You may have noticed some stars....

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Alicia Barker

Well, our brilliant Admin Professor Nicolas King has found a way to aknowledge those dedicated members who have been active with us for a year or more. So, if you see a star by your or someone elses name, then you will know that they have been an active member on this site for a year or more. :) Great job to you stars, I'm sure soon our site will be full of those stars! =D>
Primarily: I am not brilliant, I just found the code somewhere and took it ;)
Secondarily: Installing the code is a process, if you've been here for a year and don't see a star next to your name yet, be patient.
Tertiary: Updating the code will only occur once a month if that, so if you don't see a star next to your name the day you've reached one year with us -- suck it up. :p

Super-Duper Nick, you have yet to cease to amaze me!!

(And shouldn't thirdly be tertiarily, with the way you're writing your list? :p ;)
Zoe-Hope Weasley said:
Super-Duper Nick, you have yet to cease to amaze me!!

(And shouldn't thirdly be tertiarily, with the way you're writing your list? :p ;)
Ya, I couldn't think of the word. :p
but... what if we weren't active for that whole year? it would probably only be fair for those of us who were not completely active, to get stars perhaps... six months after, or whatever.

sadness. :(
The code doesn't automatically figure out to add you once you've reached an official year of membership, all names are manually added and I'm assuming Alicia will be telling me who to add etc. So, if you were inactive for a good deal of time and recently returned, then she won't tell me to add you until later when you actually deserve the star.
lol, Nick I kinda figured :p but oh wells. I totally understand.

and I meant "six months after" we have reached our one year anniversary thing. ^_^
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