Closed You Can Rely on Me

Graeme Fergusson

chaser for pride of portree & scotland | new dad
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Alder Wand 13 3/4" Essence of Dragon Heartstring
10/2022 (39)
Graeme could admit since that night in Scotland, things with Abby had been better. She trusteed him far more with Zerrin and he was often with them at games doing fun things and just having a good time. He'd picked up from Abby though that she hadn't been as good. He wasn't sure what was going on with her, but while she was better with him and Zerrin, he knew that she was still holding back with herself. He knew it would take time and he couldn't fault her for all of the effort that she was putting in. He just was worried for her, wanted to spend the time with her too but between schedules and her still being a bit tricky with quidditch, but he didn't mind, any time he could spend with her was welcome. Graeme had been taking Fraser to his mother for the afternoon, with her having plans for him, and this new phone he'd gotten was going off. Graeme had gotten it for Abby who was still somewhat interested in muggle things. He didn't mind it, it was a way to keep in touch and he was just trying to meet her where she wanted. Though between all the magic and living rurally it wasn't often working.

Graeme fumbled with it but was able to answer it before it went to voicemail and there was a frantic Zerrin on the other side. He was immediately calming the boy down and saying he was on his way. He knew it was late here and though tired, he knew he needed to go. It had to be something for Zerrin to be getting in touch with him and he wanted to be there for both of them. He grabbed a few things and after telling his mother where he was going then apparated to a safe spot near Abby's flat. He headed in and up the stairs before knocking on the woman's door. Not wanting to just barge into her house. He hoped everything was okay, though clear something had gone wrong for zerrin to call.
Zerrin had been under the weather for a few days, having caught a cold after being out too much at Graeme's Quidditch games. His mother had been taking care of him, and when he had finally woken up again, feeling absolutely better, he'd found his mother curled up against the couch, burning up and passed out.

Not knowing what to do, and not able to wake her, he'd searched for her phone. It was only when he opened it that he saw her schedule. While Graeme had been watching him, she'd been taking on extra shifts, often working doubles and often triples at work, taking both of her usual jobs and an extra part time job?! Astounded, and suddenly very worried, Zerrin called Graeme in a panic.

He paced, not sure what to do, when he heard the door. Zerrin ran over, throwing the door open. He shoved Abby's phone out to show Graeme her schedule while babbling. "MomisworkingtoomuchandIgotsickandI'mbetternowbutwhenIwokeupmomisburningupandshe'snotwakingup!!" Zerrin looked Frantic.
Graeme's first thought was that Zerrin was frantic, stressed out in a way that was not good. He took the phone but didn't immediately look at it, instead just kneeling to Zerrin's height, "Son, I need you to take a big breath," he immediately said, taking a deep breath himself, and then when Zerrin calmed down he picked the boy up, hefting him on to his hip and moving into the flat. He found Abby passed out on the couch and could feel her temperature. He took out a wand and was able to cast a spell to see what it was at, high but not dangerously so. While still balancing Zerrin on his hip, he conjured a glass of water and a cloth and lay it after dampening it with water laid it over her forehead. "Right, Fraser's at granny's so I'm going to take you there and then come back to look after Abby," he told the boy, so he knew what was happening next.

godmod approved
Zerrin was panicking, he knew he was. It wasn't until Graeme had gotten down on his level, made him breath, that he was able to calm down. He sniffled, letting Graeme pick him up easily. Zerrin wrapped his legs around the man, hiding his face in Graeme's chest and clutching at his shirt. It was warm, and Graeme smelt nice. In that moment he really felt like everything would be alright. He pulled back as Graeme spoke to look up at him through his messy bangs, nodding.

