Y41 plotsssss

Aine Thompson

Most Interesting (Head) Girl In The World
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Curly 13" Rigid Pine Wand, Meteorite Dust Core
18 (21/9/2043)
i dont know how to make these look pretty at all so it'll just have to be terrible looking

Hello! I'm back again looking to plot because I am an excellent procrastinator/still actually getting the hang of this thing we call plotting and the thing we call other people. I have a few characters available but at the moment I'm mostly looking for stuff for these three (aka the ones I actually have semi-consistent muse for):


Firstly there's my main girl Aine! She's in second year now and she's had to come to terms with the fact that she is, in fact, a witch, and what that means for her. She's still incredibly stubborn and insistent that she knows exactly how the world works and how everyone sees her but as anyone who was an incredibly introverted teen knows a lot of that is...inaccurate. She has a very hard time talking to people but she does want to be liked, she's just not used to the idea of actually having real friends. I'm planning on having her join Hogwarts Monthly this year where she'll either want to write about politics or analysing magic through muggle literature because she's just a bundle of excitement clearly. She's my idiot daughter and I love her.
I am looking for: friends, enemies/rivals? Maybe older students (preferably boys) for her to get hopeless embarrassing crushes on that she knows better than to act on (but won't stop her from embarrassing herself)? Anything really!


Then I've got my newest girl Renata, who's a 3rd year transfer in to Hufflepuff. She's an absolute ray of sunshine because otherwise all my characters are entirely miserable and sad. Where Aine's a pessimist, Renata's an optimist. She's European, travelled all over and really likes languages. She went to Durmstrang for 1st and 2nd year as her father's family insisted but after her father and mother had a huge messy fight over their situation (and the fact that Renata didn't exactly have a happy time at Durmstrang) her immediate family and maternal grandparents have relocated to New Zealand for a fresh start. She's a little nervous about the whole thing and meeting people but she's really excited to have new opportunities. She's going to join the arts club because she loves music and she's trying out for Quidditch and really just wants to throw herself in to everything whole-heartedly.
Looking for: pretty much everything! Friends of course, maybe rivals? I could see maybe people being wary of her with the whole Durmstrang thing so that could be something! Probably not romance at this stage but certainly in the future.


Finally I've got Yuelia, who at least isn't in Hufflepuff! She's a first year Slytherin who comes off a little odd but sweet. She's quite spoiled, but not obviously a spoiled brat - just that it's only been her and her father and her father has completely doted on her and brought her up to have complete and utter faith in her magical abilities (although she doesn't know very much magic yet). She's perfectly polite and will never be rude at first glance. She can be a little odd because she's had so little interaction with people but she's never cruel. Unless, of course, she feels threatened. Yuelia's never had cause to feel threatened before so now that she's no longer the centre of her own universe and has to deal with other talented magicians she's going to have an...interesting time.
Looking for: Rivals! I want to give her opportunities to have her façade crack and show exactly why she got sorted in to Slytherin over Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw (not that the hat even seemed to consider those two!) It will also give her opportunity to be pushed more and challenged which will be really fun. Also friends are good too, of course!

I've also got Michael (Ravenclaw firstie) but I'm struggling with his muse a bit so I'm RPing him just not actively looking for much else for him right now. I also have my adults if anyone wants to RP anything of course! Feel free to hit me up any time I am literally always lurking when I'm supposed to be doing work and I am always down to plot, if you want to grab me and hold me at gunpoint to make a character for a plot you have I'm certainly willing to try! I am terrible at talking to people and I'm trying my best to get better (I have had like 2+ years of no social interaction outside of work/I am as the kids say Going Through It) so I am very awkward to talk to and don't really hold conversations well but I am always happy to chat here or on discord (feel free to PM me for my discord username).
Thank you all for being patient with me and I love you all! :wub:
Camilla!! Hiya!

We haven't roleplayed much together and i would like to change that hehe! I have a couple of characters that I can offer to you!

Aine + Abby - I know these two interacted last year outside the forbidden forest, it was a little awkward cos of them being little introverted people I guess? I am keen to put these together again and see what happens, I can see them being friends. Abby is still slightly new to the idea of magic, even though her adopted father is magic himself, but wanted to leave that magic part of himself behind. Abby is also in the monthly already, so maybe we could do something around that? I dunno, lmk what you think hehe

Renata + Molly - For Renata, I would like to offer Molly! Molly is my third year and can be quite childish energetic. She is quite loud and energetic. Who loves making friends and absolutely loves her cat. They could possibly be friends as well. I know they had met in the slumber party thread, but I would be keen to do some more stuff!

