wrapping up the year

Professor Elvera Le Fey

Seer, Mother of twins, Divination 3-4
OOC First Name
Oak 14 3/4" with an Essence of Raven Feather core.
53 (11/2009)
It was the end of semester. the previous day the students of hogwarts new zealand had gone home and now the castle was eerily quiet with just the professors staff and house elves inhabiting the space that was previously occupied by the sounds of a schools worth if students. Elvera would be heading home in a couple of days. spending the beak with her mum, and sisters. she knew her mum had taken in another girl, Lamia, and although she had met her a few times she hadn't really gotten to know her well and next year she would be attending the school. next semester would be interesting for elvera as she had been asked to (and agreed to) adopting a baby. the baby would be coming some time in august or september. she was exited but she certainly wasn't getting her hopes up. having been told she would never have children it was hard not to but she was trying. it was mid afternoon and elvera decided she had had enough of marking divination exams and packing up her things. she got up and went down to the professors common room wondering if there was anyone down there. the problem with being the divination professor was that the office was so far from anywhere it often got lonely.
she opened the door and saw a couple of professors there reading the prophet but in the whole it was rather quiet. she headed over to where there was a kettle and some mismatched cups and mugs. "does anyone want a drink" she asked in general to the room whilst filling the kettle with water from her wand. she fancied a cup of hot tea herself and it was always polite to offer drinks if you were making.
It was strange how quiet the castle turned when there were no students causing mischief, laughing or arguing. Speed had wrapped up his work and was ready to embrace the holidays in all their glory. All he had to do now was continue to check on the creatures the school still had and pack up some of his things to return home for the holidays. He wasn't sure what he was going to do. The only plans he had were meeting up with his estranged sister and spending a few days with Lucas, but otherwise there was nothing he was going to be doing. Speed's thoughts fell to the next year and all the new faces he would be seeing in the morning. He liked seeing new students roaming around the school.

What came with the new year, was a new class. His third years were going to be fourth years and he was going to have a new class of third years. They were really fun to have, they were always so excited to be doing the classes. It was sweet. Speed left his office and headed towards the castle. One downside to working with the animals was that he had to walk quite a distance to the castle if he needed to do anything there. It was because of this that he often stayed in his office and lived off of cookies. It was quite unhealthy, so he decided to go and mingle with some other professors. He knew some of them, occasionally he would have a chat in the halls or the grounds. However, that was about it, except Abby, he knew her quite well, but they have known each other for years. The only thing that gave him comfort was that he knew most of their names at least.

Speed entered the Professor's Common Room. It wasn't crowded, which he was grateful for. Groups often made him nervous, which was odd because he felt completely comfortable with children. It was just adults that worried him. Speed was about to sit quietly in the corner when tea was offered. Speed loved tea. A smile grew on his face. "I'd love some thanks!" He walked towards Professor Le Fay. He was quite sure her name was Elvera, but he had yet to have a proper conversation with her. It was actually quite sad. "Speed Stark, how are you today?"
Elvera heard just one person say they waned a drink. to took the teabags and put them in the cups. usually she liked leaves but now she just wanted something easy. she poured the hot water over it and and poured it over the bags. added a little milk to one cup before heading towards professor Stark. "Hello speed stark. It is nice to eventually meet you properly. I am Elvera" she said sitting down "milk?" she asked. she didn't mind either way milk or not but it would be easier to do that than to have to shout across the room again or summon milk or shout and disturb everyone else. she handed him the cup he wanted and took a sip of her own. she was a little surprised that she hadn't actually spoken to him before she had said basic hello good bye as they passed in the corridor or in the great hall. she really did need to get out more. though she doubted she would do in the near future with a baby coming in a few weeks. he asked how she was doing. and she smiled. "I am going pretty good, just getting the last things ready before the holidays. How are you today?" she asked. she herself was looking forward to the holiday it wasn't just the students who liked the big break. she could give her mum some time off from the shop to do what she enjoyed and she could spend time with her sisters, cousin and nieces. and then once briar had the baby spend time with her son or daughter.
OOCOut of Character:
sorry it is pretty bad
Speed smiled kindly. Usually, talking to people wasn't something he did. But Professor Le Fay seemed quite nice. He was quite happy to talk to her, though he would rather speak to her outside, in the sunshine. He rolled his shoulders. He wanted to be outside now. She introduced herself as 'Elvera'. It was a nice name. In fact, he had a niffler that only answered to such a name. "I had a niffler by the name of Elvera. It was particularly odd because it was a male... but it made him happy." That, and going through all of his partner's jewellery. He shook his head and smiled "Oh, thank you." Milk was something he loved to have in his tea. He lent gently on the table and tapped his fingers on his thigh. He needed to keep his hands busy, or he;d start craving. He was trying to quit smoking. It was a bad habit and he knew that. But it was difficult. Unfortunately, when at work he was far too distracted to listen to the craving, but it was coming to a close now and he found it increasingly difficult to stop himself from getting cravings.

