Open Y43 Graduation Bash

Isaiah Thompson

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OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 14 1/2 Inch Flexible Blackthorn Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
11/2040 (21)
The idea of throwing a graduation party had been playing through Isaiah's mind a lot. His initial idea had been to throw one final party at school, but the nerves of somehow not graduating had gotten to him and instead of planning the party he had actually spend most of his time actually studying. That didn't mean he had written off the idea of throwing a party though. Nor had his friends. So, after a short discussion at the graduation ceremony they had decided to throw the best graduation bash any Hogwarts graduate had ever thrown. There was no doubt in his mind that this would be an even better party than what they would've been able to pull of at school too. After all, they were adults now. Didn't have professors supervising anything. The possibilities were truly endless.

Walking through the hallway of Kaia's house Zay grinned when he looked at everything they had put together. They had put a Glisseo charm on the stairs just to ensure that the upstairs area's were off limits to their guest. Not that there was much worry of people going snooping around anyways, there was plenty to see and do already. Kaia and Elara had worked their magic inside, working on transforming two of the rooms and decorating them accordingly. They had used an anti-gravity charm to turn the big living room into an upside-down dancefloor and turned another, smaller one into a complete bouncy house. Wes and him had taken care of the pool-party aspect of the party. Granted, the pool was already provided. They had worked hard to make sure it was up to temperature and that there were pool accessories lying, and floating, around, as well as putting down towels for anyone who didn't bring one. Zay had also been looking at getting the music ready in all of the seperate rooms and outside near the pool, but had eventually decided Wes would be way better suited for that task. His taste in (and knowledge of) music was far better anyways. Instead, Zay had spend his last efforts on preparing some magical fireworks. Once everything seemed to be in order he leaned against the bar outside, grinning at his friends in appreciation of everything they had done. If this wasn't going to be one killer of a party then something might be seriously wrong with his guests. Speaking of guests, he was certain they would arrive any minute. Invitations had been send out on the day of graduation and while Zay hadn't bothered to get people to rsvp he was sure they would come. The only thing to do now was wait.

OOCOut of Character:
Hello and welcome to Kaia, Elara, Weston & Zay's graduation party!
Offically, all Y43 graduates (as well as other friends of the four hosts) have been invited.
Unofficially, if any of those people decided to bring along a friend or if anyone heard about the party and decides to crash than that's totally alright :r
Note: please make sure any character you're joining the thread with is 17+. If you're unsure whether it would be alright to throw a certain character in here feel free to reach out to any of us!
Weston was so pumped. He'd been wanting to throw another big party for ages now, but NEWTs had gotten in the way of that. Now, however, school was over, and while that was a pretty terrifying prospect, Weston had been been able to distract himself with party planning. This time, he and his friends weren't limited to just an empty classroom and whatever they could rustle up from the Hogwarts kitchens. Kaia had donated her entire house. And Weston liked to think they'd put it to good use.

The party was about to begin any minute now, and Weston was doing some last minute checks. (Throwing the greatest graduation party the world had ever seen turned out to be a lot of work.) He stopped by the bouncy house room first and started up his carefully curated playlist, which, in keeping with the room's theme, was mostly throwbacks from their early years at Hogwarts. The upside-down dancefloor obviously got all the upbeat dance music, and the speakers by the pool would be blasting all the latest hits.