Whenever you'd like, I could offer one or both my firsties to Michael, no rush for that tho hehe! If you wanna add me on discord to discuss anything further, let me know and I can happily send you my user!
Camilla!! Hiya!

We haven't roleplayed much together and i would like to change that hehe! I have a couple of characters that I can offer to you!

Aine + Abby - I know these two interacted last year outside the forbidden forest, it was a little awkward cos of them being little introverted people I guess? I am keen to put these together again and see what happens, I can see them being friends. Abby is still slightly new to the idea of magic, even though her adopted father is magic himself, but wanted to leave that magic part of himself behind. Abby is also in the monthly already, so maybe we could do something around that? I dunno, lmk what you think hehe

Renata + Molly - For Renata, I would like to offer Molly! Molly is my third year and can be quite childish energetic. She is quite loud and energetic. Who loves making friends and absolutely loves her cat. They could possibly be friends as well. I know they had met in the slumber party thread, but I would be keen to do some more stuff!

Whenever you'd like, I could offer one or both my firsties to Michael, no rush for that tho hehe! If you wanna add me on discord to discuss anything further, let me know and I can happily send you my user!
Yes to all of that!

Aine + Abby - it's hard for introverts but Aine is Trying Her Best and forcing herself out there more (like trying to help firsties despite not really having any idea what she's doing). But that could certainly work! Maybe when joining up with the monthly comes around Aine can ask Abby a bit more about it since she'd at least know her enough to talk to her?

Renata + Molly - sorry for barging in on that thread btw I hope that's alright! (I asked Mia but I should have asked you too I'm sorry!) But yesss that would be fun I think Renata would be super keen to hang out and relieved that her dormmates are actually friendly.

I think I'm stuck on Michael cause I can't get settled on a PB for him :lol: It makes it that bit harder to have muse I really just need to sit down and do some searching. I know he's hung out with Mila a bit so he could accidentally get thrown meeting Lizzie and have that obligatory confusion.
Yes to all of that!

Aine + Abby - it's hard for introverts but Aine is Trying Her Best and forcing herself out there more (like trying to help firsties despite not really having any idea what she's doing). But that could certainly work! Maybe when joining up with the monthly comes around Aine can ask Abby a bit more about it since she'd at least know her enough to talk to her?

Renata + Molly - sorry for barging in on that thread btw I hope that's alright! (I asked Mia but I should have asked you too I'm sorry!) But yesss that would be fun I think Renata would be super keen to hang out and relieved that her dormmates are actually friendly.

I think I'm stuck on Michael cause I can't get settled on a PB for him :lol: It makes it that bit harder to have muse I really just need to sit down and do some searching. I know he's hung out with Mila a bit so he could accidentally get thrown meeting Lizzie and have that obligatory confusion.

Aine + Abby - Introvert friends sounds like a fun thing hehe! But yeah! That could totally work! Abby might not be the greatest at advice, but this could work! I'm trying to have Abby be out and about this year making friends and all. But that's a bit hard when your character is a introverted artist bahaha

Renata + Molly - Bahaha no don't worry you're all good! The more the merrier! Yay perfect! Molly would be happy to be friends with her. Maybe she could show her around the school or something? Though I imagine Molly might not be the best tour guide ever bahaha! Otherwise, I'm keen on any other ideas you may have!

That's totally okay! I get it ahaha - I've lost a muse on a character or two and sometimes its hard to finddd but you'll get there eventually! But I do like that idea of him getting confused between Mila and Lizzie bahaha, that would be interesting! I'm keen for that whenever, no rush!
Ooh yes, I think Renata's got someone to show her around but she's not gonna say no if Molly wants to show her cool spots at Hogwarts.

Happy to start a thread for Aine and Abby after club signups this week!
Ooh yes, I think Renata's got someone to show her around but she's not gonna say no if Molly wants to show her cool spots at Hogwarts.

Happy to start a thread for Aine and Abby after club signups this week!
Oh! If she's already got a tour guide to show her around, that's totally okay! We can totally do something else. But I can defs start this one, since you're starting the Aine and Abby one? I can think of something hehe

Thanks for starting that one! :D
Hi Hi! For Renata and Molly! I hope this is okay! Let me know if you'd like me to change anything at all! :D

Hi Camilla, we haven't RPed much yet but we should!

