Closed Window Shopping

Ezra Ito

✌️ Friendly | People Pleaser | Conflict Avoider ✌️
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Sexual Orientation
Curved 8 Inch Sturdy Birch Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
2/2046 (16)
Ezra had been looking forward to the break for ages, but now he was already bored. Hogwarts had just been so much fun, he kind of wished he was back there. Today he had decided to head to Obsidian Harbour to do some shopping, though he mostly planned to look at things he couldn't afford through the windows. His parents had agreed on the condition that he'd take Elise with him. Ezra had complained a bit, but he didn't truly mind. He always loved hanging out with his sister. He dragged her over to the Quality Quidditch Supplies window display, sighing longingly at the brooms on display. "Watching Quidditch was so cool, El." He said wistfully.
Dorian couldn’t have been more relieved to be back home for the holidays. Sure, it was annoying to no longer be able to practice magic or have access to the school library, but at least he could actually decide when and who he wanted to spend time with. Spending months forced to share a room with a selection of other boys wasn’t something Dorian was particularly keen to repeat again soon.

Such was his relief he didn’t even mind following Ezra and Elise around a place like the Harbour, even if he’d made it clear already he’d rather be at home, or at least in the bookshops. At least as far as siblings went, Elise was more than tolerable most days, as long as Ezra didn’t manage to convince her to get into Quidditch like most of the school seemed to be. “Yes, so cool to watch four people beat each other senseless with bats and bludgers,” he drawled, shaking his head. “You’re not planning on joining a team, right?” He asked suddenly. Attending games hand only been palatable with Ezra there, if Dorian had to attend alone to watch Ezra play he wasn’t sure he could handle it.
Elise had been keeping a very detailed countdown while her brother was away and she was thrilled to have him home again at least for a little while. She wondered how hard it would be to fake her age so she could start school sooner. But as much as she loved her brother she was also counting the days until he left again. Because at least then she wouldn't be forced to go along with him and Dorian when she'd much rather be with her paints. She did like walking through the streets of Obsidian Harbour though, and seeing all the older kids rushing around getting their school supplies. But she wrinkled her nose when they stopped in front of the quidditch shop. She didn't see much of the appeal despite all the hours Ezra had tried to explain it to her. "I'm sure it was." she said thoughtfully and gave him a pat on the arm. She tried to be supportive of her brother but when Dorian started complaining she rolled her eyes. "No I'm not." she answered bluntly. "But if you don't have anything nice to say, you shouldn't say it at all." Elise said definitively.
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Ezra knew Dorian’s opinion on Quidditch, so he wasn’t surprised at his comment. He rolled his eyes a bit. “No-” But then Elise spoke, and Ezra grinned. He always liked it when she stood up for herself, even if he had been fairly sure Dorian was talking to him. “I mean, it is kind of dangerous, he’s just watching out for us.” He said with a shrug. “I prefer watching over playing, anyway. It’s fun to cheer for your team.” He said, but then glanced at the display again with a sigh. “Still, it’s nice to daydream sometimes.”
Dorian was relieved at least one of the Ito siblings had some sense when Elise chimed in that she had no interest in Quidditch, not that the revelation surprised him much. He could only imagine the nightmare that was Elise on a broom, likely too distracted by shapes in the clouds to pay attention to a game. He didn’t hide his frown at Elise’s attempt to scold him though, giving Ezra a stern, but grateful look when he backed him up. “Exactly, thank you,” he said pointedly to Elise, glad he never had to explain himself around Ezra. He didn’t know why other people were so difficult to get to understand what he meant, but Ezra never took things the wrong way, no matter how badly he expressed himself. “Even if you’re not planning on playing for the school team, you could still always get a new broom, they have other uses you know,” Dorian said, observing the longing look Ezra made towards the shop window. It was a peace offering. And it wasn’t like Dorian would refuse to go to games and not support Ezra if he did end up changing his mind. Or support Elise if she got some ridiculous flight of fancy in her head about flying too.
Elise narrowed her eyes at her brother when he defended Dorian. He was always doing that. But Dorian was his friend so she decided to play nice and not stick her tongue out at him or roll her eyes when he turned to her sounding smug. Instead she crossed her arms over her chest and looked directly up at the sky, ignoring both of them. But she still listened closely in case either of them made a move to leave.

"Does that mean we're done here?" she asked excitedly when Ezra said he was only daydreaming. She tried to tug on his sleeve to direct him to the Menagerie or Gladrag's which both had much more exciting windows to look at in her opinion.

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