Y35 Slytherin Quidditch Tryouts

Leda Layton

This is what comes after
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Asexual (Mervyn)
Straight 14 1/2 Inch Rigid Dogwood Wand with Unicorn Tail Hair Core
2/2033 (31)
This was the last year that Leda had to prove that Slytherin were the best team. Last year they’d gone on to win the house cup, as well as the international match again Beauxbatons. The team had said their goodbyes to one member of the group who had graduated, and the red head was keen to find some fresh talent to take over Saras role. As she dressed in her gear and make her way down to the pitch, there were of course a few familiar faces that she was welcome to see. The seventh year waited a little longer to see who else would turn up to try out, before beginning. Things were still tense at least for Leda with her co captain, but she had no intention of bringing that out onto the pitch. Being a close knit family that trusted one another was one of the key things that the Slytherin believed took them to victory, and while on the field she had to remember her priorities.

“Welcome everyone,” she called out, feeling a little sad that this would be the last try out she ever attended. “My name is Leda Layton, and this is your co captain Liam Waldgrave,” she introduced, gesturing to the prefect beside her. “You’re all here today because you want to be part of this team. This successful team. I know I would much enjoy for Slytherin to win for a third consecutive year so anyone who is looking to join should come into this with their full strength and determination.” She glanced over to Liam, “Do you have anything to add?” She asked, giving him a moment before turning back to the hopeful group. “Alright then, let’s see what you can do.” She nodded, excited to see how this would play out for her last year at Hogwarts.

Slytherin Line-Up

Leda Layton (Co-Captain)Seeker
Liam Waldgrave (Co-Captain)Beater
Sapphire MichaelsBeater
Mordred CavanaughKeeper
Derek TahanaChaser
Luna Urquhart-CadeChaser
OOCOut of Character:
Existing members of the team are guaranteed their spot provided attendance in the try out is posted. Previous alternates need to try out again. Those joining us, please state what position you are trying out for.

If you are a first year, please PM me before posting. First years will only be allowed to try out if there are not enough older students.
Jasper felt like a real part of the team by now, as he had managed to play a few times by now. But he still had an alternate position, which meant he had to try out as he had for the past two years. He was pretty happy to be back, though, and gave Leda a big grin. He was his favorite captain, if only because Liam seemed to like Blake for some reason. He listened to Leda's speech, then grinned when it was time. He watched a few other people try out, and was glad when it was his turn. "Jasper Night, trying out for Chaser!" He said before he kicked off into the air. He took the quaffle and flew over to the goals. Mordred was the keeper and Jasper grinned at him. He tried his best to score quickly, aiming for the right hoop. He had practiced during the winter break, and it seemed to pay off as he managed to score immediately. He managed to grab the quaffle again soon after, and went for a second attempt. Jasper grinned and whooped as he scored again. He scored twice more, though one of his attempts were blocked as well. He just hoped the captain hadn't been paying attention to his failed attempt. He flew back to the ground and dismounted his broom. He really hoped for a permanent spot on the team, a more real spot than alternate. It would put him above Blake for sure.
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Daintree had known that without a permanent position on the school’s quidditch team, he would have to try-out again, but Daintree didn’t mind this at all. He knew in other muggle teams the same would be true, so he didn’t particularly mind. He arrived at the pitch and he had a new broom in hand, a gift from his father for finally engaging in this magical world. It was a nice broom, top end of the range, and he knew it would make him a better flyer. He hoped that he would make it on to the team again, even as an alternate. It wouldn’t be the worst thing if he wasn’t, but he wanted to be and it would help him gain more popularity, quidditch players in this world were popular. If he wanted to be popular that was what he had to do. The slytherin, looked towards the captains and listened as they introduced themselves to everyone, introduced what they were doing with this try-out. Daintree waited until they were getting started and then pushed himself to the front, ”Daintree Vaskevold, trying out for beater again,” the slytherin said, making sure to add that he had been on the team the year before. He knew it shouldn’t necessarily help him, but he thought it was important.
Daintree waited till the all clear and then he got on his broom, grabbed a beater bat and then shot up into the air. He shifted his hold on the bat as he adjusted to the height and the sky. Daintree smiled to himself momentarily before just getting started. He flew off in search of the bludgers, he was able to hit one out of the way that was heading towards one of the other players. He spent the try-out aiming bludgers away from the players. He spotted a bludger not too far from someone he could hit it towards. The teen flew over and aimed and hit hard watching with pleasure as it made contact with someone. He continued to fly around and practice the bludgers, going around aiming them away, getting them close to other players to hit them too. The slytherin knew he was doing far better than he had in the last try out, from the practices to the just training he’d done, he was far better. Eventually with one last hit of a bludger the try-out was rounded off and they were brought back to the ground. He was pretty satisfied with his attempt.
Derek arrived at the quidditch pitch, completely ready to just get started on t he try-out. He listened as Leda gave a short explanation of what was happening that try-out and then they were allowed to get started. He took his broom and shot up into the air, ready to just get started on this try-out.
Sapphire sauntered onto the pitch, broom over her shoulder. She gave the captains a sly grin before shooting into the air. She was as fast as ever, and liked to think she'd gotten just a touch more precise. She stuck to trying to protect rather than attack this time, not wanting to see anyone injured so soon in.
Blake personally thought it was ridiculous that he had to try out for the team again after winning them the international championship last year. They should be asking him to join them. Rules were rules though, so Blake sauntered down to the pitch with his broom under his arm, grinning and waving casually at his teammates. "Blake Irons, champion Seeker extraordinaire. You know I've got it." He mounted his broom and did finger-guns at Liam and Leda before kicking off, soaring high into the air. This was gonna be a piece of cake. He circled the pitch once, dodging under a rogue bludger flying around the pitch. Searching the pitch, it took Blake a few minutes to catch sight of a glimmer of gold, painfully far across the pitch from where he was currently. Letting out a shaky breath, Blake pressed himself to his broom and shot across the pitch at top speed, arm outstretched. The ball darted out of his reach just as he approached but he twisted around and made another grab for it, and after a few frantic and sudden twists and turns of the broom, Blake finally closed his fingers around the ball. Panting hard, he grinned as he held the snitch high, returning to the two captains. "Piece of cake." He said with a grin, wiggling the snitch between his fingers.
Liam was so ready for this season again. They had to win again, they could. It was his last year and his only chance still. So he joined Leda on the pitch and was ready to see if there was another young talent. When everyone was there he stood in front of the group and smiled charmingly. He listened to Leda, she had to take the lead mostly. And he nodded when she asked if he wanted to add. Ofcourse he wanted.
'' Show us what you got. We only choose the best. We have to win this year again. Because we are the best team. And have fun out there.''
He than added with a smile and jumped himself on the broom to see from close and in case needed hit a bludger. He saw some familliar faces and Blake as well. He was sure when he and Leda were gone that Blake would be an good choice for seeker. He had been proving that.
The previous season had been great for Slytherin and Luna was hoping they would be able to repeat it going into their captains last year. Luna made her way out onto the pitch and stood with her team as she waited for the students hoping to tryout to begin.
Molly had debated over whether to try out for keeper or beater, but in the end, though magic was a complex and powerful thing, she couldn't magic her arms to be more muscular, and she just didn't have the strength to whack bludgers as hard as she wanted. It was a shame, really, because it seemed like excellent stress relief, but Molly was glad to be trying out for the team at all.

