Y40 Sorting Reactions!

Sorting Hat

Well-Known Member
Sorting is still a short while away, but that doesn't mean we can't have some exciting sorting chats here! It's never too early, right? ^_^

As always, we love to hear your thoughts and reactions as we work through the process of sorting and transfers and exchanges! This is always such a fun time! :party:

Are you having a character sorted or transferred this year? Maybe more than one? Ten? (You know who you are. :r )

Are you going to try for an exchange student?

Where do you think they'll end up?

Do you think they'll be happy about where they end up? How is it going to impact their first year or their entire schooling? Do you think the sorting hat will have a difficult time placing them?

If you've already been sorted: Did you get what you/your character expected? Did the sorting hat say something funny to you? What'd you think of that? How nervous was your character to be sorted? How nervous were you?

Happy Sorting!
I wanted tell, that Newt is realy friendly and also a book worm to but only for animals. He love animals and he dreamed be Hufflepuff house.
Anna is like more Raveclaw house. She can love Disney so much, but she love books, fun things and she hoped be part of Ravenclaw house :))
I think her twin sister is more like Slytherin house. what you think? @Amelie Nedakh
Becouse she somtimes is forget how need in life fun.

But i am happy see you in her :)^_^^_^
Happy Sorting.

The sorting hat came on by fast ahaha! You know that the new year is coming when the sorting hat has arrived! I'm only sorting one character this time around! And I'm really excited to sort Abby!

Abigail is quiet, observant and humble. She loves to keep to herself, though she is very creative. She loves art, especially chalk art! She's super shy, but will slowly open up to you while the conversation progresses! I'm really excited to be sorting her this year!

Hmm, I think she'd either be in Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff - But with the sorting hat? You never know! Anything is possible hehe!

I'm also excited to see and meet the other firsties! :party: :wub:

I'm sorting Ngawaiata, who's another of Kahurangi's niblings. She's somewhat the black sheep of the family - an only child, and fairly quiet and standoffish, more interested in doing things by/for herself than in groups. Not to say she's snooty or anything, just prefers her own company.

I'm hoping for Slytherin, it feels like the best fit for her, and would come with the added bonus of giving me 2 students in each house :cool: I could also definitely see Ravenclaw for her though, and she would love having her Auntie Kahu around more. I never really feel like I can tell what's coming until I fill in the form though, that's always where characters start to fall into place for me.
Aaaaaah!!!! I can't believe it's (almost) that time already.

I'm only sorting one kid as well. Isadora Novak, the younger sister of Natalia Novak. A pureblood with a strict upbringing, but a lot more rebellious and free-spirited than her sister. She doesn't buy all the pureblood prejudice, but still probably has some wrong ideas from being raised that way.

I forsee Gryffindor for her, or maaaaybe Hufflepuff.
How is it sorting already I am freaking out!!!

Oh my gosh Zag though.. honestly, I have no idea? I would love to have my first Hufflepuff and I think he would settle nicely into that house. Maybe Ravenclaw as well because he is quite a studious person. But in all honestly I'm leaning more towards Hufflepuff (not just because I really really want a puff or anything).
Yay sorting!! I'm so excited to see everyone's new kids!!

As for me, I'm sorting just one like usual. This year it's Margo. She's been through a lot and has decided to be stubbornly optimistic about most things. She likes quiet activities like gardening and reading but does yearn for the kind of adventures she reads about in her books, but is a little to timid to go after it on her own.

For her I do feel Ravenclaw is almost inevitable but I could see her potentially ending up in Hufflepuff. There's an even smaller chance of Gryffindor but I wouldn't say zero, and it's so hard to say before filling out the app. But I do feel confident chances of Slytherin are next to none.
Sorting 👏 👏 👏
After giving myself a break last year and I suuuper excited to sort my kid this year, Cameron. He's a half-blood but his magical parent is out of the picture so he's got a bit of a chip on shoulder about learning magic now that he's finally making it to Hogwarts. I get pretty strong Slytherin vibes from him, but I can also see Gryff or even some Puff potential in here 👀
I REALLY was planning on sorting only ONE student this year - Aika. Ended up having three unsortees and thoughts about a new transfer (yes, a new one. It's never enough)
For Aika, I get a REALLY huge Slytherin vibe (the cutest is that she would be with her brother), so it's honestly what I am aiming for, it suits her the best
Danielle, I feel something between Ravenclaw and Slytherin but honestly.. with her... No idea, it's scary and exciting at the same time
And ofc, Sadie - Gryffindor. Without a doubt. Gryffindor's are never enough!!!