"Okay," he replied easily. "Graeme, you gotta make her stop," Zerrin spoke quietly. "Look at her phone, her schedule, it was open when I tried to call, I swear I wasn't snooping," Tears filled his eyes. "It's my fault- I got sick, and she keeps doing this- she works too much, all the time, just to buy me things, I don't- she won't listen, she just keeps smiling and telling me it will all be okay- you have to make her stop," He sniffled, rubbing his arm over his eyes.
Graeme looked at the boy as he spoke again. He nodded over and over until she stopped speaking. "Okay I will, I promise. buddy, let's get you to grandma's," he wrapped his arms around him, and stood up, apparating from within the house to his grnadmother who was a little startled to see them, but he passed Zerrin over to her before going back to the home, though not before he went to his home and miniaturised the bed, put it in his pocket and then apparated back to Abby. He took a moment to check on what she was doing and then went to her room. He got rid of the hammock she had and put the bed down, making it a normal size. It was perhaps a little big but until he could get a better one that would have to do. He made his way back to where she was and knelt down. He put a hand on her shoulder and very lightly shook it. "Abby, can you wake up?" he said, hoping to rouse her from her exhaustion long enough to get her on to the proper bed.
Abby had been working herself to the bone, now that Zerrin was spending more time with Graeme and Fraser. She had more to do now, wanting to get gifts for the rest of her boys, while still struggling to provide for Zerrin on her own. She had managed to get enough that the bills were paid, and she'd even managed to buy the high end Quidditch gear for Zerrin she'd been looking at since the first game.

At the same time, she'd worked herself into the ground. She had been exhausted, near constantly, but had done her best to hide it. When Zerrin had gotten sick, however, she was too worn down to be able to take care of him without catching the virus herself. She'd ignored it, at first, but eventually the dizziness had overtaken her and the last thing she remembered was leaning against the couch where Zerrin was sleeping.

She stirred when she felt someone shake her shoulder. Her eyes fluttered, but she couldn't focus. "Zerrin," She managed, her voice weak. "Sleep, baby, mommy will get you breakfast," She managed, her voice a bit slurred. Abby was barely aware, but she was stubborn. She pushed herself onto her feet and tried to make a walk to the kitchen, but the world started spinning. Abby swayed, and her knees buckled. The floor rushed up to greet her as she faded out again.
Graeme moved back when Abby began stirring, but he could tell by the flush of her cheeks, but the weakness in her voice, he could tell that she was feverish and not in her right mind. He tried to speak but she was already pushing herslef up and moving into the kitchen. He followed and when it was clear she was about to pass out he reached forward and caught her. He lifted her up in his arms and then took her to the bedroom with the brand new bed. He placed her down and covered her with blankets. He summoned the damp rag and put it back on her head and just moved into the other room. He knew she'd probably be out for a little while, so he took the time, to restock her kitchen and get her medicine, which when he believed enough time had passed, he went back to the room. "Hey Abby, time for some medicine," he said.
Abby whimpered softly as Graeme picked her up, automatically relaxing into the man. She whined when he set her down, but the comfort of the bed soon won her over. She almost melted into the mattress. Abby was whimpering at the pressure in her head, but the sudden damp rag seemed to help ease the heat she felt. It took her a little bit, but soon enough she'd fallen into an uneasy sleep.

Eventually, she was aware enough that she stirred when he came back into the room. Her brow furrowed, and with her head absolutely throbbing, she managed to sit up. "Wha...?" She pried open glassy eyes to look at Graeme, a bit of confusion evident in her face. "Graeme?" She looked down at the blankets, the bed, then back to him. "How... where... Zerrin?" She managed, forgetting completely that he'd mentioned taking medicine.
Graeme was glad that Abby somewhat woke up. She sat up, which wasn't good, but at least she was awake. He moved over and sat down on the bed, holding out the medicine. "Here, take this. Zerrin's at my mum's with Fraser." he assured her with a little smile. "You're very sick, the fever knocked you out and Zerrin called me in a panic," he explained. He wasn't sure how much of this Abby would remember later but he wasn't going to no tell her. "You worked yourself to the bone, need remember to take care of yourself too," he said to her. "Now, sleep, go back to it," Graeme knew she needed to get more rest.
Abby took the medicine he gave her without arguing, sighing as she settled back into the bed. She reached out, unthinkingly taking hold of his sleeve. "Please stay," She pleaded gently. She sighed, shutting her eyes. The next few days passed in a blur. Abby didn't know how exhausted she'd been until she'd been put into a real bed and told to rest.

