Y39 Beauxbatons Quidditch Practice S2

Aramis gave Hugo a lazy salute as he flew nearby, straightening up on his broom when Hugo suddenly shot forward. It took him a minute to work out what had happened with Hugo so close, but he had to let out a huff of a laugh as he realized Hugo had caught the snitch. "Thanks for not knocking me out of the sky," he said wanly, giving Hugo a smile and a quick pat on the back.
Elise smiled when Hugo caught the snitch. She then managed to find a bludger, but it went of course. Too bad she wanted to hit something.
Amelie spotted Hugo nearly knocking into Aramis, and she couldn't help but giggle. She also thought they looked kind of cute together. She shook off the thought and took the opportunity to straighten out her hair.
Gemma swatted a bludger away but her aim was off and it completely missed hitting anyone at all.
Getting a little distance from Hugo, Aramis moved to check on where the quaffle was at after the distraction.
Gemma frowned when she couldn't find any bludgers. So she took a moment to stretch her arms over her head while she had a little break.
Gemma saw something out of the corner of her eye and raced after it. She reached the bludger in record time and swung her bat and tried to aim for Amelie again. She swore as the bludger just missed it's target by a hair and wondered if the other girl could feel it just pass her.
Aramis ducked when he heard Gemma swearing, figuring it was always a safe bet to take cover when she had a bat and was upset, but thankfully no bludgers were flying towards his face this time.
Hugo still wasn't even with Amelie but he was feeling a bit better. He stayed close to Aramis, trying to remind himself not to get too pissed off today.
Aramis was proud to see Hugo was actually playing with a straight head today, leaning back to wolf whistle at him as he flew nearby.
Hugo snorted at Aramis. "Nerd." He mumbled, flying down a bit.
Gemma was starting to get irritated by the lack of bludgers she saw whizzing around. She twirled her bat around and wondered if that would taunt them enough to show themselves.
Amelie was searching still when she felt a bludger fly past her, the force of it's passing actually knocking her back a bit. Her eyes widened and she swallowed nervously, before continuing her search.
Hugo snorted at Amelie's surprised face. What, had she never seen a bludger before? He quickly turned around and flew the other way.
Gemma groaned as still no bludgers showed themselves. She was tempted to go off and find them but she still needed to stay close to Hugo so he didn't get knocked out in her absence.
Aramis was glad the game had slowed down for a moment, it was more his speed just getting to relax near the hoops.
Finally a bludger appeared out of the corner of her eye. Gemma hardly had to chase after it before she swung her bat and sent it sailing across the pitch right at Amelie. She felt a little bad for hitting the girl again but that was all part of the game. And she was at least glad she hadn't lost her touch. @Amelie Derouin

Amelie - 2
Hugo - 1
Ares - 1
Aramis - 1
Ava - 1
Gabby - 1
Hugo saw Amelie get hit by a bludger and started coughing quickly to hide his grin.
Aramis winced when Amelie took another bludger, hoping he was imagining how pleased Hugo looked.
Amelie cried out as she felt the bludger smack into her side again. She slowed, taking a minute to take a shaky breath, and that was when she saw the glint of gold. She shot forward, and soon enough she had the snitch in hands. She held the snitch up for the captain to see before releasing it.
The bludger must have knocked Amelie in the right direction and Aramis gave an impressed huff when he saw her holding it up yet again.
Gemma's luck seemed to be turning as she smacked yet another bludger with her bat but she couldn't get too comfortable yet as it sailed uselessly past everyone on the team.
The bludger Gemma hit wasn't in immediate danger of hitting Aramis, but he still pointedly moved his broom out of the way, not wanting to test his luck.
Aramis drifted to guard the right-hand hoop, keeping an eye on the quaffle.
Gemma noticed another bludger flying by and reached out to hit it just before it went out of her reach. But the angle had been off and it went off course hitting Ares instead. @Ares Kuya-Tine

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