Closed You're Gonna Find Your Start

Harper Alston

off we go, into the wild blue yonder
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Straight 12.5'' Flexible Larch Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
As much as Harper enjoyed being a seventh year, being the oldest in the school also came with some undeniable downsides. There were NEWTs, of course, and the pressure of having to come up with post-grad plans. But the one that she was least looking forward to was having to spend another year away from her older friends. It was hard not to feel like she'd been left behind as her magical friends started their adult lives. And then come November, most of her muggle friends would graduate and do the same.

At least she could write them letters. It was a very inefficient form of communication and didn't compare to having her friends around in person, but it would get her through the year. Today she had written Nikko. It was still strange not seeing him in the common room or the Great Hall. Harper had gone down to the kitchens the other day and had been struck by how empty it looked without him there. As much as she wished he was still at Hogwarts with her, Harper was glad Nikko was out living his dreams. To her delight (but not her surprise), she'd gotten a letter from him recently, telling her that he'd joined the Moutohora Macaws as their new keeper. It seemed he and Chloë were determined to make her a Macaws fan.


I still can't believe you decided to ditch me. What happened to working in the kitchens after graduation? Who am I supposed to go to for pastries now?

But seriously, congrats on getting signed to the Macaws!!!! Am I allowed to say I told you so? You're going to kill it, and I can't wait to read all the Daily Prophet stories about the Macaws' new star keeper. I heard a radio announcer mention the news the other day, so you're basically already famous. Does this mean you'll be moving to New Zealand? If you're still looking for a place, I heard Helensville is a pretty great place to live...

Quidditch aside, how have you been? How's life in the real world? Hogwarts is the same as always, although we have a new headmaster, Professor Alcott-Ward. I went down to the kitchens for ice last week, and I think the house elves were startled to see me there alone. I would try to update you on Quidditch, but I'm honestly not sure who's on the team anymore aside from people like Flynn and Isaiah. It'll be weird not seeing you on the pitch.

I'll cut this letter off here because unlike some people, I still have homework. (If you have any advice on surviving NEWTs, let me know because I do not have the skills to work in the kitchens after graduation). Write back soon!

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Nikko wasn't sure what he was doing. Everything had happened so fast after graduation that none of it felt real. It felt like he was on a rollercoaster and he was hanging on for dear life. He hadn't really been expecting anything to happen when he went to the Macaw try-outs, except maybe a pat on the head and for someone to tell him 'better luck next time'. But that's not what happened at all. He had made the team. And his break had been cut short and he had rushed to find accommodations in New Zealand so he could start practice. He had ended up renting a small room from an older woman who apparently had a soft spot for helpless quidditch players.

He had just gotten home from practice and was about to head to his room when he spotted a letter on the kitchen table addressed to him. Nikko grabbed it and smiled when he saw it was from Harper. He was glad to see she was surviving her last year at school but he would be lying if he wasn't excited for her to graduate and join the real world with him.


She lives! You know I would have stayed but the elves have higher standards than I thought, I didn't make the cut sadly.

You can gloat and say it once, but only once! Well if I'm famous it's not nearly as glamours as it seems in movies. And yes, I'm in New Zealand now. Calling what I have a "place" might be a bit of a stretch. But I'll have to keep that in mind even though I've heard some sketchy people are from there.....

Quidditch is great! I'm learning a lot and they haven't kicked me off the team yet, which is all I can really ask for at this point. I knew there would be a difference between a pro-team and the way we played at school but it's still been an adjustment. It's also been weird to play with people we went to school with like Blake Irons, or I guess it's van Houten now. How are people we went to school with married already?

But other than that, the real world? It doesn't feel quite real yet. It's all happened so fast I haven't really had a chance to catch my breath.

Must be weird to have a new headmaster even for just a year. And as far as quidditch goes, just tell me if we win or if Flynn finally snaps. As for NEWT more than I did! Anyways it great to hear from you, and please keep me posted on all the drama. I haven't learned any of the team's drama yet. But will share if I do.