Weston joined his friends outside, waving his wand to start his pool playlist. "DO YOU THINK THE MUSIC'S LOUD ENOUGH?" he shouted before deciding that he'd answered his own question. He turned it down a bit. They wanted their guests to be able to talk to each other, after all. Weston started to pour himself a drink. "Everything inside looks good! When are we doing fireworks again?"
Natalia hadn't taken many opportunities to be social while in school, so this seemed like something she should do. It wasn't like she was really in a festive mood, but at least it might take her mind off things. If nothing else, it at least got her out of her tiny apartment for a bit. She might even talk to someone else than herself. As Natalia arrived, she realized she had envisioned something else entirely. She was not getting in the pool, or in the bouncy house. The music was already starting to hurt her ears, and she wondered if she was out of place with the bottle of wine she had brought as a polite thank-you present. She now realized that was probably a thing that happened only at more mature dinner parties, the way her parents had them. Not this. She wasn't even sure who to give it to, so Natalia lingered near the edge of the pool awkwardly with her bottle, wishing she hadn't put a nice bow on it. It had seemed like the polite, reasonable thing to do until she had actually seen what the party was like.
Jordie had been thrilled to find out there was a party going on. He popped in, sure he looked amazing with his hair done and his skinny jeans. He bounced into the party, eager to see everyone. The first person he spotted was Natalia, and he hurried over with a bright smile. "Hey!!" He greeted her, quickly falling in next to her. He looked at the wine she brought. "Ooh, that is such a good year," He complimented. He wasn't always a big wine drinker, but his uncles were big wine connoisseurs and he had picked up a good bit about wines from them. "What do you say we find the kitchen and pour a few glasses?" He asked, looking back up to her with a bright smile. @Natalia Novak
Elara felt things changing relatively fast. Now that graduation was over, she already had been working with her dads to learn the new ropes for her role as Company Manager with the circus. The former Gryffindor had always been relatively responsible, but she had hoped for a few more months of being a kid, and that was passing quick. Thankfully, Zay and the others had been able to get together to figure out a way to actually have a decent graduation party, and Elara was ready to go a little crazy for once.

El was finishing up some duties in the kitchen when she felt her hearing disappear momentarily. She was used to loud noises, and her sisters had showed her a spell she'd finally mastered that allowed for her ears to process sound at lower decibles while still enjoying the music and conversation. She waved her wand, feeling the pressure relieve a little bit and headed outside as she tucked her wand in the side of her boot. "You think they can hear us all the way at the school?" she joked, trying not to overspeak as she landed beside Isaiah, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. She hoped that Salem and Maggi would be able to make it and smiled as she saw some of their friends start walking in. "Hi," she shouted, waving to Jordie and Natalia as they came in. "Who's the first in the pool?" she quickly asked, turning to the boys as the song switched. @Isaiah Thompson @Weston Stirling
When Louis had received the rouge invite for a Gradation bash, he was a little taken aback. He was unsure if Lucie had received the same one, but didn't want to tell her about it just in case she wasn't actually invited. He debated with himself for a while about whether or not he should actually attend it. Did they really want him to go? He barely spoke with anyone at school, so why did they want to speak with him now? Eventually he had decided that he had nothing better to do, but despite this, he was still so incredibly nervous. He put on his favourite button-up t-shirt and chinos and quietly slipped away so as to be unnoticed by his sister.

He entered the house, almost certain that it was the correct one with the loud music playing. His eyes widened at the effort that had been put into it. An upside-down dance floor? A bouncy house? This looked like a party for twelve year olds. He almost second guessed himself until he recognised a few people. He spotted Jordie by the edge of the pool with Natalia, so he tentatively made his way over there. "Hey, Jordie. Natalia." he said, nodding his head in greeting towards the girl. He put his hands nervously into his pockets before realising she had some wine she had brought with her. He became a little embarrassed, his cheeks turning a shade of pink. "Oh, um... was I meant to bring something?" He looked to Jordie for reassurance, suddenly feeling guilty that he came empty handed.
@Jordan Harris @Natalia Novak
Indi wasn't the best when it came to parties. It wasn't like being at Hogwarts for seven years had done her a lot of favors in that regard. Even when she was home, a lot of her old friends had moved on without her and it wasn't like she could blame them. They were different people now and it wasn't like they had that much in common anymore anyways. But the lack of experience did leave her a bit lost as she arrived to Kaia's house. The place was huge but she could hear music and the door was unlocked so she let herself in. She waved to Natalia and Jordie, and wondered if Salem was somewhere around here yet. She eyed the pool but her attention quickly snapped to Weston at the mention of fireworks. "I haven't started my healer training yet." she warned. "So if anyone blows themselves up I can't help." @Weston Stirling

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