Y45 Sorting Reactions!

Sorting is still a short while away, but that doesn't mean we can't have some exciting sorting chats here! It's never too early, right? ^_^

As always, we love to hear your thoughts and reactions as we work through the process of sorting and transfers and exchanges! This is always such a fun time! :party:

Are you having a character sorted or transferred this year? Maybe more than one? Ten? (You know who you are. :r )

Are you going to try for an exchange student?

Where do you think your character will end up?

Do you think they'll be happy about where they end up? How is it going to impact their first year or their entire schooling? Do you think the sorting hat will have a difficult time placing them? Any character expecting that the sorting hat won't be able to place them and they'll have to go home? :p

If you've already been sorted: Did you get what you/your character expected? Did the sorting hat say something funny to you? What'd you think of that? How nervous was your character to be sorted? How nervous were you?

Happy Sorting! :party::party::party:
Ahhh sorting time is here!

Exciting times! I can’t wait to see and meet the new firsties! I’m sorting one character this year, and it’s this girl here, Fiona Burke. Fiona is the youngest out of the Burke kids, and I cannot wait to sort her! It’s a bit hard to tell which house she’s be in because i can see her in any house, but i cannot wait!
Sorting! Ahhh!

I had totally planned to plan more but work got stupid busy. I was also going to make a boy instead but he would've likely been 100% a Ravenclaw and then Miranda showed up and wouldn't leave until I made her. She's another one who could go anywhere, I'm thinking she's leaning Gryffindor, hopefully not another Hufflepuff until at least Renata graduates. :lol: Could even go Ravenclaw like her mother, Slytherin's probably least likely but I guess we'll see!
I'm so excited for sorting!!! I've got two characters this year because I couldn't help myself. First is Kyousuke, who I'm guessing is going to be Slytherin, maaaybe Ravenclaw. Second is Aroha, who is probably Gryffindor but we'll see, we'll see. She might end up somewhere else. Both are eldest siblings; expect to see more of their siblings/cousins in the coming years. I'm excited to find out and excited to see all the other new first years in action!
[slams hands on the table] sorting sorting sorting

I'm going to be sorting a girl again finally this year! Briony is my required weird girl, a bit of a dreamer who likes making up characters and stories in her head (wow who does that). I have a suspicion that'll land her in Ravenclaw, but could easily see her in Puff too so I'm curious how her sorting form shapes up 👀

(If she does go claw she'll be my first ever claw girl somehow wow)

Lucy's the first character I've had around from birth to sorting so I've been looking forward to her FOREVER - I think Daph and I VERY FIRST started talking about her back in like. 2017? Definitely before Claudia's election. She was around for a Long time as a concept before she even made it to the site, so I've had years and years to think about her and develop her in my mind

As far as houses go, I don't think I've ever had less of an idea. She's got strong influence on all sides in her family, having one sister from each house (and a Gryffindor mum and Ravenclaw dad), so growing up she's developed traits that could go anywhere. She's bold and rambunctious, endlessly curious, knows how to get her way, and loves with all her heart. I'm so, so looking forward to seeing what the hat does with her!

I created Morrie Ayre without a house in mind and now I think she'll make a good Gryffindor, but I already have a Gryffindor so she can't have it. Maybe Slytherin, I'm undecided though. We'll have to wait for the Sorting Hat to decide!

Edit: Morrie wants option 5, Morriehouse.
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I'm only sorting Hazel here, she's Ivy's cousin (though they don't know each other) and I have no idea where she'll end up. I can see any house but Ravenclaw pretty much, though she is very creative... so who knows.

I think it'll be either Gryffindor or Slytherin personally.

