Y36 Slytherin Quidditch Tryouts

Sapphire Michaels

Clever- Mischievous- Snarky- Photographer
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Sexual Orientation
Who Cares?
Pear Wood, Unicorn hair core, 14 inches
12/23/2033 (28)
Ooc note: First years must message Rowan or I for permission to try out.

Sapphire stood on the pitch with Blake, arms crossed as she studied the faces of everyone present. "Alright, guys. I'm Sapphire Michaels, and this is Blake Irons. We're the captain's. For those of you who are returning, welcome home. We lost two strong players, so lets do our best in their place." She ran her eyes over the new kids. "As for the rest of you, show us what you can do. Just remember, this game can be dangerous. Its common to see players from both teams in the hospital wing after a match. If you can't handle that, well, don't trip on your broom on your way out." She gave a half smile.

"Returning players, practice and help out where you can. Everyone else, state your name and the position you're trying out for. Then get up there and show us what you can do." There were school brooms nearby, which Sapphire gestured to. She pulled a small notepad from her pocket, scribbling down the new kids so she and Blake could discuss who would do what later.

Blake Irons (Co-Captain)Seeker
Sapphire Michaels(Co-Captain)Beater
Mordred CavanaughKeeper
Derek TahanaChaser
Luna Urquhart-CadeChaser
Jasper NightChaser
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After training more with her father and brother over the break, Paige was confident that she would make the team this year, even if she would just be an alternate. Making her way down to the Quidditch pitch, she took a couple of deep breaths to focus herself. Once there she listened to captains, noticing that one of them was the girl she'd talked to the previous year, and stepped forward when it was time. ''Paige Thompson, trying out for Beater,'' Paige told the captains with a nod before moving aside. She mounted her broom and shot off into the air, clutching her Beater's bat while she waited for the bludgers to be released. If it hadn't been for her determination and Leda's encouraging words, she probably wouldn't have bothered trying out for the team again. Knowing that she hadn't impressed the team enough last time, Paige wanted to make sure that she at least showed the captains how she'd improved from last time. Once the bludgers were released, Paige began to fly around the pitch, actively hunting for them. She had heard that her cousin had tried out for the Gryffindor team, which only fueled her desire to be on the Slytherin team. Zigzagging in the air, avoiding the other participants in the air, she made it towards her first bludger and stretched out her arm upon catching up to it. She hit it hard with her bat, sending it off to the assigned target, but missed by inches. At the end of the practice, Paige had managed to land in three hits and miss two others. It wasn't good, she was actually quite disappointed, but luckily she had done a better job defending the target. She flew back down towards the ground when called to do so and waited.
While derek hadn't particularly liked that a kid younger than him had been made captain, he could admit that Sapphire was the right choice. She was a good - very good player. He arrived at the pitch for the try-outs and gave her a warm wave. He knew he should make a point to catch up with her soon. So long as she wasn't now going to take Emilia's side in all of it. He couldn't really afford to lose what few friends he already. had. The boy didn't let it bother him and instead focused, listening to her words and then when he was able to just flying up into the air ready to help how he could in this try-out.
Daintree had been an alternate for a few years, and he had to admit he got the feeling if he didn't make the team fully he might just quit. He needed this, he needed to make the team...he wanted it badly, and knew that it would help him in proving himself to the head of house and this was a pivotal year to do that. He knew he had to give it his best effort but hoped that given his time on the team it might help him quite a bit. The slytherin arrived on the pitch, for the first time in a while visibly nervous about what he was about to do. All facade was stripped back to determination and nerves. Being on a quidditch team had never mattered more to him. He had never cared so much about. being on any team, but he also knew that nothing had ever mattered as much as this. Daintree listened to the girl as she spoke. Nodding along. Then eventually at long last it was time. Daintree stepped forward quickly, "Hi both, congrats, yeah, I'm Daintree, trying out for beater again," He tried his best to sound genuine in his congrats but was more pushing to just ensure they were remembering him.
With that said, he wasted no time in getting. on his broom and heading up into the air. He had a hand tightly gripped on the beater bat and was ready to get started. Daintree had greatly improved in his time as an alternate, he was a much more confident flyer, his flying was more controlled, he was faster. He knew he'd gotten better at hitting the bludgers, there was more flexibility in how he moved. Despite not being a full member of the team, he knew he'd improved, but it was if he'd improved enough. Daintree ignored his own plaguing thoughts and focused on the task at hand. He pushed forward on his broom and managed to hit a few bludgers away in quick succession, then after a bit of a lull, and a few misses he'd rather forget he managed to hit a bludger dead on and send it into one of the other players. He had some more success over the try-out, a few more misses than he'd like to admit to, but overall, when the try-out was called to an end daintree felt rather confident that he had managed his best effort. Hopefully the captains would agree.
Jasper was very glad he didn't have to try out for Quidditch anymore, as he was now a real part of the team. Unlike Blake, who had been an alternate. At least... that had been the case, until this year. Jasper was surprised and dismayed to see he had been made captain along with Sapphire. What? Why? Blake wasn't a good leader. He wasn't even a good team player. He guessed grumpily Leda just thought seekers were more important, so should get to lead the team. That wasn't fair, but he knew better than to word it out loud. He listened grumpily to the captains, then helped the people trying out by playing his usual position.
As far as Blake was concerned, it was about time he was given the accolades he deserved on this team. Jumping up from alternate to main Seeker felt obvious, but even to Blake, being made captain had been a bit of a surprise. After years on the bench, being rewarded for his obvious greatness had seemed less and less likely as time passed. But now here he was, and everything was absolutely perfect, as long as he pretended he didn't have to... share the role. If he was standing here in front of potential new teammates on his own, ready to lead, that would be fine. But Sapphire had to go and get co-captain, because Odette's legacy of always favouring girls in this team lived on. Blake didn't really think much about his old conspiracy theory anymore, but it was hard to ignore when faced with a situation like this.

