You didn't see that!

Kiara Wood

Medical Student | 'Apothecary' owner | Mom of 2
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
September 2, 2037 (26)
Holidays were slowly coming to the end. Kia found it really confusing, how three months in school lasted forever but three months out of school felt like three days? Actually she just got back to NZ from France, she managed to get little French accent back in her voice, she always found it quit funny how she managed to get those accents that fastly, but yet, she hoped to lose it until coming back to school, but she could only wish.
Kiara was slowly heading back to hospital, to Jackson. They had to leave in two hours to go back home. Actually Kiara didn't really go with him to work, but she found it quit boring to just sit at home at those days when she wasn't at work. She hated to stay alone and wasn't really interested to look how uncle was just studying and working, so she was hanging out at Obsidian Harbour. She was just having a walk for the nearest time and how embarassing was that moment when she literally tripped over her other leg, and almost fell over. She managed to keep on only because of the wall that she leaned with hands on. At least she wasn't in the crowdy street, but she checked out to be sure that nobody saw it.

@Emma van Houten
Emma was happy to get out of the house to do some school shopping. She was hoping to run into some of her friends, as she felt like it had been way too long since she had seen any of them. But so far, she didn't see anyone she knew. She had bought a few nice things to show off at school later, though, which was nice. Maybe Iris would be impressed too, though she always acted like she wasn't. The girl was starting to head back home when she suddenly spotted someone nearby falling, barely managing to catch herself. Emma tilted her head, then approached. "You okay?" She asked, frowning a bit. "I know you from somewhere." She added, as the girl definitely looked familiar.
It was shortly about Kiara's luck. Somebody saw it, she blushed and fastly nodded with her head. When she looked at girl in front of her her eyes widened. Out of all people on this planet, girl from her year saw it! "Yeah, I am totally fine, thank you!" at next question Kia smiled at her. "Yes, we are in the same year. I transferred last year," she nodded. "I am Kiara, Ravenclaw. Oh, and promise that you won't tell anybody that you saw uh.. my almost fall!" she giggled and then stretched hand out for her. "Nice to meet you!"
Emma smiled as the girl said she was fine, but was still curious about her. She felt a little dumb when the girl then said they were in the same year, but a bit better again when she said she had transferred last year. At least Emma hadn't been missing a classmate's name for the past four years. "Oh, that's right. You're my sister's new roommate." Emma said with a grin. "My sister is Iris." She added as explanation. "Of course I won't tell." She said, though she might break that promise if she could turn it into a funny story.

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