As far as houses go, I don't think I've ever had less of an idea. She's got strong influence on all sides in her family, having one sister from each house (and a Gryffindor mum and Ravenclaw dad), so growing up she's developed traits that could go anywhere. She's bold and rambunctious, endlessly curious, knows how to get her way, and loves with all her heart. I'm so, so looking forward to seeing what the hat does with her!
as I feel like I have some authority on this too :r :r I think Lucy will be a Gryff
Omg yessssss sortinggg!
I'm excited to sort a boy, since forever. I think Noel was my last one xD Travis is from an total new family so that is fun, since I've been sorting siblings and family members all after eachother.

I think he will suit Gryffindor very well, but I'm just excited to see where he will end up. He is like the total opposite of June so that will be fun.
After a break from sorting last year I’m excited to play with all the new kids!

This year I have one like always, Elise. She’s Ezra’s little sister and she has been eagerly awaiting the day she could finally join him in all the fun. She’s very creative and imaginative, and loves to draw, sculpt, literally anything to help her express herself. She also tends to follow her impulses wherever they may take her.

As for house predictions my heart says Ravenclaw but I could be wrong. I think there might be some Slythrin potential too. Hufflepuff and Gryffindor seem less likely but I think I’ll get more clarification once I do the sorting form. She’d probably like to be with her brother but she’s not scared to find her own place.
Damn Charlie, back at it again with the firstie.

I have a feeling I may have another little baby badger in my midst after writing both the form and the sorting post. There may be a possibility of Ravenclaw, and Rowan would also like that because of his father, but really I wouldn't be surprised if he ends up in yellow.
Having filled in Hazel's sorting form, I'm leaning a bit to 🐍 but it can still go any way pretty much.
Mmm I feel strong Gryffindor vibes. I think it's gonna be 90% sure that house. But I would be fine with everything. If it's not the sorting hat will surprise me. xD
After the sorting form and doing the sorting post, I have strong feelings she could be in either Gryffindor or Slytherin. I can see her being in Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw as well. But she's defs leaning more towards Gryffindor or Slytherin.
Doing the form and her Ravenclaw tendencies show a bit more...I think it felt fairly split between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw, so I fully expect the sorting hat to take the third option and put her in Hufflepuff. :r

After doing her form, I have even less idea where Lucy's gonna wind up. She surprised me by having more Slytherin-y answers than I expected, but I think her driving forces in all directions are strong enough that she could wind up just about anywhere.
I got Astraea Vale's little brother Osiris, and Lucien Snow and Esme Lancaster's son, Jean.

I don't have a clue on both of them. Probably end up with 2 Slytherins.

Update: Make that 3, since I wanted to throw a girl in the mix.
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Oh man, sorting form done! Sorting post posted! After all that I feel pretty strongly that it's either Slytherin or Ravenclaw for Elise. Was leaning towards Ravenclaw before but now I'm leaning a bit more Slytherin.

Could always shock me and go Puff, never underestimate the hat!
Ahhh sorting is finally here and I am sorting Miro :party:

Miro is the first ever child of one of my characters to be sorted so I am hype!!! second gen time second gen time :lol:

I have no house preference really, as per usual I just fill out the sorting form as best I can for the character and with details that make sense and then they get placed wherever is best for them ^_^
Mmm I feel strong Gryffindor vibes. I think it's gonna be 90% sure that house. But I would be fine with everything. If it's not the sorting hat will surprise me. xD

I was right woooop woop an Gryffindor again. Perhaps it was the face, suitable for GryffindorxD :D
"These could make you a decent Hufflepuff, or a fair Gryffindor, but you will be best placed, where curiosity is always fostered....Ravenclaw,"
The hat and I have been sharing notes again :r But yaay Briony looks great in blue! I really wasn't sure which would win out the most and I think she'll do great in Claw (though she would have made a really fun Gryffindor I think too). And now I've finally had a boy and a girl in each house! (And four of each house total students too wow)
Ahhhh Gryffindor!! (ngl i was lowkey hoping slytherin for her bc i haven’t had a slytherin yet, but i’m glad one of the options was correct hehe!) however, i can see gryffindor being a good fit for her anyway!!

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