-Nikko, your very famous friend
Harper had reached that point in the semester when writing letters became a struggle. Not only was she swamped with homework, but she was struggling to come up with stories to share with her muggle friends. She was very relieved when she saw that the letter waiting for her today was from Nikko. He was one of the few people she didn't have to lie to. Harper tore open the envelope and grinned as she read his letter before picking up a thick black marker to start her very mature reply.

Dear Nikko, an actual celebrity,



You're lucky I can't gloat in person, and I don't know how to send howlers (why are those even a thing?) so this will have to do.

Should I be concerned? While I'm glad you chose the superior country, those quotes are kind of worrying. Hopefully your "place" is at least better than the Hogwarts dorms? Sometimes I think I'll miss the dorms once I graduate, but then I'll hear bagpipes. Also I'm pretty sure you're thinking of Byron Bay. Helensville is where all the coolest people are from.

That makes sense that playing for a pro team would be different, but I'm sure you'll adjust quickly. It must be nice getting to spend all of your time focused on just Quidditch without having to worry about anything else. And hey, at least you already know some of the people on your team. That's wild that Blake is already married. Isn't he 21? 22? I can't imagine getting married in four years.

I guess it's a good thing that you have the rest of your life to get used to the real world.

So far, things haven't felt too different with Professor Alcott-Ward in charge, but I'm sure that will change next semester, when I have HOM. The new professor is really tall. He's like twice my height, reminds me of Styx, and could probably flatten Alcott-Ward's old desk if he wanted to.

As for Quidditch, Gryffindor lost the first game against Ravenclaw after their seeker caught the snitch in the first minute. But we won the second game against Hufflepuff. Isaiah and Aurora were the real stars. They managed to knock out two seekers and hit a couple others. I'm not sure what happened to Ronald, but the new keeper is a fourth year who had a rough time. I'm sure you would've kept a clean sheet if you'd played, but I guess you're too busy being a professional Quidditch star. As far as I know, Flynn never snapped. But there's still seven months left in the school year, so who knows!

-Harper, your friend who is always right
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Nikko was still figuring out how to go to the grocery store and actually come home with enough food to make a meal or two. His mom had given him a crash course lesson when his parents had helped him move in but the lesson didn't stick very well. He hadn't had a chance to learn while he was at school when everything was provided for him but he was trying. The weather was starting to get a little warmer and he was starting to break a sweat as he came into the kitchen. But he quickly set down his things and grabbed for the letter addressed to him and let out a laugh when he opened it and caught sight of the first line.

Dear Harper who is sometimes right,

Firstly, howlers definitely aren't a thing, and don't try to ask anyone else about it.

And there's no need to worry. Its way better than the dorms. I don't know how I survived seven years with those guys snoring every night, which wasn't bagpipes but still. The quiet is nice. It's just small and not exactly where I imagined I'd be. But I'd watch it! I'll have you know the Blackwood Bed and Breakfast has excellent reviews!

Yeah, it's nice to be able to focus on the game over nearly everything else. But it's more pressure too. We've done a lot more physical training then we ever had to do in school. The team is great though, and it great to play with Chloe again. She's still putting me in my place during practice. I think Blake is 21. His husband is pretty cool. I didn't really know him in school but I can't imagine it either. I don't think I'd be ready to get a second cat by then let alone married....

That's good. Would suck to have your last year be thrown off completely. And that's....really tall. Is he part giant? Is he really that tall? Or have you only seen him far away and next to small things?

Well that's better than losing both games. But I would have preferred to beat Ravenclaw.... But I am happy to hear Isaiah is keeping it all together. So that leaves Ravenclaw and Slytherin for the cup match? I think I can guess how that's going to end.

- Nikko
Between classes and animagus training, Harper had fallen a little behind in her letter-writing. She was looking forward to the break, when she could finally see her friends in person and communicate with them via a medium more efficient than owl post. But first she needed to get through these last few weeks. Harper had finally finished a batch of letters to her family when she reached Nikko's. She had debated sending him a howler as a joke before deciding to take pity on him. Maybe she'd save that as a fun surprise for later.

Dear Nikko,

That's strange. Someone told me howlers are a sacred magical tradition and that it's rude not to send them.