I can offer you Isadora for Aine, though I feel like Aine won't like her that much. Isadora is a pureblood and a bit sheltered. Though she doesn't really subscribe to the supremacy stuff that much, a lot of the mindset is probably instilled in her pretty firmly. She's also very extroverted and can be a bit much.

I can also offer you my fourth year Louis for an older boy she can crush on. He's incredibly arrogant, incredibly french and incredibly flirty. If you ask him, also incredibly charming. That's up to you to decide though :r

For Renata I can offer my third year Gwen, she's a Slytherin and a bit of a secret mean girl. She's very happy/sweet/bubbly on the outside but is a lot more calculating than she lets on. She's good friends with Molly Burke and would be interested in this new roommate of hers. In general I feel like she'd want to get a feel of the new girl in their year and see if she's cool enough to hang out with.
Hi Camilla! I have a few thoughts for you!

Aine x Margo: Their interaction at the dance was quite amusing, and Margo is also going to be joining the paper this year. I’d like them to be friends but I think Margo might be a bit too shy to really crack through Aine’s shell. But she might still make small attempts here and there.

Renata x Felix: Felix is my third year and is very friendly and loves his pet frog.I think they could be pretty good friends. He’s also on the quidditch team if she ever needs some help with that. I think he’d be pretty fascinated about her being from a different country since he’s never really traveled anywhere in his life. He also likes sleight of hand muggle magic if she would be amused by that??

Ethan x Micheal: Well Ethan just tried out for the quidditch team with next to no knowledge of the sport and from what I’m assuming Micheal has been quite outspoken about his interests so he would probably be Ethan’s first stop to figuring this whole thing out.

Let me know what you think!
Hi Camilla, we haven't RPed much yet but we should!

I can offer you Isadora for Aine, though I feel like Aine won't like her that much. Isadora is a pureblood and a bit sheltered. Though she doesn't really subscribe to the supremacy stuff that much, a lot of the mindset is probably instilled in her pretty firmly. She's also very extroverted and can be a bit much.

I can also offer you my fourth year Louis for an older boy she can crush on. He's incredibly arrogant, incredibly french and incredibly flirty. If you ask him, also incredibly charming. That's up to you to decide though :r

For Renata I can offer my third year Gwen, she's a Slytherin and a bit of a secret mean girl. She's very happy/sweet/bubbly on the outside but is a lot more calculating than she lets on. She's good friends with Molly Burke and would be interested in this new roommate of hers. In general I feel like she'd want to get a feel of the new girl in their year and see if she's cool enough to hang out with.
Oooh yes I'd love to RP with you! Isadora and Aine could probably have...interesting interactions because I think they both have pretty firm mindsets that completely counteract each other. Still, it might be good for them both to try and understand each other even though they're teen girls and probably not mature enough to do that right away :r I could also totally see Aine thinking Louis is attractive and probably stumbling over herself in front of him and making an idiot of herself (and probably inflating his ego further).

And yes to Renata and Gwen, I could see Renata being easily manipulated a bit by Gwen too since she's the type of girl to be walked over a bit in order to please people and would try hard to have Gwen see her as a friend too which could be an interesting dynamic.

Hi Camilla! I have a few thoughts for you!

Aine x Margo: Their interaction at the dance was quite amusing, and Margo is also going to be joining the paper this year. I’d like them to be friends but I think Margo might be a bit too shy to really crack through Aine’s shell. But she might still make small attempts here and there.

Renata x Felix: Felix is my third year and is very friendly and loves his pet frog.I think they could be pretty good friends. He’s also on the quidditch team if she ever needs some help with that. I think he’d be pretty fascinated about her being from a different country since he’s never really traveled anywhere in his life. He also likes sleight of hand muggle magic if she would be amused by that??

Ethan x Micheal: Well Ethan just tried out for the quidditch team with next to no knowledge of the sport and from what I’m assuming Micheal has been quite outspoken about his interests so he would probably be Ethan’s first stop to figuring this whole thing out.

Let me know what you think!

