and looked out. " This is really hard to say." Mel rubbed her head, throwing her hair back. " I love you Dervish, I can't get you out of my mind, or anything. I think of you all the time, and I've never felt like this before." Melody turned to see his reaction.
Derv sat next to her and nodded. "He's good. He's just started school. Kind of weird really. My brother's just graduated at the same time as my son's started school." Derv didn't know how well Steve's grades had been because he hadn't seen his brother since the graduation but he'd been meaning to meet up with him at some point.

Dervish's eyes followed Melody when she went and stood by the window. He took a swig of his drink then listened to what she said. Her words made his jaw drop. He put the glass on the table then walked over to her and gave her a massive kiss, one arm around her waist while the other was on the side of her face. When he separated his mouth from her's, he looked her in the eyes and replied, "I love you too."
Melody took a sigh of relief before she kissed him back. She was so happy that they both felt the same. " I'm so happy that we both feel the same, I was just worried that we both didn't feel the same." She jumped on him and gave him a hug.
Dervish shook his head. "I had my reasons for not saying anything." He figured now was as good a time as any. Mel wasn't about to rat him out. He trusted her enough to tell her truth. He was going to have to teach her to defend herself from dark magic if she was going to be a part of it though.
Melody nodded, she understood what he meant. " What were those reasons?" She asked curiously. She guessed that she had her reasons for not telling him too. " I'm just sorry that I didn't tell you sooner." The brunette shrugged her shoulders.
Dervish shook his head. "Don't judge me for what I'm about to tell you. It's my life and it's what I enjoy." Derv loved being a death eater and would never quit but he also loved Melody and just hoped she'd accept him for it. He sighed then said "I'm a death eater." He also hoped she wasn't about to go to the ministry.
Melody smiled at Dervish, " Why would I judge you for that, it's your choice and I love you no less." Mel put her arms around his neck. She never judged anyone for what they did or what they chose in their life. " That doesn't change anything, if you like, then I like it too. I'm going to support you one hundred percent." She smiled up at him, happily.
Dervish shook his head. "But I'm putting you in danger. I either have to try not to get too close to you or I need to give you lessons in defence." Dervish was already mentoring Andrew but teaching a death eater in training was very different to teaching someone who had no knowledge of dark magic.
Melody looked down at the floor, she wanted to be close to Dervish and she was going to do everything that she needed to do to be with him. " Teach me the lessons." She looked up. " I want to be close to you Dervish." She stated. Melody didn't care that she could be in danger, she was a pretty tough girl and could beat some people up if she needed to.
Dervish thought about it for a second. He remembered when he was learning the spells. He felt very drained during those few weeks. The spells needed a lot of strength and if the wrong person cast them it could drain them of their energy completely. "Are you sure you're up for it. These are very hard spells that need very advanced skills."
Melody looked out the window, thinking about what Dervish had just said. Of course she was going to do it, she would do it for him. " I'm up for it, I'll give it everything that I've got." Melody said truthfully. " How long is it going to take?" The slender brunette asked, putting her hands on her waist. " I'm planning on moving just a bit closer to you, it's too far here." She turned around to face him.
Dervish felt nervous about teaching her dark magic. It was dangerous stuff if you didn't know what you were doing with it. He'd had years of practice and even he wasn't perfect. But she wanted to learn and he wanted her safe. It was the only option. "Okay, I'll do it." He heard what she said next and shrugged. "Why don't you move in to mine?? There's loads of room there and I'm usually the only person there."
Melody had a sense of relief when Dervish said he was going to teach her the magic. She wanted to learn it so that she could protect herself better, and just have more self confidence. " Are you sure? Would Rio mind?" She asked quietly.
"Mind??" Dervish laughed and shook his head. "I hope you realise that he calls you mummy." Dervish didn't know why Rio had suddenly come to this conclusion but he figured it would make things easier if Melody agreed to move in.
Melody smiled, it was true and she really did like Rio. " Alright, I'll move in then." A big smile grew up on her lips. " I'm actually pretty excited." The brunette nearly shrieked. " But I do have a lot of stuff. " She nodded her head, even in her medium sized house there wasn't enough room.
Dervish laughed. "Believe me, there'll be room. And I need a spring clean anyway. This gives me the perfect motivation to get it done." Derv had been meaning to have a clear out for a while but could never be bothered. "You have to understand though, I'll have a few dodgy people there sometimes and they don't like being questioned. It's usually best to leave them be and don't give away any emotion. They practically feed on fear and pain." Derv had once been like them until he worked out what was really true in his life.
Melody took in what he had to say and would keep that as important information. " Ok, I think that'd all be wonderful." She smiled. " Oh ok, I understand." Mel knew that this was a serious topic, and she couldn't play around with the wrong sort of people. " I'm actually thrilled to be doing this." She smiled happily to him.
Derv nodded. He was glad she understood what would be happening if she moved in but actually living it could be very different. These guys could be terrifying if you weren't used to them. The women as well. In some ways, the women were scarier because they were unpredictable. "When do you want to start learning??"
The brunette thought for a moment before answering. " I think that as soon as we can, just so I get to know them before I move in." She stated. " Is it like daily visits? I need to know everything." Melody sighed, she wanted to be prepared.

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