Closed Your Assigned Buddy

Emmanuel Okoye

budding historian | joyous
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 10 1/2" Rigid Elm Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
04/2045 (17)
Emmanuel had been quite surprised that he'd been picked to be the buddy to one of the transfer students, but it became a little more clear when he was told who the kid was. The boy had family at the school, but all were younger, and perhaps it just made sense to allow him to interact with someone outside his family while still keeping it pureblood. He knew it was important, his maternal grandparents had pretty much said as much, and he didn't mind, He'd always be happy to help someone else out. Emmanuel arrived at the entrance hall where he was supposed to meet the boy and spotted someone who fit the description of who he was to meet. The teen walked over to him and cleared his throat. ”Hi, you must be Chaos, I'm Emmanuel, I've been assigned to show you about,” Emmanuel didn't extend a hand to him just yet, not sure if this boy would actually want to touch hands.
Chaos Zhefarovich the Second managed to talk his dad into letting him attend a magical school. Of course, he had rules. No dueling. No Quidditch. Nothing that could potentially mean permanent harm to him. Chaos was not entirely sure that he would obey his father’s rules, but he would have to see. He was even sorted into Havoc’s old house, so he had loyalty and adventurousness to him. Chaos walked around the school a little bit when he heard about how he would end up being assigned someone to help show him around. Chaos still could not get used to the school uniform, but it was apparent where he came from just from how he dressed. Havoc and Dove made sure that he was dressed to perfection. His purple orbs managed to see a boy his age approaching. Was this the guide? Chaos cocked his head slightly to the side as he introduced himself, and took the fun right out of him. "Yeah, that would be me. You know, I could always ask one of my cousins to show me around," Chaos shrugged his shoulders, but truth be told, he didn’t care. He just wanted to see the school, and explore what was forbidden.
Emmanuel smiled at the boy, Chaos, glad that he had picked out the right one from the crowd. He was pretty glad to be able to show him around, knowing that this was an important job for someone to do. "It's fine, I've got this," he assured him. He knew the boy had family at the school, but perhaps it was easier for someone not family to give a non-biased tour of the place. "Welcome to Hogwarts!" he said. "Obviously you just came from the great hall, I hope you've been able to find your table and the food okay?" he asked. He wanted to make sure before they set off that the boy hadn't struggled with anything, though he was sure with family at the school it wasn't too much trouble.
Chaos wondered why he was trying so hard. This might be interesting to see, since he wondered if it was a pure-blood thing or a nice thing. There was no telling, honestly. Chaos wondered if it had anything to do with his parents and trying to pick out the people he should hang out with. He gave him a smile, though it was most certainly faked - yet very convincing, when welcomed to Hogwarts. "Thanks, and yeah. Once the hat put me in a house, I just followed the color red. Color coding is helpful." Chaos didn't know otherwise. After all, this was his first experience at any sort of magical institution. "The food was okay. Obviously, my parents' food taste a lot better." Chaos knew that when Havoc cooked, he made sure that it was healthy to the point it was obsessive. "So, a Ravenclaw showing a Gryffindor around. You'd think a common house would be better since you shouldn't know the location of the Gryffindor common room. Unless you like bending the rules."
Emmanuel gave a little laugh at the boy’s comment on colour coding. ”Yes, that is very true, everything is very colour coordinated, it is not difficult to find your house or people,” he agreed. He would also agree that the food from his home tasted better than that of the school, but he felt his reason would be different from Chaos’ reason. ”They do have lots of really healthy foods which is good,” he said. Emmanuel gave a little smile. ”Probably something to do with houses mixing and that, someone from Gryffindor can show you the Gryffindor areas, but I can show you anything and everything else. Quidditch pitch maybe? Or the duelling chamber?” he wasn’t sure yet what interest this boy had and what he wanted to see first, but that might given him an indication.
Chaos was glad that he was not the only one that thought that when it came down to the houses. It was all very obvious. He still wondered why he was sorted into Gryffindor. What traits did he share with his father? There was truly no telling. "Healthy good is all I am allowed to eat. Some people have strict mothers, but my father is the one that is dead set on keeping me healthy and safe. No Quidditch, no dueling, nothing like that. So, both of those locations are out. No point in seeing them when I can't participate." Chaos might do that anyway, but there was no telling. He would not mind dueling, since he was sure that he could have some tricks up his sleeves that other peers might not know about. After all, his father was a duelist. "Maybe we should start with the classrooms since I'll be spending time in there. I know Potions is in the dungeons, but what about the other floors?" Chaos wanted to get all of the information he could, and perhaps learn some shortcuts.
Emmanuel nodded as the boy explained that his dad was a little overprotective, but it was good to know what was out. ”Okay, we'll remove that from the tour,” the teen said. He thought it was interesting how overprotective his dad was, he knew that some purebloods could be. ”Duelling is more tame than adult duels, especially given that we can't do that many spells,” he told him, but he wouldn't bother pushing it. ”Sure, let's start with potions, it is in the dungeons, Defence against the dark arts, muggle studies and history of magic on the first floor, Herbology in greenhouses outside, and Care of Magical creatures is outside by the forest. Charms is third floor, transfiguration fifth, Ancient Runes, Arithmancy sixth, Astronomy and Divination in the towers… I think that's everything?” he listed.
