Open With a Twirl

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Ivy Ashworth

📕Magic Researcher | Headstrong | 1/4 Veela💅
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Bi (Flynn)
Curly 14 1/2 Inch Unyielding Cypress Wand with Veela Hair Core
12/2039 (23)
Open after Kris posts with Brooke

Ivy and Brooke having matching costumes was a bit of a coincidence, but it was still nice to go together and maybe have a shot at winning a prize for best costume. Ivy hadn't spent as much time with Brooke lately as she had wanted to, and this was a good excuse to hang out. She had been feeling a little guilty about telling Delilah her secret and not Brooke, which was probably why she had been avoiding her a bit. But at least for tonight, Ivy could be normal and hang out with her friend. She wondered if Brooke had taken note of her change in style and shift in priorities. She wasn't exactly slouching on her schoolwork, but she also wasn't working as hard as she had before. It didn't really seem worth it. Ivy grinned at Brooke as they entered the great hall, before looking around. "What should we do first?" She asked her friend.
Brooke had been annoyed at first at the idea that she and Ivy were going to match for Halloween, but she'd since come around on the idea, especially since she privately thought her ballerina costume was a lot nicer than Ivy's. It was hard enough to compete on looks with Ivy, so Brooke was going to take any boost she could get. "I'd say we should dance but I don't think I can actually pirouette or anything which seems like a waste," she said with a small laugh, glancing around the hall and trying to see if they could spot anyone they knew. "I'm not sure I'm don't for lollies, but perhaps a drink?" She offered, glancing at the snack tables around the hall. Brooke had been a bit skittish on sweets after getting sick the first night back, and while she doubted it'd happen again, she didn't want to risk it in front of the whole school.
Ivy shrugged when Brooke said dancing without pirouettes was a bit of a waste. "We could still have fun." She said though she wouldn't drag Brooke to the dancefloor if she didn't want to. Ivy shrugged again when she suggested a drink. "Sounds good." She said. "I wonder if we'll run into Delilah somewhere." She added, glancing around. "Did you know if she was coming?" She asked, then regretted it a bit. She didn't want Brooke to think she didn't want to spend time with her. "But I'm fine just hanging out together too." She added quickly.
Brooke nodded in agreement, smoothing a hand down the flared skirts of her tutu with a smile. "I suppose even doing a few spins would be pretty fun in these," she admitted. Brooke had always wanted to take up dancing, she'd done some classes as a kid, but when she hadn't immediately excelled at it, she'd wanted to drop it pretty quickly, and her parents hadn't really seemed to care either way, so Brooke had simply stashed that dream away quietly.

She glanced around the hall when Ivy mentioned Delilah, humming noncommittally. "I'm sure she's around somewhere," she said, turning back to look at Ivy with a small smile when she tried to spare Brooke's feelings perhaps. It was oddly considerate of her and Brooke tried not to dwell too hard on that thought that Ivy might actually pity her and her apparently lacking people skills. "She's a bit quiet sometimes, our Delilah. You ever wonder what she's thinking all the time? They always say it's the quiet ones you have to look out for," Brooke said with a small laugh, trying to direct the subject somewhere else. Somewhere easier.
Ivy grinned as Brooke agreed that doing a few spins might be a good idea. It had been one of Ivy's goals to have a bit more fun this year, though so far she hadn't really succeeded. It didn't really help that Ivy hardly knew what she thought was fun, besides reading and studying. She was glad Brooke didn't seem too upset with her asking about Delilah, though her words puzzled her. She wondered what Brooke was trying to imply, and she frowned slightly. Sometimes Ivy wished Brooke would just say what she meant, it would make talking to her a whole lot easier. "What do you mean?" Ivy asked her, the frown still on her face. "Look out for in what way?" She asked, putting one hand on her hip.
Brooke was put out when Ivy didn't take her bait to talk about Delilah. What was the point of hanging out without one of your friends if you couldn't gossip about them. "Oh, you know. I can never tell what she's thinking half the time, she never speaks up," Brooke said, waving a hand vaguely. "Maybe she's been planning our downfall this whole time or something," she said with a laugh, aware it was pretty ridiculous. Delilah was probably more worried about her family's dwindling reputation or her ability to cast spells in class without something going wrong, but it was fun to speculate. "Though I bet there's probably better candidates in our year for that," she added, glancing around the room to try and see who else in their year was around. "Like Rosenberg, I swear she's making Quidditch games miserable these days," Brooke added, rolling her eyes. "Or hey, maybe even Flynn. He's certainly got an attitude," she said lightly, glancing over at Ivy to gage her reaction.
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