Y42 Sorting Reactions!

Sorting is still a short while away, but that doesn't mean we can't have some exciting sorting chats here! It's never too early, right? ^_^

As always, we love to hear your thoughts and reactions as we work through the process of sorting and transfers and exchanges! This is always such a fun time! :party:

Are you having a character sorted or transferred this year? Maybe more than one? Ten? (You know who you are. :r )

Are you going to try for an exchange student?

Where do you think your character will end up?

Do you think they'll be happy about where they end up? How is it going to impact their first year or their entire schooling? Do you think the sorting hat will have a difficult time placing them? Any character expecting that the sorting hat won't be able to place them and they'll have to go home? :p

If you've already been sorted: Did you get what you/your character expected? Did the sorting hat say something funny to you? What'd you think of that? How nervous was your character to be sorted? How nervous were you?

Happy Sorting! :party::party::party:
Wooo!! Adding to the Gryffindor party! Love waking up and being sorted lol

Very happy to keep at least one Gryffindor in rotation. This also completes my set and I’ve now had a boy and girl in each house!
After filling out his sorting form I'm even more confused about Dorian. I still think Slytherin feels very likely since his focus on appearances reads very Slytherin to me, but he doesn't have a tonne of ambition or cunning so 🤔 I'd guess he might even be a puff if he's not Slytherin so that'll be interesting!
Annd now that Raafe's done I'm also unsure haha. I think he could be passable in any house except maybe Ravenclaw, though he was reading mostly puff as well on his form hmmm. Usually I have a much better read on my kids than this year so it'll be interesting to see 👀
As far as houses go, I think that Ravenclaw's the most likely, with Gryffindor a close second. She's very much a fearless wild child, but whether she's driven by curiosity or recklessness can vary from one situation to the next. It'd be nice if she got Gryffindor since then we'd have had a Carnahan in each house, but Ravenclaw seems most likely and then she can pester sawyer constantly and make his last year hell :r
lmao I called it!!

Surprised as while I was doing the form Gryffindor started to feel much more likely to me, but the hat's reasons for going the way it did absolutely make sense and I'm thrilled to have Thistle in Ravenclaw. It suits her well, and now Sawyer has to spend his last year at school shadowed by an absolute gremlin >:3
Should I be sleeping? Yes. Am I watching sorting instead? Also yes. But yay! Gryffindor was unexpected I'll admit, though I'm glad the hat agreed that Raafe was tricky to place (I really think it came down to him wanting to be with his cousin that decided it but I'm very excited for the plots to come out of that choice).

Also realized the other day that this is now the first time I've sorted two students at once without one ending up in Slytherin 🎉
I'm predicting Ramona here will be a Slytherin or a Hufflepuff!! As I was writing the form, I kept seeing qualities of both. She's resourceful and tends to be most motivated to do things for herself, but she's also patient and will choose to do what's morally right over what benefits her most of the time. In any case I'm just excited to have another Lagowski hehehehe :D
Wooh finished a second form!!! Seraphiel gives me strong Hufflepuff vibes but we will have to seee ^_^
Wow really shocked with this one!! I expected Ravenclaw but I really did not expect the hat to even consider Gryffindor. Like how!?!?!? Gryffindor was like the last house I expected. It would have been so interesting as she would've been the first Gryffindor in the Vernier family so I wouldn't have even been mad xD but I'm happy for her that she's a Ravenclaw ^_^
I'm predicting Ramona here will be a Slytherin or a Hufflepuff!! As I was writing the form, I kept seeing qualities of both. She's resourceful and tends to be most motivated to do things for herself, but she's also patient and will choose to do what's morally right over what benefits her most of the time. In any case I'm just excited to have another Lagowski hehehehe :D
Wooh finished a second form!!! Seraphiel gives me strong Hufflepuff vibes but we will have to seee ^_^
I somehow guessed them both hehee, I often end up surprised but not this time!!! 🐍 🦡 Sera is going to be very happy, Ramona maybe not so much :teehee:
I considered the thought of Gryffindor for Remy, but Hufflepuff fits his values and definitely is where he'd prefer.
Yes I caved don't @ me haha yes I suck

But anyway with Finley... I honestly have no goddamn idea where he could end up. I can probably say not Ravenclaw because though he tries he is as dumb as a post. But as for the other three honestly... toss up? I'm really curious to see where he ends up because for the first time I actually don't have any incling.
Woooo!!! Can't wait for sorting!

I am sorting two again this year, and I'm very excited about them both.

My first is Anisha Khatri, younger half-sister of Indira Khatri (thanks again Kadi for letting me be part of that cool family)

Anisha is someone who speaks her mind and doesn't back down from a challenge. She often torments her older sister with her cousin Raafe and will usually do just what she wants. She's very loyal and protective. Though she's also a big bookworm. I am getting strong Gryffindor vibes from her but she could surprise me.

My other character is Ezra Ito (again, thanks Kadi) who is pretty easygoing and friendly. He's a bit of a people pleaser and a bit of a follower, he'd like to be popular. He could go to Hufflepuff or Slytherin I feel.
Late reaction but whoo I was right! Hat even considered Slytherin for Ezra haha.
Last minute sorting last night (thanks Discord), decided to change some ages and put in little Terror.
No idea where he will turn out. Alana was a Slytherin, and Chaos was a Hufflepuff. While writing him out, I thought he would be a bit more predictable.

But nope. And he ends up reminding me a lot of his father. So, I am guessing Hufflepuff?

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