To be fair, I think snoring might be worse than bagpipes. You can't really ask a snoring person to stop. Can you cast an Extension Charm on your place? (Is that even how those work?) Even if you can't, I'm sure you'll be able to find better places in the future if you want. It's only your first place. Now that you mention it, I did hear good things about the owners of that inn. Their son, on the other hand...

It might be more pressure, but you'll also have more support. You're going to have a whole stadium cheering for you! That sucks about the training though. Still, you're going to have to give me workout tips later since I've slacked off a lot in the past year. I'm glad your teammates are cool. Tell Chloë I said hi. And 21 still seems so young. At the same time, it's weird to think that I know people in their 20s. Speaking of cats, how's Pop? You should also tell him I said hi even though I don't think he likes me.

He has to be part giant, right? To be honest, I'm not completely sure what part-giants even look like. But I'm pretty sure it's not possible for a normal human to be that tall. Maybe you're right, though, and he's just been placing shrinking charms on everything around him.

Yeah, it's Ravenclaw and Slytherin in the final match. I guess the real question will be how many points will Ravenclaw lose by. It's kind of wild how lucky Slytherin has been.

Nikko had just gotten back from traveling to the latest quidditch game and he was exhausted. Even though they had used a portkey his body still felt the miles. It didn't help that they had lost. It had been disappointing but they had been on a winning streak so in some ways it felt like things balancing out. But he was desperate for a shower and a nap but flipped through his mail as he walked up to his room and grinned when he saw the letter from Harper.


Well I told you not to ask anyone about howlers. I'm so sorry they lied to you. They're not real.

And that's true. Disposing of bagpipes is much easier than trying to get a person to go away. I hadn't really thought of that. But the size isn't really the issue. I'm renting a room from an old woman since it was the only place I could find last minute. It's just odd having a very different roommate than I'm used to.

Chloe says hi back. We lost a game recently which kind of sucked but it was the first time in a while that happened. All thanks to me obviously. And 20's are just a few years away. Not that I'm freaking out about it. Definitely not. And Pop says 'meow' which is promising. Maybe you're finally winning him over? But he's good. Sleeps all the time which I envy when I have to get up for early practices.

Must be. I don't really know either but I heard it could happen. Not that I really want to think about how it would happen. It would be a very elaborate prank if he was just shrinking things. You think there's some kind of illusion magic that could make someone look tall?

Yeah. There must be something in the air down in the dungeons. Or maybe Liusaidh sold her soul for some kind of favor. I would be lying if I said being on the receiving end of some of her shots wasn't terrifying.

And good luck with exams? Maybe? It's so hard to keep track of time without school.

It seemed she would have to put a pin in her idea of sending Nikko a howler as a joke. Harper didn't want to accidentally annoy his new roommate-slash-landlady. It was truly a shame because a holiday howler singing a Christmas carol would have been a fun prank. Harper had many talents, but singing wasn't one of them, and she was sure her voice could have made a delightful howler. In the meantime, she would have to settle for normal letters.

Dear Nikko,

Hold up. Are you telling me that you disposed of your snoring roommates?? Is that why there were so few Gryffindor guys in your year?? I really hope for that old woman's sake that she doesn't snore. Although I guess that would be one way of dealing with your new living situation.

I'm sorry about the game. If it's the first in a while, then you guys should still be pretty high up in the rankings, right? I'm sure you guys will win the next one. And don't remind me. I am also not freaking out about it. As for Pop, that's good to hear, but I think he might just be happy that he no longer has to see me. It must be nice being a cat and not having to worry about exams or getting older or other responsibilities.

There's magic powerful enough to create the southern lights, so I think it's definitely possible that magic could make a person look taller. But I guess if you're going to go through all that trouble, it might be easier to just actually make yourself taller with a Stretching Jinx or something.

I can believe that. I had to duel Liusaidh last year, and it was pretty intimidating. She was smiling the entire time while throwing blasting curses at me. I don't think anything fazes her.

Thankfully I don't have any exams this semester, so I'm just trying to catch up on NEWT revision while waiting for the break to start. Speaking of the break, do you have holiday plans? If you're free, I could portkey to your city.


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