Abby woke up early in the afternoon. Yawning, she slipped from bed. Why was she in Graeme's shirt? And when did she get a bed? Confused, Abby padded barefoot out front, looking for Zerrin to see if he might know what was going on. Abby wasn't sure what day it was, and once she figured out what was happening she'd figure out which shift she needed to be on.
Graeme stayed with her as long as she need, waiting till she was back asleep. Graeme continued to do odd bits and pieces, jumping back to his mum's to see the boys and make sure that Zerrin had plenty of updates. He spoke with the therapist that Abby had been seeing, only to upfront pay the costs for the next however long she needed it for. He restocked her house, fixed up pieces between giving Abby some food and more medicine.

Graeme knew that he was doing more than she had ever aspect for, but he really couldn't help himself, he had so much disposable income, why not spend some of it on someone who had a need for it. Graeme had just finished with lunch when Abby stepped out, he figured she'd been doing better but it was good to see her up and about. "Hey sweetie, you feeling a bit better?" He greeted warmly.
Abby's brow furrowed when she saw Graeme, though his presence calmed her. She walked over, automatically trying to move closer into his side and put a hand on his chest. "Hey you, where are the boys?" She asked, before running a hand through her hair. "I feel alright, but- I'm missing some memory, what's going on? What day is it? I should probably be at work," She looked around, stepping away to try and find her phone.
Graeme gave her a little smile, and moved his arm to pull her into his side. "They're at my mother's house, having a great time. Fraser and my mother are showing im more of the island, she's sent some pictures of them to your phone," he said with a little smile. He knew it hadn't been a good start to week for Zerrin, but he knew spending time with Fraser and his mother would certainly help them. "You got sick, from over stretching yourself, Zerrin called me in a panic, I came over, and have been here since," Graeme told her. "I took care of work for you, you can't work when sick, that's just no good for anyone," He leaned in and kissed the top of her head, "Are you feeling better?"
Abby relaxed easily into Graeme's side, listening to him speak. She glanced at her phone on the table before looking back up to him. She gave him a sheepish smile at his words. She hummed softly, smiling a bit more warmly as he kissed her. "If I say yes, can I go back to work?" She asked almost cheekily. She sighed, rubbing her temple gently. "I'm still a bit under the weather, I could probably use another day or two to get back on my feet." She admitted, looking up to him. "Would you mind staying for a little longer? I could use the company. And I'm sure Zerrin is enjoying his time with Fraser and your mother."
Graeme laughed lightly, "No, I signed you off for the week," Graeme told her with a little smirk, he'd been keeping her workplace informed of how she was, and had told them it would be another few days before she should work again. "If you're serving food, you shouldn't work again until you're 110% better," Graeme flicked his hand and food appeared, "I'll stay as long as you need me to Abby," he told her with a sincerety in his voice, he would be there for whatever she needed, especially something as easy as this was. "They'll be having an absolute blast,"
Abby raised a brow. "Which job? I have three of them," She told him, looking around for her phone. "I took another one now that Zerrin is spending more time with you," She spotted her phone on the table and moved to step around Graeme. "Thank you, really, but I'm alright now." She tried to reassure him. "The boys would love to see you, you could go ahead and go back if you want," Her mind started to race. "Could you keep him a few more days? I'll need to make up for missing so much time," She murmured, half to herself.
Graeme frowned at her, "Why....would you do that...," he replied, unsure as to why she would accept another job, was she really making so little money in the two currently. He wanted to tell to quit but knew it wasn't his place to do so. "No, I'm not leaving Abby, you've barely gotten over this cold, you need to rest, take it easy and not work," he told her, he wasn't going to just walk away from this. "Let me stick around these next few days while you recover and get properly better and then you can go back to your job," he offered, if she was adament to be alone he knew there was little he could do, it was her choice and he would have to respect that.
Abby was surprised when Graeme told her he was staying, pausing in her search to look up at him. Her brow furrowed, biting her lip as he spoke. "I..." She hesitated, before walking to the table. She pulled over her notebook where she kept track of everything. "Here," she tried to explain. "Waitressing covers most of the bills." She slid her pencil down the months expenses.

