🌹 Rose Giving Yellow Roses, Red Hair

Poppy Perkins

chronically enthusiastic🌼 illustrator 🌼'56 grad
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Knotted 12 Inch Sturdy Vine Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
03/2038 (24)
Poppy was making good progress with her deliveries and quickly made her way to the gryffindor table. She tried to scan along the table looking for familiar red hair, that wasn't Emma's. She was just about to stand on one of the the benches to get a better look when she finally spotted Chloe at the other end of the table. Relieved she made her way over and sat down next to her. "Hi!" she said cheerfully. "Happy Valentine's day, and I have a delivery!" she announced and handed her a yellow rose.
After delivering some roses to students she had found in the great hall Chloë hung around the gryffindor table for a while, taking a little break inbetween delivering. She had been a bit distracted by all the deliveries and reactions happening around her that it slightly caught her off guard when someone suddenly sat down next to her. "Hi!" She happily greeted Poppy in return. Even if delivering roses to people she didn't really know was fun she also had to admit it was fun to hand them over, or receive them, from people she did know. "You too! And thanks." Chloë smiled and took the rose from Poppy, looking at it for a second before turning her attention back to the other girl in her curiousity. "Is there a note?"
Poppy had been so caught up in the activity around her she forgot about the note the obviously went along with the rose. "Yes of course!" she said, and put the palm of her hand to her face for just a second before digging around her bag for the right note. "Sorry about that, here you go!" she said, as an embarrassed flush started to creep up on her and she handed Chloe the note.

Dear Chloe,

Thanks for being the best chaser squad member, so glad you joined us!

Your a true friend and I hope we will have lots of more fun times together.

Chloë chuckled when Poppy seemed to have forgotten about the note for a second, happily watching as she searched for the right one. "Thanks!" She gave her a wide grin before folding open the note to see who the rose was from. When she read the note her grin only grew wider and she carefully folded the note back up and put it in her bag. She loved being on the team and she loved being a chaser along her friends, which made getting those roses even better. "Did you get some deliveries yourself yet or have you been busy handing them out to others?" Chloë asked, always enjoying talking to people about roses they might have received. "I might've send you one, but I completely forgot to send any of them really." She added. She wasn't particularly good friends with Poppy yet, but she defintely thought she was a fun person to be around so it would've been likely she'd send her one as well if she hadn't forgotten about her roses.
Poppy watched as Chloe read the note and put it away. "Who was that from?" she asked curiously. She felt a little bad for prying but it was a yellow rose so she figured it couldn't have been that personal. "I've been pretty busy delivering but I did get one so far!" she answered excitedly. She was so shocked to get one last year, when she didn't send any herself. This time she had sent some, so maybe she'd get more this year. "Oh really?" Poppy asked when Chloe mentioned sending her a rose. "Well, I will accept a belated flower if that's the case." she teased.
"Noel, one of my friends who's also a chaser on our quidditch team." Chloë smiled at Poppy's question, having absolutely no problem with sharing who the rose and the note were from. If the roles were reversed she would've likely asked the same thing, especially since it was just a friendly yellow rose. "Cool!" She nodded when Poppy responded she had received one rose so far. "It's a bit chaotic having to deliver a rose to someone who's also delivering don't you think?" She asked with a small laugh, having had a slight difficulty with finding some of the people on her list who she knew were delivering as well. "I would've complied with that if I thought there would be any roses left." Chloë chuckled. "But I am 99.99% sure that there are absolutely no roses left."
Poppy nodded excitedly. "Oh then you probably know my friend Knox, he's on the quidditch team too." she said. She was momentarily concerned that she had forgotten Chloe was on the gryffindor team but she was pretty sure it hadn't come up before. And despite having friends on the team she didn't go to many games and had trouble following what was going on most of the time. "It can be! Everyone seems to be running around and hard to find." Poppy agreed. Finding someone on a normal day was hard in a castle so big but adding in the flurry of activity didn't make it any easier. "Oh well any flower would be acceptable. It doesn't have to be a rose." she said with a shrug trying to sound serious but it didn't last long before she smiled and started to laugh.
Chloë wasn't even sure if Poppy paid a lot of attention to quidditch or knew she was on the team, but it didn't really matter anyways. "Yeah I do, he's cool." She nodded at Poppy, although she thought of all of her teammates as cool. They were all chill and they all got along great, which made quidditch all the more fun to her. "Right! I feel like I've just been happily stumbling upon people all day." She smiled at the topic of rose deliveries being slightly chaotic, especially having to deliver to students who were also delivering themselves. A lot of asking around helped, although with the moving around it was difficult to pinpoint whereabouts someone was in the castle. "It's not the same though. Also I don't think me raiding the gardens will make people very pleased." Chloë chuckled along, before realizing that she should probably get on with her own deliveries. "Thanks again though." She smiled at Poppy, giving her a little wave goodbye before she headed on to find the last couple of people on her list. "See you around!"

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