Speed held the cup in his hands and smiled. It wasn't too hot either. It sat warmly in his hands and kept them toasty. Just like real tea should. He took a quick sip and smiled at the taste. "This is great. What brand is it?" He looked around the table for the box and smiled. "Ahh, no wonder why. It's my favourite." He was trying to start conversation with her, because conversing was something he rarely did. There was only so much animal communication a guy could stand. Speed thought about his day before he replied. "I've got everything set. The animals are taken care of, I've got my work up-to-date. I've been incredibly bored actually." Usually when bored, he'd go take a run in the Forbidden Forest. Just because it was out-of-bounds for students, didn't mean he didn't stop himself from going in there also. Of course, he kept an eye out for students. There were several times he found a few in there and he'd have to usher them out. "I'm just hanging back and waiting for the holidays. What are you planning to do? Anything interesting?"
Elvera wasnt ure wat to make of the story about a niffler. to be honest she didnt know what one of them was as she had never taken care of magical creatures but she was fairly sure it was some kind of animal. she smiled and chuckled politely. she handed him his tea and took a sip of her own milk free one. she watched him fidget for a moment and wondered what was on his mind but didn't ask. as she was sure it would be impolite and personal especially as she had only just started a real conversation with him for the first time. "I don't know all the brands but this one tastes pretty good for bags. I usually use home blend loose leaf teas." she said. morgan was the tea blender. she had a knack of knowing what flavours would be good together in flavour. and which combinations had medicinal properties doing everything from a simple one making you feel more awake to a much more complex blend to help her sisters when they were in labor.
when he mentioned the animals she realised that the care of magical creatures professor (and to a slightly lesser extent the herbology one) had responsibilities out side of the terms to look after the plants and creatures they taught about. unlike her ho could leave the crystal balls and trot decks or whatever the students were using in a cupboard for months at a time and not have any large effect on them. "Who lookes after the animals when you are away? she asked curious. "I am about the same. I haven't got too much planned for the holiday. mainly just working in the shop and spending time with my sisters" she said. she had decided not to tell people at the school about her adopting a child for two reasons first she would then most likely be obliged to explain why she couldn't have her own and although the professors knew she had had a semester off due to health most of them didn't know the cause of the problem. and secondly because every time she thought about telling someone she heard own voice echoing through her brain hissing Don't count your chickens before they've hatched.[/b] basically she was sued to disappointments and she didn't want to disappoint anyone more than herself.
Speed nodded in agreement. Most tea that came in bags was pretty horrible, but he wasn't one that could make his own tea, so he just settled for trusted brands. Making tea from scratch just wasn't something he was able to do. He had tried, and failed spectacularly. It was just easier to buy it and hope for the best. It wasn't always the best strategy, but it worked for him. He looked back up when he heard the professor's question, and smiled. "Well, I usually come back to make sure they're okay. I was tempted to just bring them all home with me, but I don't think my neighbours,nor the school would like that very much." Considering most of the creatures were either territorial, or could set things on fire, his highly flammable house would also not like it. "While others don't actually stay on the grounds, they're just sort of here for the class, and then they return home."

It seemed that barely anyone had land for the holidays. When he was a child, Speed had endless plans with friends on things that they could do during the holidays, but these days he couldn't really do that. He was busy without being busy. It was a strange feeling. It was nice to hear that Elvera seemed to have a nice relationship with her family. One didn't spend time with their sisters if they didn't get along. Unfortunately, Speed's relationship with his own sister was not the same. He smiled. "What shop would that be?"

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