Oooh, yes to all of this! I think Aine's convinced after the dance that Margo hates her (but she's the type of person who thinks even the people who've called themselves friends to her face secretly dislike her so take that with a grain of salt), but she would genuinely like to put in more of an effort to get to know her fellow Hufflepuff year-mates and try to be likeable (to varying degrees of success).

I think Renata would be genuinely fascinated by sleight of hand muggle magic and would love Felix to show her. She could tell him about the places she's travelled to though it's all pretty specific in scope (lots of bars and pubs lol). Plus she's a friendly sort so they'd be able to get along pretty well I'd hope!

And Michael is great at putting on a front so he'd be totally happy to help Ethan out with Quidditch even though he barely knows what he's doing. :lol: His part of the dorm's probably aggressively covered in muggle sports memorabilia and he's probably got a bunch of Quidditch books lying around so he'd be more than happy to chat to Ethan about it and they could work things out together.
I only have one student right now, and Sloane is definitely taking her time getting into the school and learning what’s going on and who her peers are. She’s only really getting to know people in Ravenclaw at the moment, however I wanted to ask whether you would mind if she ended up getting a bit of a crush on Michael? If you don’t want to do anything with him that’s fine too, but I might drop into posts, especially classes, that she’s noticing him?
Hey Pheeb! I finally just went with my gut on PB so I feel a little more confident in playing him now :lol: I'd be down for that! He's probably totally oblivious to romance at this stage but I'd be down to rp and see what happens?
Oooh, yes to all of this! I think Aine's convinced after the dance that Margo hates her (but she's the type of person who thinks even the people who've called themselves friends to her face secretly dislike her so take that with a grain of salt), but she would genuinely like to put in more of an effort to get to know her fellow Hufflepuff year-mates and try to be likeable (to varying degrees of success).

I think Renata would be genuinely fascinated by sleight of hand muggle magic and would love Felix to show her. She could tell him about the places she's travelled to though it's all pretty specific in scope (lots of bars and pubs lol). Plus she's a friendly sort so they'd be able to get along pretty well I'd hope!

And Michael is great at putting on a front so he'd be totally happy to help Ethan out with Quidditch even though he barely knows what he's doing. :lol: His part of the dorm's probably aggressively covered in muggle sports memorabilia and he's probably got a bunch of Quidditch books lying around so he'd be more than happy to chat to Ethan about it and they could work things out together.
Cool! That all sounds good to me. Maybe we can start with Renata and Felix, and Michael and Ethan first? And do the puff girls a bit later. I can start something for Ethan and Michael if that's alright?
Sure, I can start something for Renata and Felix when I get home tonight (and not continuing to post on my phone lol)
Hey Pheeb! I finally just went with my gut on PB so I feel a little more confident in playing him now :lol: I'd be down for that! He's probably totally oblivious to romance at this stage but I'd be down to rp and see what happens?
Perfect aha! I'm 100% always down to go with the flow on things like this, we can just see what happens :D
Oooh yes I'd love to RP with you! Isadora and Aine could probably have...interesting interactions because I think they both have pretty firm mindsets that completely counteract each other. Still, it might be good for them both to try and understand each other even though they're teen girls and probably not mature enough to do that right away :r I could also totally see Aine thinking Louis is attractive and probably stumbling over herself in front of him and making an idiot of herself (and probably inflating his ego further).

And yes to Renata and Gwen, I could see Renata being easily manipulated a bit by Gwen too since she's the type of girl to be walked over a bit in order to please people and would try hard to have Gwen see her as a friend too which could be an interesting dynamic.

Should we start with two of these ideas now and save one for later? I'm trying not to drown in plots. I'm really keen to get Renata and Gwen going, you can pick the other we do first?
@Amber Chou Wilson yes that sounds good! I am also trying not to drown in plots because my health has taken a hit but I'm catching up slowly. Maybe we could do something short silly and lighthearted with Aine and Louis and save Isadora and Aine for later?
@Amber Chou Wilson yes that sounds good! I am also trying not to drown in plots because my health has taken a hit but I'm catching up slowly. Maybe we could do something short silly and lighthearted with Aine and Louis and save Isadora and Aine for later?
Sounds good, should I start it?
Sure, I can start Renata and Gwen if you would like?

For Aine and Louis!

For Aine and Louis!
Oooh thank you! https://hogwarts.nz/threads/something-about-spring-and-flowers.111142/ for Renata and Gwen - let me know if you need me to make any changes. My brain's a bit slow lately, my apologies!

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