Blake tried to channel his frustration as Sapphire began the tryout into intimidation, keeping his arms folded and looking at the new recruits (and Jasper) as coldly as he could manage. "Slytherin players are the best of the best." He added firmly, once she was done. "Bring your A game or go home." Once the tryout had begun Blake kicked off into the air, ready to challenge anyone willing to try out for Seeker and show them what a real champion looked like.
Jai arrived at the Quidditch Pitch for try outs once more. It was his third year trying out and he sometimes wondered if he would ever make it as a starter player. His mum had not stopped encouraging him but with no open spots in the team again this year, it was starting to get to him if he was all that honest. Thankfully, he did love Quidditch and he wasn't really willing to stop playing yet in school so he was going to make do with being an alternate again this year. "Congratulations," he said to Blake and Sapphire when he got near enough before turning to the new ones and to his fellow previous alternates. He snorted at the thought of introducing himself to his old teammates, again. "I'm Jai. I'll be trying out for chaser again."
Tryouts began not long after, and being used to this by now he mounted his broom and flew off. It was only a matter of moments before the quaffle was released and Jai made a grab for it. He circled the pitch before heading towards the hoops, maneuvering to get past the other chasers and attempting a shot. He failed. Nevertheless, he continued. As tryouts went on, he performed passes to his fellow hopefuls, attempted shots - some succeeded, others failed - and soon enough, the whole things was over. Landing on the ground, all he had to do now was wait.
Majora has spent a long time considering whether or not to try out for the Quidditch team. He knew he could fly, but he also wasn’t as adept as other students when it came to magic so it brought with him a lot of doubts of his own ability. Besides there were many other more able players than he. Despite this he found himself waiting his turn on the pitch, listening to the captains explain how this was going to work. “My names Maddox. I would like to try for Chaser,” he said calmly, mounting his broom and heading off into the air. He’d practised at the beginning of the year with other students and the flying professor, and he had confidence at least that he could do the basic things required for the role.
He took to the skies, watching the other Chasers on the pitch and when he found an opening, flew forwards to grab the ball. It wasn’t too hard to catch in the air although it would take practise to fly fast with one hand. He didn’t risk making a shot too early himself so passed back to a teammate when he got the chance. It wasn’t until he’d taken the Quaffle a third time that he surprised himself and hopefully the keeper too by throwing it in the left side hoop, watching it sail straight through. After a few more attempts on goal and many more passes, Maddox eventually came down to the ground to thank the captains for letting him try out, and sat on the benches to watch the rest of practise unfold.
Sapphire had been a good choice for captain, but Luna was dumbstruck when she arrived at tryouts and found that Blake had been appointed as co-captain. It had to be a prank, Blake was younger than her and a few others on the team, he also had zero experience of actually being on the team, his experience with the team had been riding the bench for Leda, suddenly he was captain and was promoted to the seeker position without even trying out. It was the most ridiculous thing she had ever heard, it was a joke that their head of house had allowed it to happen. Blake had played the final game of their season against Beauxbaton and had spent the whole time showing off to the crowd and failed to catch the snitch. How anyone could see that performance and think he was captain material needed their faculties checked.

Luna walked out onto the pitch and joined her other teammates, making no effort to hide her disgruntled mood. Luna couldn't help but roll her eyes at Blake's outbursts, what the hell did he know about bringing a game, he was useless and had showed no leadership qualities during his time on the bench, suddenly he was acting like a big shot. "You're a joke Blake," Luna grumbled as she walked past him on her way to leave once the tryouts were over.
Mordred had almost done something completely crazy today, and he was glad there were quidditch tryouts that could distract him from doing something stupid. But, Mordred still felt off kilter. He did not know if it was best for him to be in the air at the moment, but he was going to push through it. He gave Sapphire a soft squeeze as he walked onto the pitch. "I told you so." he teased lightly and stuck his tongue out at his captain. Mo never acknowledged Blake, and that was not going to change now. He flew into the air as soon as to go was given. It was only when he was this high in the air that everything made sense, and it was with that mindset that he went through tryouts.
OOC: Last call for Slytherin tryouts, this thread will be closing tomorrow!

Blake IronsSeeker & Co-Captain
Sapphire MichaelsBeater & Co-Captain
Daintree VaskevoldBeater
Mordred CavanaughKeeper
Derek TahanaChaser
Luna Urquhart-CadeChaser
Jasper NightChaser
Paige ThompsonAlternate Beater
Jai Edogawa-RavenAlternate Chaser
Majora ValentineAlternate Chaser

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