Chaos made sure that he had out his notes so that he could write down what the Ravenclaw boy told him. But he might have to mention how tame the duels were to his dad, then he might be able to participate. He wrote down the locations of each class in the school - including the classes that he would not be taking. He made a small X next to Muggle Studies and Care of Magical Creatures to let himself know where not to go. "I believe that this is it." Chaos was thankful that they were not going to walk all over the damn castle, since he didn't think that he had that sort of time on his hands. "How is the blood status ratio around here? Know any good pure-blood families that I should look for?" Chaos would likely need the connections in order to make his father even more proud. Plus, having a cheat sheet would help out so much.
Emmanuel nodded happily, glad he was able to run through all the classes without forgetting one. He wasn't too surprised at the noted X's next to muggle studies and care of magical creatures, both for reasons he knew were different but obvious. ”It is low, we are few and far between,” He replied honestly, feeling a little bad about what he said, since he didn't think there was anything superior to being pureblood. He knew his own family felt a little different too. ”You'll likely know of the Styx family. There's at least one Chase, a couple of Baros, and there were two Novaks, but one of them got transferred to Durmstrang. There is Leah Thorne, in the year below, but she's like me, the only one of her family here,” he ran through the ones he knew. He didn't know if any were more or less respectable, he wasn't from around these parts, so he didn't know the ins and outs of it. "There aren't many of us,"
Chaos listened to the boy talk about the different pure-bloods that ran throughout the school, taking notes on who he might want to talk to. Interesting. Very interesting. One was even transferred to Durmstrang, which he could not imagine why. Well, Dark Arts was prevalent over there. That would explain more than anything else. "Of course I know. The Styx family and the Zhefarovich family are practically the same. I don't know the history behind it." Chaos gave a small shrug of his shoulders. Baros, Chase, Novak, Thorne, and Okoye. That was so few that it was almost embarrassing. He would have to reach out further to find out more. "So, you know these of these families which means you did your research. Why? Did you want to continue the line to make sure it is not tainted by muggle blood?" Chaos was doing something similar, but truth be told, he would rather his parents just arrange him something so that he didn't have to risk falling for the wrong person.
Emmanuel had figured that the lines between Styx and Zhefarovich would be pretty blurred by this point, but he didn't want to presume anything, no less to this boy who was of that blood. Emmanuel gave a little half shrug to the statement that he had done his research. He had learned about them, had looked into it, but he didn't feel as desperate to ensure he kept the line going, there were others to do that. ”I was curious, being not from these parts, and there is a desire that I continue the line with a pureblood.” He didn't think being of one blood made him better than others or that there was a deep need to ensure blood was kept pure. ”I'm a little more interested in reading and history and school right now to be thinking about something in the future. Once I graduate, maybe,” he added with a little smile.
Chaos listened to his reason, and realized that it must have been the Ravenclaw in him. Chaos shoved his hands into his pockets as he thought about his words carefully. There was a desire, but was it his desire? Perhaps it was a family member’s desire. Chaos nodded along when he said that he was more interested in history, reading, and school. "If you need a pureblood bride, I’m sure I can find someone. If you want one anyway." Chaos knew that he might have to find himself one eventually, but for now, he had to focus on school and making sure his father was not going to pull him out of it. He needed to remain here in order to see what he was missing. "So, other than that, maybe I’ll see you around. I’d ask about the library, but I imagine I would never hear the last of it, now would I?" Chaos smirked, seeing as Emmanuel mentioned before of one of his interests, which included reading.
Emmanuel thought it was quite an offer, to help someone find a bride when they were so young, but he knew from his conversations that sometimes it was just expected. He however, did not want that, not right now. A relationship could come with time and patience and though there was a desire in his mother's family for him to find someone pure, he knew that they didn't have to be. ”Definitely. If you need anything, and want to go outside of your family network, I am here.” he answered before laughing. ”I can talk a lot about the library, but maybe once you've had a chance to check it out yourself. It's a good place,” he encouraged. He wasn't sure if Chaos was a library guy but it was still an interesting place to go.
Chaos might actually take Emmanuel up on his offer to go outside of his family network. He might need that in the future. It was good to have some connections now, even though he was a third year. It really did pay to come to school, didn't it? He smirked and nodded to let him know that he might do so. "We will see. Thank you for everything, Emmanuel. I look forward to having class with you." Chaos figured that this would be a good area to depart since he needed to get unpacked and settled into his new dorm. He did look forward to the future with the Ravenclaw, that was for certain. He was just slightly worried that neither would have anything in common except they were both pure-bloods.

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