"Molly Lamb, trying out for bea- I mean, keeper," she corrected herself, blushing. She mounted her broom and kicked off into the air, heading straight for the hoops. Almost straight away she realised it was going to be the most boring position of all - mostly waiting around for the quaffle to reach her - but when she saved her first goal she was struck with the enormous sense of a keeper's responsibility. She might not be diving around, dodging bludgers or looking for the snitch, but the keeper's role was just as important as everybody else's. After her first save she grew more enthusiastic, and though she let more quaffles through than she managed to catch, she wasn't dissatisfied with her performance.
Majora has been on the fence about whether or not to try out for the Quidditch team. On one hand he was a first year and the chances of actually making it with students who had been practising for years was very slim, but he also considered that in his world being turned upside down, all aspects of his life being requestioned, he still believed that flying in the air was all down to physics. His balance was relatively good, and he could move with speed when he had to. Obviously there would have been other aspects to make matters in the sky slightly more complex, but the blonde didn’t think it would be much more challenging than learning football or rugby at his primary school. If he was trying out he knew he’d have to give out his name, which he did so reluctantly and quietly to one of the captains, “Majora Valentine, Chaser,” he said, mounting a broom that he’d only had contact with very briefly. He pushed off into the air, steading himself and taking a moment to assess his surroundings. The game was simple. Some of them had the bigger ball which had to go through the hoop. Majora just needed to avoid the bludgers too. It was quite refreshing to be out of the way of the grounds, doing something in his own control for a change, and something he could certainly get used to. It took a while before the opportunity of grabbing the Quaffle came to him, and as he realised he would need to let go of the broom to catch it, he did so with ease. As long as he could counter act his balance and the wind, there was nothing to be afraid of. Basic physics. He caught the ball cleanly in two hands, leaning forward again to head towards the goal post. There was a blonde in the way, so Majora headed around and tried to throw it in from behind her, and did so, watching as the ball just skimmed the back of her robes before getting into the gap. He got the chance to try a few more times, and was pleased with his own result. It wasn’t bad for a first attempt. Making his way back to the ground he thanked the captains and waited to hear the result of his work.
Mordred knew that his last semester wasn’t his best. He had come down with a really bad sickness that required that he rest up, so he was not able to participate in the winning game. However, he was feeling much better, so he was ready to at least fly around some. He was also looking to see who he could look over and potentially mentor. He walked on to the Pitch, standing a little in the back. He began to get restless, so he hopped on his broom and flew up high in order to get a good look at everyone who was trying out.
OOCOut of Character:
Try outs will close later today!
Jai was excited about Quidditch year, and was quite glad to be trying out once more. He didn’t get to play Chaser last year but he was able to play as a Keeper at the very least during the latter part of the year. Bringing his broom with him, Jai showed up quite promptly at the Pitch. “Jai Edogawa-Raven, trying out for chaser again this year,” he said with a small grin. There wasn’t much fanfare in this year’s try outs and so it quickly began. The boy grabbed a quaffle and flew around the pitch. He made a few shots, missed a few as well, but he was pretty sure he made a good showing and that was that.
OOCOut of Character:
Thanks for trying out everyone!!

Slytherin Y35 Team

Leda Layton (Co-Captain)Seeker
Liam Waldgrave (Co-Captain)Beater
Sapphire MichaelsBeater
Mordred CavanaughKeeper
Derek TahanaChaser
Luna Urquhart-CadeChaser
Jasper NightChaser
Blake IronsAlt Seeker
Daintree VaskevoldAlt Beater
Jai Edogawa-RavenAlt Chaser

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