can't wait to see all the first years and sorting!!!!!!!!!!!
Having done the form, Ngawaiata's Slytherin nature stood out to me a lot stronger than I had anticipated, so I'm locking in my prediction for Slytherin :p
Now the waiting begins!! After filling out the form I feel like Margo is destined to be a Hufflepuff. She could still surprise me and end up somewhere else but now we just have to wait and see :party:
I'm thinking Cameron could go either 🐍 or 🦡 now 👀
Hatwatch 2k55
After filling out the form, I feel like Abby could be sorted in either Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff or Slytherin. Definitely not Gryffindor. I didn't expect to get Slytherin vibes from her. However, the sorting hat may surprise me.

Now, its just the waiting gameeeeee
I'm only sorting one this year, the first half of the Broomhead twins. Not quite sure where he'll be yet as I'm still figuring him out, but I'm excited to see all the new students!

My current students list looks so balanced now <3

Woo! I pretty much thought she would be a lion when I filled in her form tbh


My houses aren´t nearly as balanced :p the bottom part looks like Christmas now
Love waking up and being sorted lol. Very excited for another Hufflepuff! That was my hunch when I first made her but it’s so hard to be sure.

I find it funny that in the past few sorting I’ve managed 2 Slytherins in a row, and now 2 Hufflepuffs. Despite that I’m pretty even with houses, with 2 in each house except Gryffindor. But I’ll never truly be even since I only sort one a year which means I have 7 students.
I only have three Hogwarts students to date, and I'm debating to transfer one to see if she could make it to Slytherin, that way I would have one for each. :teehee:

As for Slate, I partially wanted him to be a Ravenclaw or a Hufflepuff. The more I roleplay him, I now realized he would do well in Ravenclaw. The Sorting Hat actually agreed. I just try to align his interests to his quiet and gentle nature.

However, he is now one step away from being separated from his siblings and this terrifies Slate. :lol:
@Soren Gates got Gryffindor and @Sadie Gates would most likely get Gryffindor too.
OH WOW! Okay, I was NOT expecting that =)) See, the Sorting Hat is full of surprises! I think she'll enjoy Gryffindor! hehe! I've got three in each except for Slytherin now-

Slytherin was pretty much what I expected for Elijah so I'm quite happy with that, though I wouldn't have been surprised if he'd ended up in Hufflepuff.

Can't wait to do more with Elijah! 🐍
I only have three Hogwarts students to date, and I'm debating to transfer one to see if she could make it to Slytherin, that way I would have one for each. :teehee:

As for Slate, I partially wanted him to be a Ravenclaw or a Hufflepuff. The more I roleplay him, I now realized he would do well in Ravenclaw. The Sorting Hat actually agreed. I just try to align his interests to his quiet and gentle nature.

However, he is now one step away from being separated from his siblings and this terrifies Slate. :lol:
@Soren Gates got Gryffindor and @Sadie Gates would most likely get Gryffindor too.
Soooo, my Slate is about to cry. Sadie and Soren are in the same house. He had never been apart from them ever so this would be an interesting development for him.
Love to see the hat throwing people some curve balls those are always fun 👀
I was pretty sure Cameron would get Slytherin (and he looks great in green aah) but I know last time I said that with Kas he ended up in puff so you never really know :r
When I first developed Thyme I thought he was going to go get sorted in Hufflepuff. When I was writing the form more Ravenclaw came out of him. Hufflepuff would totally still fit him with some characteristics suiting him perfectly. But Ravenclaw is the best house for him! :)
Amelia is a Ravenclaw! I honestly was not sure where she would be. At first I was thinking Hufflepuff, but as I was filling out the form I was even more confused where she fit.

I'm excited though. Ravenclaw will be a great place for her. Plus I only have one other Ravenclaw and way too many Gryffindors and Slytherins :p it will be a nice change.

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