🌹 Rose Giving Yellow Rose For A Familiar Name

Aurora Archer

strong-hearted | audacious | dependable | beater
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Knotted 18" Unyielding Willow Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
12/2043 (17)
Aurora felt the name after Harper's was familiar. She'd taken the liberty when they'd been looking up the last person to just check where this person perhaps was, and it was a slytherin. She wasn't sure why the name was vaguely familiar to her, by the picture the girl hadn't been someone in their year group. Aurora led her sister over to the slytherin table, a lot of the hubbub had came down and she was just able to look up and down the table for the girl, "I'm looking for Indira, Indira Khatri?" Aurora began asking students.

yellow rose for indira khatri
Rosie knew that some slytherins had a pretty poor reputation and while she knew that not all slytherins were bad and that bad people could be in any of the other houses, but she was a little nervous by approaching the slytherin table, she felt almost silly in the red rose flower crowns holding her sister's hand, but she still didn't let go of it. "Isn't she one of Bran's friends?" Rosie whisper softly to her sister, the name had certainly been one she'd heard from Bran at least once, but she was mostly looking at the slytherins to try and spot if any of them were indeed who they were looking for.
Valentine's day was not one of Indi's preferred holidays. It usually ended up causing chaos in the great hall and every other corridor in the castle. She shouldn't have been so sour about the day. She had sent a few roses herself but now seeing the event in practice she wished there was a quieter alternative. She had just taken a large sip of pumpkin juice when she heard someone saying her name. Curiously she looked up and saw two girls hovering around the Slytherin table. With a sigh she raised her hand. "That's me." she called out, hoping to get this over with quickly.
Aurora spotted the girl sitting as she raised her hand, she dragged Rosie to her and then smile. "Hi, we've got a rose for you," Aurora said reaching into the basket and taking out the yellow rose and holding it out for the girl.
Rosie was pulled along to the girl they were looking for. She had to admit Indira was quite pretty. Was she the girl Bran liked...or was that someone else..She took the note that went along with the rose and held it out to the girl. "Do you know Bran?" Rosie decided to ask.



P.S. Do you think the eel likes roses?
Indi wasn't sure why there were two people delivering her rose but she didn't question it quite yet. "Thanks." she said and took the rose and set it down before reading the note. She laughed a little which was barely more than an exhale through her nose, as she read Weston's note. She was pleased that he had thought to send her a rose. But she looked up when one of the girl's asked if she knew Bran. She gave them a funny look before answering. "Yeah? Why?" she asked uncertainly before it clicked. "Oh, are you his sisters?" she asked, remembering that he had mentioned them before. She felt a little bad for not recognizing them, or having any idea who they were at all.
Aurora smiled as the girl seemed quite pleased with her rose. She was glad that all the people so far that they had given roses too had been pretty pleased. She then smiled. "Yeah we are, I'm Aurora and that's Rosie," Aurora introduced. "We thought we recognised your name," Aurora wasn't sure how much Bran would enjoy them in essence saying that Bran had talked about her to them or around them.
Rosie was very curious about if this was the girl that Bran had mentioned and gave a wide smile when the girl seemed to figure it out too. She waved as her sister introduced them to the older girl. "It's nice to meet you Indira," Rosie told her, taking her sister's hand again, "We'll leave you to it," Rosie told her, since they did have more people to get to.

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