"As long as I budget I can cover all the bills." She flipped down to the next set. "The motel covers groceries and things like clothes. I try to keep Zerrin on a healthy diet, and if I don't need to buy him new shoes or clothes everything goes into his school fund." She flipped to the new page. "And here, I'm working at the pub near the hotel. It's not a lot, but it's covered the quidditch equipment and gives Zerrin play money for when he's out with you and Fraser. He's already bought that new camera and I know he's been getting souvenirs for him and Fraser every time you're out."

She set her pencil down and looked to Graeme. "Thank you, Graeme, really, but if I don't sort this out now I won't be able to pay the bills this month. I'll be alright, really," she tried to reassure him, but she wobbled as she stepped towards him, and had to catch a chair to keep her balance.
Graeme listened to her explain how her finances went and then frowned at the last one. He didn't need for Zerrin to have his own money when around him, he could get quidditch equipment so easily for him too, at no cost. " don't need to have a job to cover quidditch and for when Zerrin is with me, I can happily give him money, get the quidditch equipment," he said with a little nervous smile. If it meant that he give the money to Abby directly or to Zerrin, it didn't matter.

But ss she wobbled stepping towards him, he reached out to her, to also help steady her and gave a little smile. "Let me cover the bills, I get paid too much anyway, let me cover for Zerrin when he's with me," He would offer to cover all of it if she wanted but knew he couldn't, it wasn't his place, but he could cover this month and cover what did directly affect him.
Abby was surprised again when Graeme caught her. She looked up to him, her heart beating furiously in her chest. She wavered a moment, biting her lip. "I..." She stammered, laying her hands on his chest. Her eyes watered and she quickly blinked it away. "I've been relying on myself for so long..." She offered slowly, uncertainty on her face. "I... don't know how to accept help anymore..." She was hesitant. She couldn't rely on Graeme... but... could she? Her fingers clutched the fabric of his shirt a bit as she warred with herself.
Graeme could feel a certain level of sympathy for how she had only herself to rely on, he knew it couldn't be easy, his mother said as much too, that it was tricky to know when to accept thing, but they were dating. She was his girlfriend and he wanted to help her, or at least make things a little easier. "I know sweetheart, I know," he moved to put his arms around her, to bring her in. "Just let me do this for you, just say yes and don't worry, quit that third job," he said. Graeme knew that Zerrin would probably feel better if she did too, but he wasn't going to bring him into this. That would make this wrong. He didn't want to guilt her in to agreeing.
Abby let Graeme pull her in, shutting her eyes and resting against his chest. Slowly, she laced her arms around him. She was quiet for a bit, thinking. Eventually Abby pulled back, hesitant and speaking slowly. "I... will quit two jobs." She told him.

"But... we compromise." She looked up to him. "You can pay for Zerrin when he- when we are with you." She bit her lip. "I would like to spend more time with all my boys," she brought her hands back up to his chest. "Maybe- We could have dinner together too? If I don't have the boys, you do, and sometimes maybe it's just us, but... we could combine groceries? I pay one week, you get the next?" She offered gently.
Graeme just held Abby, letting her take the time to consider what he offered, to let herself come to terms with it and decide how she would do it. He nodded, quite pleased that she agreed to quit two jobs, he thought at least one would be good, two jobs quit would be even better. "If Zerrin is with me, and you are not, I will still pay for him, it is unfair of me to pay for things for Fraser and not for Zerrin," Graeme countered. He thought that if she was working less, it would be less likely that he'd be alone with Zerrin. Graeme knew that having dinner all the time would be difficult because of timezones, but he'd agree to anything if it meant she was under less stress. "Okay, agreed," He wanted to offer for her to move in with him. but he knew that would be quite the move to Scotland and away from everything she knew.
Abby smiled. She went to speak again but she yawned, and a new wave of tired swept over her. She leant into Graeme again, shutting her eyes. "Can we cuddle?" She asked softly, feeling so tired she thought she could sleep standing there.

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